Today, I just want to keep this newsletter
extremely focused by explaining what I
feel is the most SERIOUS issue that men
need to understand if they are to meet,
attract, and keep the kind of woman they
want for a long-term relationship.
Also, I want to make it clear that this
is not some new, flavor-of-the-month,
marketing gimmick or novelty.
This principle is the CORE of my work, and its spirit
is in every page of my very FIRST book, called
The Dating Wizard.
This principle is the importance of
masculine identity. This has
become a
CHALLENGE ever since feminism has
attacked masculinity on all fronts, which
is extremely ironic of course since the most
vehement criticism of masculinity tends to
come from a tiny percentage of women who
actually seem far more like men than they do
women in their very nature.
In my book The Dating Wizard,
I use the term
I use it a lot. I use it to convey how important
it is to behave in a masculine way, to take initiative,
to not kiss up to women, to not get overly emotional
in reaction to everything, to set goals and work on
achieving them, to have a more confident sense
of humor, etc.
This applies to all of your life, including the way
you approach women. The truth
is, women want
you to be decisive. They don’t
want you to feel
it’s a big deal to approach them, they want you
to be more assertive, and when the time is right
more dominant.
This doesn’t mean to be disrespectful of women,
and I addressed this issue in my book Get A Great Girl.
So, you might ask, how does this play out when
you APPROACH a woman out of the blue that you
want to meet?
For one thing, don’t SMILE when you approach
her, unless she actually is trying to make you
laugh and she is being all out hilarious with you.
Will smiling destroy your approach?
Well, one smile won’t, but my point is that
most guys smile when they approach women
as a sign of SUBMITTING to whatever a woman
wants, without even knowing the woman!
The smiling is really a form of kissing up.
It’s NOT dominant.
It’s NOT MASCULINE as a first gesture.
And it’s NOT what women really want
in terms of what makes them MELT and
feel ATTRACTION for a man.
I remember hearing from tons of sources
on how to succeed with women that actually
as men we SHOULD smile and that we SHOULD
do all sorts of nice things as soon as possible
when we want to attract a woman!
And so it was only by actually TESTING ALL
THIS OUT and then finally going on my OWN
experimentation with how to approach women
that I discovered that actually things tended
to go much BETTER when I did NOT smile.
And then, after years and years of all the
popular advice saying to smile at women,
FINALLY the research came in from people
who actually observed thousands of reactions
of thousands of women- and the results
CONFIRMED what I had proven to myself
When you grow up in a culture where you
are told from birth that men are all a bunch
of rapists, and told that most men throughout
history had nothing better to do than spend
all their energy controlling women and being
abusive to women, and that most men are
violent to women, it’s EASY to see why any
man would try REAL HARD TO BE EXTRA-
SENSITIVE to women.
So, things like smiling at women, buying them
things, giving into whatever they say, and
all that stuff actually start to sound like pretty
normal reactions of men who are just trying
to be decent guys to women.
But the problem is that most men actually
AREN’T what feminists paint out men to be.
And yet, feminist ideas are spread out to the
masses to the point that most mainstream,
non-feminist people actually have been
BRAINWASHED to believe in these ideas!
It’s not only women, but even many MEN believe
this stuff.
In fact, the first time I was in university, for a while
I also was confused, since I happened to have a
female feminist professor who went on and on
about something called male patriarchy, which
was of course never truly well-defined since it
is nonsense, but since I and most of my classmates
were young and impressionable, it had a strong
effect on us.
In a nutshell, the idea of male patriarchy is that
men have structured society in such a way to
abuse women, and that since the dawn of human
civilization, men were subjugating women.
The reality of course is that most men throughout
history were not in positions of much power, wealth,
or status, and basic survival itself was a tough gig.
If anything, history shows that men were going
bananas trying to attract women and that it
was always a competition with other men.
And, in return, women were trying to attract
men, it was a constant evolutionary struggle
for each gender to try to attract the other,
and in fact it is likely that many of the traits
we have as humans today developed as
ways to attract the opposite gender.
