Saturday, May 22, 2010

Getting A Woman Who Is 'Da Bomb' Vs. The TIME BOMB

When it comes to dating advice, there sure
is a lot out there, especially the dating guru
pick up artist advisers. And of course,
everyone says they are different and

So what really makes me different from
all that stuff?

Well, the bottom line is whether you
want a woman who is faithful or not,
a woman who will treat you right or
not, a woman who will give you
headaches or not.

That’s really the bottom line.

Most of the advice out there thinks
that confidence must contain arrogance.

So for example, the ever-popular
backhanded compliment, which is
basically a subtle insult, such as
“You have a nice smile, it reminds
me of my aunt” where the whole
thing is made to make her feel as
if she doesn't have sexual appeal.

This is aimed at depriving a woman
of her self-esteem in the hopes this
will make the man seem of higher
status in relation to her.

Similarly, statements that are made
to indicate that it’s your way or the
highway, etc, to show that you are
“high status”.

Well, here’s the deal with all that stuff,
it often DOES get some initial attention,
because it’s a bit unusual (although
so many guys are copying that arrogance
that it's not really standing out much
anymore) but here’s what guys don’t know:

The kind of stuff that works on, are
women who THEMSELVES deep
down relate to that kind of language.

The better the woman is, the more RESOLUTE
she is in NOT treating people that way
HERSELF, the more she will ABHOR that
kind of communication, that kind of treatment.

The more such arrogant behavior will repel
her from you.

On the other hand, the more spoiled,
the more messed up, the more selfish,
a woman is, well then, now THIS
is the kind of language she HERSELF
can identify with, it’s speaking her

So I ask you, which kind of woman do
you want?

Not only that, but the fact is, even the
selfish women or the low self esteem
women who respond to the abusive
approach, the reality is that it’s just
a matter of time before SOMEONE
gets really pissed off, you or her,
from this method of communication
and behavior, and that means it’s
going to be a time-bomb waiting
to happen.

That means it’s going to cost you a lot
of emotional drama in your life.

Here’s the even more important point:

There IS a way to get the attention of
a GREAT GIRL, a girl who is truly ‘DA BOMB’,
fantastic inside and out, but it’s not about
subtle insults, and it’s not about showing
what a “big shot” you are. (In fact, a great
girl actually sees arrogance as insecure

It’s about making EMOTIONAL IMPACT
and NOT being a douchebag.

It’s not about being a submissive weak guy.
It’s not about being a douchebag.

It’s about making emotional impact in

This takes a bit more ARTISTRY, which
is ironic considering that pick up artists
should know this, considering they call
themselves artists, but then again,
they aren’t concerned with quality of
women, so I guess this doesn’t matter
to them.

The communication you have with a great
woman should have subtle signs of charm,
of being abundant with love for LIFE, with
passion, AND with confidence.

So for example, in my “Disarm and Charm”
method, you’ll notice there are ZERO
insults, zero “backhanded compliments”,
and instead a lot of FUN, and when fun
is delivered in a confident vocal TONALITY,
you are also conveying CONFIDENCE.

For EXAMPLE, in a supermarket:

Accusing a woman you met in the supermarket
of wanting to steal the cereal box prizes is
funny, but it’s not mean-spirited. Playfully
and mischievously getting her to ROLE-PLAY
with you the idea of plotting together to raid the
supply in the back of the store is not only
FUN, it’s also a form of BONDING that
brings you both together QUICKLY.

Doing this role-play in a way where YOU
are behaving like CLYDE and she gets
to be BONNIE (of Bonnie and Clyde,
the male and female robber team of fame)
makes you seem like THE MAN, and
ALSO allows her to experience ADVENTURE.

All this in a span of 60 seconds!!!!

And you can even give her a COMPLIMENT
if she played along really well, telling her that
she is the kind of person that knows life
is not to be taken too seriously, and that’s
the only kind of person you roll with!

From that point, it’s EASY to get into
“normal” conversation, except it’s not
“normal” anymore, because now she
is EXCITED to get to KNOW you more,
to talk to you, and to then find out your name
and give you her NUMBER, and to build
more connection.

All this built on a foundation where there
was NO abuse, no arrogance, and thus
showing that YOUR way involves treating
people with RESPECT, so she now knows
the RULES for behavior in your life.

As opposed to starting the interaction,
the very first impression of your world,
as being one of abuse and arrogance-
to which of course the only kind of
person who will respond is either going
to be a woman of super low self-esteem
or more likely, a woman who is abusive
herself- either way, a problem waiting
to happen.

So if you want to get a GREAT girl,
what you have read is just the tip
of the ICEBERG. The qualities
that make you stand out in the
RIGHT way go beyond just
the initial ice-breakers and
first conversation. 

It also includes how you handle
things all the way to the bedroom
and into your relationship. 

To get the FULL picture, I suggest you
download my book ‘Get A Great Girl’
immediately at:

This book is CRUCIAL if you want
a quality woman in your life NOW.

And to find out about ALL my programs
for meeting, attracting, and keeping
the women of your dreams, go here:

Have a great weekend,

Michael Marks

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