Sunday, October 18, 2015


It’s been a long time since my last newsletter, and there has been so very, very, VERY much I’ve wanted to share with you regarding new insights into attraction, approaching, and relationships, and even the human MIND in general, but I’ve just been truly dug in deep with work and not had the time to actually write up everything into a new book or newsletter or audio program, etc.

But if I don’t get started sharing this, it might NEVER get out, so I am going to share ONE of the MOST AMAZING insights I’ve ever had when it comes to successfully approaching women ANYWHERE, and this applies even more to places that are “normal places” as opposed to places specially designed for meeting women such as nightclubs and parties.

So here we go:


The reason this works is because ultimately it’s ALL ABOUT STATE OF MIND, and the problem is when you make your FOCUS the actual APPROACHES, then what happens is your mind is now focused on LOOKING FOR A WOMAN, and it can’t HELP but start going into THINKING MODE, and ironically, you don’t WANT to be THINKING, you want to be so deep in FANTASTIC STATE that you INSTINCTIVELY start ACTUALLY talking to a woman you like, and you do it with JOY, instead of THINKING ABOUT IT.


If you have to start THINKING about it, it’s already FAR from optimum.

But when you are already DEEP in a super optimistic, upbeat, positive state, your THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF DEVELOPED HARD-WIRING IN YOUR BRAIN INSTINCTIVELY TAKES OVER when you see a woman you’d like to talk to. The attraction to women is such a PRIMAL part of your brain, that all it needs is to simply not be RESTRAINED by bullshit FEARS and NEGATIVITY. 

A lot of people resort to ALCOHOL to do this, but of course the alcohol impedes their OTHER faculties and hampers their sense of emotional intelligence in other ways and interferes with proper social calibration.

Now, as far as the HOW TO for how to do this properly, it’s SIMPLE:

First, start doing the things you really DO enjoy in life, things that make you feel good, and usually this has to do with some form of doing something you are naturally talented at and then connecting
that with PEOPLE on as massive a level as you can.  Maybe you are teaching some skill you have to others in a class, maybe you are volunteering to help in some other way.  Etc.

Next, just go about your GENERAL LIFE, but make sure to live your general life in a place where there are SINGLE WOMEN AROUND!

So what I mean by all this, is that you don’t have to DO anything special, and in fact you SHOULD NOT DO ANYTHING SPECIAL, the SPECIAL thing you are doing, IRONICALLY, is that you are NOT DOING ANYTHING in terms of LOOKING FOR WOMEN, or in terms of THINKING about what you are going to SAY to a woman you might see.

All that “doing special thinking” really should occur WAY WAY WAYYYYYYYYY before, for example, if there are INNER GAME issues you need to work on, then yes by all means, take care of those issues, but once you are out there and there are women around, the best thing is to ALREADY BE IN THE RIGHT STATE so that your INSTINCTS take over-the instincts you were BORN WITH AS A MAN!!!!

YES! The ones you were BORN WITH, you don’t have to train for this, the thing you have to “train” for is actually UNLEARNING all thebullshit you were taught since birth by an INSANE culture that
teaches you how EVIL it is for men to be masculine and how evil it is for women to be feminine, as I explained in my very FIRST book, called THE DATING WIZARD.

To quote Yoda, “You must unlearn what you have learned”.  It’s important to UNLEARN all the hogwash that was force-fed to you by generations of MISGUIDED feminism. I say MISGUIDED because at one time, there was some logic to feminism, but the way it is now in the western world is completely insane, destructive, and something most people are unaware of in terms of its full impact on society.

And by the way, I have to say this here, I am NOT some ridiculous chauvinist, I have NO PROBLEM whatsoever with women being WHATEVER THEY WANT, totally and absolutely- what I have a problem with is a movement teaching that men are garbage and that women are superior- this hurts the good men and women on the planet far more than anybody else, since the male and female creeps never listen to anyone anyway, including to the feminists.

So anyway, the key to a successful approach is to keep the approach as SPONTANEOUS as possible, fueled ONLY by your AWESOME STATE.

So if you see a woman at the gas station filling up, you can start joking with her about the price of gas, about the way she is filling up, about her style of holding the pump, about how people never seem to have time to interact with each other and how good it is that at least there are gas stations where people can talk to each other,etc, etc, etc.


But the MOMENT you start turning it into a whole big planned speech, with “special moves”, it starts to REEK of being INAUTHENTIC, and also you start to FEEL like you are putting on an act, and that ruins your own confidence, and all this together ends up ruining the vibe.
Trust me, what you have just read should be RE-READ A DOZEN TIMES A DAY until it is INGRAINED IN YOUR SOUL.

Ever wonder why there is so LITTLE actually USEFUL advice like you read above, and instead so much total BULLSH*T?

It's because we have, as a culture, have become IGNORANT and thus VULNERABLE to the actions of various individuals and companies exploiting people's HARD-WIRED emotions.


It doesn’t matter whether it’s JUNK FOOD, JUNK ADVICE, or JUNK PRODUCTS, the bottom line is that it all comes with a marketing FORCE designed to THROTTLE LOGIC AND RATIONAL THINKING.