So, back to my smiling example.
The truth is, women, given two photos
of the same man, who is identical in
the photos in every way except for
one thing- smiling vs not smiling-
will choose the NON-SMILING version
as the MORE attractive one.
The photo appears more attractive to
women, and the photo shows more
dominance, and probably the dominance
itself makes the man seem more attractive
to women, since ultimately the brain is
the final decision maker about what to
feel about anything.
And yet, does this mean you should
never smile with women?
No, but it means it’s time to WAKE UP
and realize what women are ACTUALLY
attracted to in men in general versus the
HOGWASH that we tend to hear from
mainstream sources of advice- sources
that have been feminist-tainted.
Most women are not feminists, but
most of the people in western SOCIETY
have had their concepts warped regarding
what they think women find attractive in
Now, the thing is, you might say, well then,
I will just go and act MASCULINE and then
all will be good, right?
After all, women want masculine men, so
I will just behave my normal masculine way
and not worry about all the feminist stuff.
Well, the problem is that so many western women
are CONFUSED that what tends to happen is that
your MASCULINE behavior will attract these women,
but then the FEMINIST-INDOCTRINATED thinking
that they have been brought up on, will start to
KICK in sometime when you are in the relationship.
See, attraction is PRIMAL.
So when you behave in the right way, you
TRIGGER attraction in the woman, even if
she is feminist-brainwashed.
And, especially considering how promiscuous
most feminist-brainwashed women are (more
on this in a moment), it won’t be long till you
are sleeping with this woman.
However, this is still a woman that has the
feminist teachings deeply embedded in her,
so she has been taught by feminists that she
can “HAVE IT ALL”, that she can have a relationship,
that she can hang out with other guys while she
is in the relationship with you, that she can
be obsessed with her career over you, and that
you and any other man will just be ECSTATIC
to be with her, since after all, feminism has
been telling her ALL MEN LOVE HER AND THAT
So, even though on a hard-wired level she
DOES feel attraction for you, and she WILL
want to treat you right, she is going to be
so MISGUIDED about what men REALLY
want from a woman, that she is going
to be tough to have a relationship with.
You are going to have to help her UNLEARN
And at every turn, if you become WEAK
and give in to her bad behaviors, she will
just see you as NOT BEING THE DOMINANT
So, in my opinion, based on over ten years
of experience helping guys with every area
of dating and relationships, it is simply NOT
WORTH PURSUING women who have been
brainwashed by feminism, and the sad truth
is most western women have indeed been
brainwashed without realizing it.
After all, even hundreds of millions of MEN
have been brainwashed by it, which is the
reason so many women think that it IS
okay to sleep with 50 guys and still expect
men to not only have TOTAL FAITH in their
fidelity, but also they expect men to not
be turned off by this- even though it is
men to be turned off by this promiscuity.
Men are hardwired to be turned off by this
promiscuity because it means there is a high
chance that this type of woman is a waste
of genetic resources and a waste of time.
The hard-wiring in men basically says
to the men that such a woman might
be carrying some other guy's child in
The hard-wiring in men basically says
to the men that such a woman might
be carrying some other guy's child in
her womb, and that the woman is
playing him for a fool.
playing him for a fool.
Hence, this woman no longer represents a good
choice to mate with, as such a woman may
not help him create a DNA LEGACY, a.k.a.
a child, of his own.
choice to mate with, as such a woman may
not help him create a DNA LEGACY, a.k.a.
a child, of his own.
Worse than that, he would be spending his
emotions, energy, and time on THIS
woman instead of a woman that actually
is loyal to be the mother his child.
We don’t CONSCIOUSLY think about this.
We just FEEL very strongly about these things,
and these feelings are there to ensure we
DON’T waste our time on the wrong women.
But FEMINIST teachings tell women that they
That women can be promiscuous and drunk
at the clubs and be vulgar AND STILL marry a
great guy.
