Monday, October 17, 2011

Joining The Inner Circle

The thing that counts most to me in
all the dating success programs and
all the dating resources that I offer,
is QUALITY: Ensuring that men get
the absolute BEST resources for
attracting the women they want.

In order to keep the QUALITY at the
highest level, that means anything
less than the ABSOLUTE BEST never makes
it into the programs and the materials.

In that light, this is the reason that
I don't do a lot of PUBLICIZING of the
Get A Great Girl FORUM.

The FORUM is an online community connecting
those men around the world that are currently
using the Get A Great Girl materials and
programs to get the quality women they seek.

It's important to me that the quality of
the discussions that take place in the
Forum are TOP-NOTCH.

The Forum is not a popularity contest.
The Forum is not an ego-fest.

The Forum is not about who is the
"master pick up artist".

The Forum is not a place to 'hang out'
or a place to discuss politics, religion,
astrology, or 'new agey' pseudo-science.

The Forum is for MATURE men only.
It's the same rules for women,
women are allowed of course, but
the Forum is mostly men anyway.

Finally, although you do not have to
have purchased ANY of my programs
to join the Forum, and the Forum
is NOT a marketing enterprise at all,
it defeats the point of the Forum
to have ignorant discussions in it.

So, if you haven't gone through any
of my materials, then before posting
on the Forum, I suggest reading through
my articles so that you are familiar
with the crucial principles.

Now, what this all means, is that a
LOT of people will NEVER make it in
the Forum.

The Forum is NEVER going to be a
'million person crowd'.

Instead, it is for the 'inner circle'
that take this seriously.

I suggest that before posting on the Forum,
you take some time to read others' posts
as well as the rules of the Forum, to get
an idea of the behavior and the decorum
that is expected.

Again, quality is more important than
quantity, which is why I will not be
mentioning the Forum a whole lot.

We're not running a "membership"
club, we're NOT trying to get a bunch
of people there just for the sake of
having people there.

We just want to unite a DEDICATED, fantastic
group of men worldwide who are passionate about
meeting and attracting quality women, and with
learning how to KEEP the attraction going strong.

If this is something that is IMPORTANT
to you, come check it out.

It's at:

P.S. The Forum moderater is quite ruthless,
and a lot less forgiving than I am. If he
senses anyone with an alternative agenda,
anyone with a big ego, or any immaturity,
or a general affliction of ignorance, he will
probably remove that person permanently.

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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