Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Make Yourself Her Addiction

The truth is that if you want to attract
a woman, you have to be generating
an EMOTIONAL response from her.

an emotional stimulus, like an
addictive sound to music:

Emotions are addictive, that's a fact.
The human brain is hardwired to only
RESPOND to things that get it into

A lot of guys and supposed “experts”
oversimplify the real answer, they say
“be a jerk” or “kiss up” or “be normal”,
and all these things don’t work, especially
not with a woman who has many choices.

In fact, she’s probably met a LOT of that
already, so she’s DESENSITIZED to it.
She’s already seen a lot of jerks, she’s
already seen a lot of nice guys, and a lot
of normal guys. All no big deal to her.

This is similar to how rare it is to actually
go to a MOVIE that is truly COOL.

It has to be ORIGINAL.
It has to make you THINK.
It has to have moments of FUNNY.

And it has to all feel REAL, it can’t

So let me give you some tips on how to
ACCOMPLISH all this with a woman
you spot ANYWHERE out of the blue. 

When you first approach a woman, who
is a total stranger, and it’s not a club or
a party, the reality is that if she senses
you’re about to try to “pick her up”,
she may AUTOMATICALLY engage
her DEFENSES, since there are so
many creepy guys out there, and she
has no idea that you are different.

So, if you begin with anything less than
the demeanor of TOTAL AUTHORITY,
you will be VAPORIZED before you even

So, you must take on an air of authority, in 
your thoughts, mental headspace, body 
language, tonality, and even the words that
you use.

Your TONALITY is even more important
than the words, so for example if you DO
start with the words “Excuse me”, which I
don’t recommend, but if you DO, at least
make sure that your VOCAL TONALITY
is not suggesting an “excuse me” MENTALITY.

Remember, if you come across as giving her
a REASON to doubt you, in this kind of situation,
she WILL, because she’s been programmed by
social conditioning to be weary of guys, especially
if she is very attractive and has had a lot of this
happen to her before.


What I mean by this, is that you must decide to
chat with her about something that is likely SHE
will be interested in, and that YOU are interested
in as well.

And keep in mind, make sure this is a topic you are
an AUTHORITY on, or at least something you have
spent a lot of time researching or thinking about.

This way, you avoid coming across as sounding
FAKE or CONTRIVED. (Remember the problem
with movies that feel fake? It makes it impossible
to enjoy the film, because you can’t get yourself
to suspend your disbelief.)

Also, by being an AUTHORITY on something
that is INTERESTING or IMPORTANT to her,
you also INCREASE your STATUS.

This is a bit how if you might remember being
a kid, you automatically had a certain SENSE
that the MATH TEACHER was important,
because “math COUNTS”.

There’s a transfer of EMOTION from the
SUBJECT being discussed to the actual

Now, when it comes to meeting women,
you want to do the same thing, and that
is transfer as much emotional “STATUS”
leverage as possible to YOURSELF
from your authority on the topic of

So, for example, let’s say you see a woman
at a bookstore, or library, or almost anywhere,
and you are interested in human relationships,
romantic relationships, psychology, etc.

So you decide to go up to her and offer her
a genuine compliment, i.e. you see her reading
and you say:

“Hi, I was wondering about something, and
you seem like someone who is informed, who
reads, maybe articulate and intelligent?”


And you give a bit of a confident smirk, allowing
her a chance to RESPOND as you PAUSE.

This is IMPORTANT, allow her a chance
to actually RESPOND, so that you do NOT
come across as some rehearsed pick-up artist
who just has a memorized routine to say.

That’s again, part of the reason I say to choose
a topic that is mutually interesting and relevant.

Also, by PAUSING, and allowing her to respond,
you ensure that her brain is actually involved in
participating and engaging you.

So she might say “Thanks, yes, I like to think that I am…”

And you might continue with something like:

“Yes, I was wondering what you think the
most important thing IS in relationships???”

Now, do NOT pause at THIS point, because
the whole point here is to actually say something
INTERESTING rather than to be TAKING
from her before you GIVE.

And to really expect her to WANT to give
you any form of giving, including her opinion,
it makes WAY more sense to FIRST BE THE

So continue with:

“Everyone SEEMS to say the same thing when
it comes to relationships. You know, like everyone
seems to say HONESTY, TRUST, all that stuff.

But still, everyone seems to be screwing up.

So it can’t be because no one KNOWS what’s
important, right? It seems everyone says all
the right things, which proves they do know.