That women can be obsessed with superficial
things, and with money and career and that all
men are going to LOVE IT when the woman has
no time for him, for having children, for raising
children, etc.
This is also why I find it a bit hard to understand
why so many in the pick up artist crowd are
obsessed with just getting as many women as
they can into bed, especially with having to
go through TONS of training in order to do this.
I know this sounds strange, since after all,
feminists keep on hating on men saying that
all MEN are the ones who are obsessed with
the physical.
But that’s the whole thing – feminists turn
turn WOMEN into MEN.
So, the fact is, men have higher testosterone than
women. Testosterone is responsible for many things,
So that is why men are the ones who tend to
actually have the basic INSTANT desire when
they SEE an attractive woman.
Historically, since men couldn’t know for
sure who the father is of “their” child, it
made sense that men evolved to want to
spread their seed, i.e. sleep with a greater
quantity of women.
Women’s natural drive is a bit different – yes
women also have some of that desire for multiple
partners, but it’s not nearly to the same degree,
which makes sense.
partners, but it’s not nearly to the same degree,
which makes sense.
Carrying a child for 9 months, childbirth,
these are reasons to want to invest a little
more in the long-term with a man than in the “sleep
around and have short term fun and move
on and sleep around some more” strategy.
BUT, since feminism’s masterminds were and
are women with more TESTOSTERONE than
your average woman, these few women actually
DO FEEL like having TONS of partners, so
they want to CHANGE the very CONCEPT
of femininity from what it NATURALLY IS
FOR MOST WOMEN into something that
is NOT natural for most women- they actually
Now, sleeping around, for a woman is INSANELY
EASY, because men have the GENUINE ROCKET
So a woman who just sorta-kinda is interested
in going to bed with a guy, if she approaches
just about any guy - well, most guys will say
yes. A guy doesn’t have to be a
rapist to
want to have sex with a woman, he just has
to be a normal man who finds women attractive!
The fact I have to even say this shows how
screwed up feminists have made our society,
I’m now having to EXPLAIN why a man would
want to sleep with a woman even though he
is not a rapist.
So the bottom line is that OF COURSE when
women are PUSHED to be promiscuous by
feminists, OF COURSE there will be MEN
who cater to these women.
The difference is that the men are doing what
comes most naturally to men, and the women
are going against their TRUE instincts, which is
to be a lot more CAREFUL about who they sleep
One of the biggest PROOFS that this goes against
women’s instincts is that if you go to any nightclub,
is at the very least TIPSY, if not ALL OUT DRUNK.
Now, most men don’t need to get drunk to want to
sleep with women they don’t know.
In fact, if men
could save money and NOT do things like buying
drinks at a club, and just get IMMEDIATELY to the
part of meeting the woman and going STRAIGHT
to the physical component of “hooking up”, many
men would do this.
It’s the WOMEN that need the drinks.
In FACT, one of the big things I noticed in my
early days of coaching, was how so many women,
when the interaction would start to warm up
and “get in the zone” would suddenly start to
buy THEMSELVES drinks, because I myself don’t
drink, so they would actually be drinking while
I was just curious why they were suddenly
drinking every time I could feel things were
heating up.
Although I had no intention of sleeping with
them so fast, and in fact had every intention of
NOT sleeping with them unless they really
represented a serious potential for being a
long-term girlfriend, which would take time
for me to find out for sure, apparently this
concept is ANCIENT HISTORY for most
"modern" women raised in feminism.
Although I had no intention of sleeping with
them so fast, and in fact had every intention of
NOT sleeping with them unless they really
represented a serious potential for being a
long-term girlfriend, which would take time
for me to find out for sure, apparently this
concept is ANCIENT HISTORY for most
"modern" women raised in feminism.
It took a while, but then I figured it out- they
wanted to SHUT OFF THEIR INSTINCTS so that
they COULD GO THROUGH with sleeping with
a dude so quickly.
I was never so arrogant to think I’m the ONLY
guy that this chick could have ever felt attraction
for, so what probably happened is that she had
learned that it’s TOO HARD to go against her own
instincts to sleep with guys so fast, so what she
had learned to do to adapt was DRINK AWAY
her own INSTINCTS!