So, for example, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to eat healthy if you rely on the restaurants or fast food establishments everywhere- whether it’s TOO MUCH SALT, SUGAR, FAT, OR CHEMICALS, there’s almost NO ESCAPE if you rely on them, and they get away with it because of the combination of IGNORANCE among people and the POWERFUL MARKETING and product design that is not in your best interests.

Food corporations hire the best scientists on the planet to make food HYPER-PALATABLE so as to require almost SUPER-HUMAN resistance to it when you have been exposed to it and you are hungry and there are no other options and when it is also marketed to CHILDREN, to capture the
market at a young and vulnerable age—see the movie FED UP for more on this.

And in dating advice, you are bombarded with B.S. lies about how all you need is some manipulative tactic to get any woman, when in fact you really SHOULD NOT WANT JUST ANY WOMAN, as a lot of women out there will DESTROY you if you allow them into your life and if you are the kind of man who is a good man and who is also honest and who invests his emotions into a relationship.

The trick is NOT to get TONS OF WOMEN; it’s to get the RIGHT woman.

But COMPANIES know that humans are not always RATIONAL, and they know that there is that FANTASY element to men's minds-to live like the image that HUGH HEFNER has created, but that
too is just an IMAGE, it's not REAL.

I could easily make TEN TIMES the money I do, by resorting to that b.s. I know allll about it, because I have studied it to prevent becoming FOOLED by it.

Unfortunately, people are VULNERABLE and companies, and individuals, in the name of personal GREED, will EXPLOIT THAT.

Third wave feminism has EXPLOITED the good will of MILLIONS of men, and used it AGAINST men, with the result being good men getting abuse like HELL while almost NO ONE speaks out against it, and unfortunately, sometimes the only ones who DO are the ones who really ARE spreading hate and misinformation, as opposed to the VERY, VERY, VERY FEW individuals who are being RESPONSIBLE to point out the LIES of third-wave feminism, while NOT creating NEW LIES themselves, lies that would appeal to MEN in the same way that third-wave feminist lies are designed to appeal to women.

There too, I could easily get TEN TIMES the support I have, by engaging in HATE tactics and pandering to the MISINFORMED men.

Truth is a TERRIBLE business, let me tell you, but it’s the only one with any MEANING- the rest is just living the MATRIX- it’s fake, it’s not real, it doesn’t mean ANYTHING.

Similarly, many POLITICIANS tell people what they WANT TO HEAR, rather than the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is as that if you want PEACE, you better be prepared to DEFEND that peace from those sworn to DESTROY IT, and if you want JOBS, you better support an environment that allows small businesses to succeed because they are the ones creating millions of real jobs as opposed to the government handing out money, -and the freaking idiots out there who refuse to see REALITY in the face often SUPPORT the politicians with a good hair-do, with nice promises, and who tell everyone the world will be perfect as long as we all hold hands and sing KUMBAYA.

Third-wave feminism is similar in that it is based not on TRUTH, but on what SOUNDS true. “Women, made from sugar and spice, and men, those evil beasts, it’s not fair, we should support all those innocent women from all those evil beast men.  All those beast men who only want to get physical with those women who never think of getting physical.”

Also, another problem is that people today have FREEDOM like they never had before, they have FREEDOM when it comes to sex and relationships, FREEDOM when it comes to their sense of spirituality and morals, FREEDOM when it comes to the choice of what to eat, and whether to get exercise or not, FREEDOM when it comes to EVERYTHING, but most people CAN’T HANDLE IT.

FREEDOM must be appreciated and cherished and respected; it's nature must be FULLY understood.

Most people need to learn the HARD WAY that actually they NEED to SELF-IMPOSE discipline in these areas, and that UNLIMITED FREEDOM does not mean INDULGING in everything without limit. All that results from that are corruption, mental illness, emotional weakness, obesity,broken relationships, the destruction of the family unit, infidelity, lack of love for community, and a life lacking in meaning.

Now, you might think that I am this angry guy in real life, but nothing can be farther from the truth. It’s just that GOOD THINGS are based on HARD WORK and DISCIPLINE, and there are some GREAT women out there who realize this as well, which is why I continue to champion the goal of getting a GREAT girlfriend instead of just trying to rack up points with a number count of how many women you got physical with.

There are great women out there, and honestly, there is nothing more ENERGIZING in your life than being with a great woman.  What you have read in this newsletter is just the TIP of the ICEBERG of an entire UNIVERSE of SECRETS on how to actually GET yourself an AMAZING woman.

Contact me NOW about taking a PRIVATE BOOTCAMP with me where I will take you through the TRANSFORMATION process of getting rid of all the MISGUIDED CONDITIONING you’ve been exposed to over your life and I will FREE your instincts to RESTORE them to the way NATURE intended to make you AWESOME with women, or contact me with any questions you may have about any of my programs or services.  

Whether it's about how to attract women, or whether it's a relationship question, I'm going to ANSWER your question and help you SOLVE the issue as EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE. 

My clients come from all over the world- and they are the kind of men who are INFORMED. You will be joining an elite group of truly INFORMED men when you benefit from taking my advice. Don't allow yourself to get SUCKED INTO THE VORTEX OF IGNORANCE. 


Till next time,

Michel Marks

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