So what do you think the real issue is?”

So NOW, she might actually be ENGAGED in
this, because it’s actually interesting.

She might say something like this:

“Yeah, I would say, trust, attraction,

And then you would say something back like:

“Yeah, see that’s what I mean, that makes sense,
and people seem to all understand that, but still,
it seems most people keep screwing up, what
do you think it is?”

Now, at THIS point, you’re TRULY IN A
CONVERSATION, not just a polite “Hello
and goodbye.”

She might say back to you something like:

“Hmmm, maybe it’s because we tend to blame
the other person, rather than see what’s inside

Now, if she said something like THIS to you,
by the way, that would be really COOL, as it
would be showing you some of the signs of a true
QUALITY woman, which is humility and kindness.

And as you know, I'm THE guy who has been
concerned with helping guys find and DETECT
a quality woman ever since I first started
out, so this happens to be a particularly
effective way for also finding out if
a woman has the character you are seeking
as well.

In other words, if she has nothing to offer
on a topic like this, you can WEED HER OUT
this way as well!


And NOW, if she had a meaningful reply,
you can give her a more powerful and also
more genuine COMPLIMENT now, as she has
truly earned it, telling her that she really
seems to have the insight and the emotional
intelligence that’s extremely rare in our society.

What’s awesome here is that in this example
you have also demonstrated that YOU are
an authority on this as well, and that you
care about these things, and if you ALSO
are using the right tonality, and you dress
with some style, you are packing a pretty
powerful attractive punch.

And remember, this is all in the span of just
a few MOMENTS, so that’s pretty damn
awesome of a total stranger and you’re
looking pretty good now in her books.

At this point, it would be a pretty smooth
transition to getting her number, possibly
getting the instant date right then and there
if there is a coffee shop nearby, and if this
was at a party, you could easily now hang
out with her and vibe and chill out with
her and easily that could turn into some
wonderful intimacy on every level very
- emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Now, I gave this as an EXAMPLE because
I know that it’s sometimes hard to see concepts
only in abstract terms, but if this example is
not your personality, then definitely do not
use it. I have given tons of other examples
in the past, from commenting on the choice
of birthday card a woman is getting for her dad
in the card store, to seeing a woman filling
up her car at the gas station.

There’s a MILLION OPTIONS that you can
create especially for yourself once you have
these SKILLS and INSIGHTS that I teach
down solid.

The example above, of course, is pretty damn
solid and extremely realistic in the real world.

The keys are to choose a topic that is relevant
to the situation, that are mutually interesting
and compelling, and that you are an authority
on or that you at least have spent time researching
or that you at the VERY LEAST are genuinely
passionate about or interested in.

And to DELIVER this all with AUTHORITY
in your tonality as well, because you have to
realize that if a woman is attractive, she’s
ESPECIALLY conditioned to have her guard
up against most guys. She can’t afford to
screw up, especially not after she’s already
most likely made some mistakes with guys
in the past.

The other thing to remember is to actually

So you’re not really wanting her to give
her opinion right away before you have
contributed cool emotions to the situation
with your own thoughts first.

The initial pause is not to get her opinion,
it’s to make sure you are not coming across
like a desperate salesman.

Now, what you have read, as powerful as
it is, is just the BEGINNING.

If you haven’t yet got my most advanced
program for getting a quality woman, then
there is ABSOLUTELY no better time than

This is my most COMPREHENSIVE and explicit
program on how to approach women ANYWHERE
you find them, and SKYROCKET your ‘inner game’
as well. You’ll ALSO learn how to make women feel
a whole RANGE of awesome emotions, from
euphoria to intrigue to laughter and much MUCH

The reality is that EMOTIONS ARE ADDICTIVE,
so the MORE awesome emotions you SPARK in her,
the MORE addicted to you she will become.

That’s pure SCIENCE. Emotions ARE addictive.
You must become the most COMPELLING and
ADDICTIVE thing that’s “on” in her world.

Get it NOW at:


To learn how to do this LIVE, IN PERSON, in real time,
then sign up for my 'Real World Bootcamp'.  Get to see
and learn it all in the REAL WORLD in front of your eyes.

To find out more, go here:

And if you haven’t yet downloaded my book,
“Get A Great Girl”, then do that immediately at:


Till next time,

Michael Marks

No matter what your age, and whether you are
searching to find a new woman, your first woman,
or trying to improve your results with the woman
you are already with, these programs will help you.

Cheers for now...

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