Then later I realized this is the strategy that feminist
brainwashed women by the MILLIONS are using every
Men don’t need alcohol to feel good about sleeping
with women quickly.
However, WISE men know better than to just do
whatever feels good, easy, or fun.
Working out is hard.
Eating junk food is fun.
Being lazy is easy.
But in the LONG-TERM working out is MORE FUN
than the consequences of NEVER WORKING OUT.
Eating cotton candy for all meals would quickly
prove a formula for disaster.
So, although men have a natural desire to mate with
many women, the wise man chooses the RIGHT woman,
or, sometimes, over the course of a lifetime, the right women.
It is important to understand how feminism
CORRUPTS women in this way, and how
feminism screws up men by making men
act in NON-MASCULINE ways that women
DON’T FIND attractive.
If you don’t understand it, you will fail to
attract ANY woman in the most powerful way,
you will be forced to get women to only be
with you “as a friend” but they will not truly
be feeling their most WOMANLY self- and they
can only feel their most womanly self when they
are with a man who BEHAVES like a man.
Again, all of this applies to most women,
it just doesn’t apply to the tiny percentage
of women who are more like men, and who
may indeed prefer men who are more feminine,
since those women are more masculine, but,
I want to prove my point even FURTHER.
If you look around at SOCIETIES AROUND THE GLOBE,
and if you look at ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY, you will notice
the IMPORTANCE of preserving the MASCULINE
and FEMININE distinctions, and how these distinctions
In fact, this is so important, throughout all of history,
that in fact there is PUNISHMENT given to those who
VIOLATE these distinctions.
It is considered IMMORAL.
So you have to ask yourself, what is the POINT?
This doesn’t sound like stealing.
It doesn’t sound violent.
It’s not even directly related to sex.
Simply put, there is something IMPORTANT
about having the IDEA of the masculine and
the feminine.
It must be preserved at all costs.
The reason is because being a man or woman
extends beyond merely possessing the
male or female organs, it is about an IDENTITY
as a man or a woman, and about embracing it
rather than running away from it.
This is healthy for the individual man or woman,
and it is healthy for the relationships since the truth
is men actually LOVE femininity in women the same way
women love masculinity in men.
Wrecking this natural balance ends up DESTROYING
the most basic natural order of society. Telling
women to be like men and telling men to not
BE men has not only made it ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE
for most western men to get normal relationships
with women, but it has also ERODED the MORAL
FIBRE of society as well- and in the most
strange way, because the truth is that all the
insanity like promiscuity that feminism encourages
women to engage in, is not even something that
most women are finding rewarding.
The most common complaint among women is
not that they can’t find men who are willing to
sleep with them, it’s that they can’t seem to
find a good guy!
Yes, most women in western society actually
WONDER why they can’t attract a man that
has his act together and who wants to commit,
and so far most women still can’t figure out
that perhaps being promiscuous, vulgar, valuing
career above family, having a lack of femininity,
and in general hating on men and being arrogant,
are things that turn off most men.
And regarding the desire that many a woman
speaks of - to find a man who will not cheat,
to find a man who was not sleeping around
even before he met her - it is within women’s
power to create a society where a man
committing himself to one woman in body,
mind, and spirit, is a sign of wisdom rather
than stupidity.
If you are wondering what the answer is,
it is to focus on women who have NOT
been immersed in feminism, and keep
in mind that feminism’s effects are subtle,
it’s not just the obvious feminist rants,
but all the constructs that they have
created over the years that the rest of
society has accepted and now does not
even REALIZE are all based on nonsense,
such as the idea that somehow men are
less virtuous than women.
To find these women, you will likely have to
either meet women who have very recently moved
to your country from countries where feminism never
took off, or you will have to travel to their
Now, does this mean you don’t need to
do anything or know anything in order to
attract these women who are not brainwashed
by feminism?
No, and it doesn’t mean all these women are
perfect, either, but what it does mean is that
you will get the NORMAL DISTRIBUTION of
types of women in terms of personality, values,
morals, etc. As opposed to the
grotesquely WARPED situation that you
would have to deal with when being with
most western feminist brainwashed women.
By the way, lest anyone thinks I am trying
to promote hatred, let me clear this up:
And, make no mistake about it, this feminist
stuff hurts women a lot more than it hurts men.
Because, men have an option, they can get
women who are not brainwashed.
But most women are so MISGUIDED by feminism,
they don’t even REALIZE they are misguided.
They SERIOUSLY think that they are on the right path,
they just wonder why it’s not working, but they
THINK they are totally right, and that they know what
men want better than men know themselves.
In other words, they are not even open to LEARNING.
They figure any man who disagrees is wrong and evil.
There is no need, in their opinion, to even listen to
him speak.
Also, I want to make it clear that my heart goes out
to those incredible women who STILL champion
the right values and who haven’t been fooled by
It must be really lonely for them since they
It must be really lonely for them since they
can’t find fellow women who understand the
situation - fellow women who could support them
and provide morale.
So I’m not here to hate - the mission still is to bring
men and women together using honesty and a respect
for the truth.
Finally, I also want to make it clear that when you
DO meet a woman who is not brainwashed by
feminism, and if she is also a woman you have
screened for proper values, you must now
DELIVER on being THE MAN, since it’s
not EASY to remember how to be THE MAN
when you grow up in a society that teaches
So the FIRST step you must take is a
MENTAL DETOX, to restore your NATURAL
MASCULINE self that is attractive to women.
To do this, download my very FIRST BOOK,
called The Dating Wizard, IMMEDIATELY.
It’s at:
Now, I personally LOVE this book, it’s in many
ways my most POWERFUL book, however
no single work can be PERFECT.
Over the years, I have realized some VERY
mess with the magic of the original book,
and tamper with the content in any way,
I would instead release my further insights
and any refinements to the original program
in new programs.
This way, each program retains the original
quality and the original magic.
I honestly feel that it is important to also get
my follow up book, called Get A Great Girl,
This book contains TONS of important insights
that I gained in the years after I wrote
The Dating Wizard.
Now, if you live in a major city, there are
probably already women from non-feminist
countries abroad IN your city, and I can train
you how to approach women, so that you are
able to meet INFINITELY more women than
most men can meet.
Most men rely on useless things for meeting
attractive women. They rely on friends who
set them up with women that would never
in a million years be compatible with them.
They rely on the internet, where attractive women
get BOMBARDED by men to a degree that is
IMPOSSIBLE for any woman to keep up with.
Men rely on the internet because the internet
seems easy to use to meet women, but that
"ease" is the reason TOO MANY MEN
are using it, which actually makes it
a terrible option for meeting the kind of
women you want.
The internet has become so bad that it is truly
no longer a valid option, and I stopped making
programs for internet dating a long time ago.
There is a much, much, MUCH better way to
succeed with women.
You can learn to rely on YOURSELF by having
the SKILLS to approach women anywhere.
Even if you live in a remote area far away
from many women, you will still need the
skills of how to approach women if you
DO ever decide to travel or to move to
a place where there ARE the kinds of
women you want to meet.
For over ten years, I have been training men
how to successfully approach women anywhere,
how to start and sustain the conversation, how
to build up the attraction and how to build up the
I’ve worked through and solved countless issues,
from helping men solve “approach anxiety” to
HUNDREDS of other challenges, and I love the
process of solving these problems – it’s exciting
to see you GROW in skill and to see you SUCCEED.
So I suggest, if you want to really master these
skills, and if you really want to have the kind of
woman that will enrich your life, that you sign
up for one of my upcoming bootcamps, where
I will teach you everything LIVE- that means you
will be learning in real life situations- on actual
women, through my demonstrations, your
approaches, my feedback on your approaches,
and much more.
To find out more about my bootcamp, go here:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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