Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Truth About Being A Man And Attracting Women

The first thing I want to say here is that the
following article is NOT designed to get you
to think all women are problematic; it is to
help you SCREEN OUT the WRONG women
so that you can meet the RIGHT woman.

Most guys, as a result of being brainwashed
that sex is the most important thing, will end
up accepting a woman into their lives who
will cause them MISERY instead of
ENHANCING their lives.

And I do use the word ENHANCE, because
no woman can GIVE a guy happiness.

Inner peace and happiness are things that
each man must work on to have INDEPENDENTLY
of women, and then meeting a great woman
can ENHANCE that happiness, but no
woman can actually GIVE a guy happiness.

If a guy thinks that a woman can give him
happiness, what he might be confused by
is the INITIAL NOVELTY of having
a woman in his life, which distracts him
from other issues, but if he is not a happy
person without a woman, then eventually
he will still not be happy even with a woman,
no matter who she is.

Again, this gets back to making YOURSELF
strong internally, peaceful and happy internally.

And now, I will begin the main part of this article:

It is vital to realize that the idea
of being a MAN in our culture, especially
for young men, has often been equated with
“living the party lifestyle” and being promiscuous
and having sex with many different women.

This idea has been spread by all kinds of
people for all kinds of reasons that have
nothing to do with TRUTH or REALITY.

For one thing, if you are an alcohol or beer
company or clothing company or just about
any company selling things, it sure helps sell
if you can equate sex with their product.

So, whether it is promoting the idea that drinking
their beer will somehow lead to you getting
women and living the life of “the man”, or whether
it is some clothing company telling you that their
clothes will get you to be “the man”, or whether
it is some magazine article telling you that you
are not good enough to attract women unless
you get their product, they all BENEFIT from
you buying into the bullshit lie that somehow
their stuff will make you more of a man, and
more desirable to women.

The insanity of this, is that actually getting
women is EASY.

I could make a hundred times more money by
getting into the "be promiscuous with women"
business, because our environment is already
set up to make men feel that that is the
way to go to be a man. 

The fact of the matter is, that what I teach
is the OPPOSITE of what most companies are
selling- they are trying to HYPNOTIZE you
to think being a man means being a slave
to insecurity and to sex, and I am here

The irony is that the slavery to sex
and the slavery to insecurity IS
THE PROBLEM in the first place,
as insecurity is unattractive.

Rather than HYPNOTIZE men, I DE-HYPNOTIZE them
from the INSANITY that they are exposed to on
a daily basis by the majority of the things
they read and hear.

In fact, the more INSECURE a man is, and
the more he buys INTO the lies that in order
to be a man, he has to do all kinds of stupid
things to impress women, the less likely
he REALLY is to attract ANY woman.

So, again, getting women can be EASY,

All you have to do is be in a fun playful state
and show some INTEGRITY and some
confidence, and you have to be willing to
approach women, because even the GREATEST
skilled guy at attracting women can’t ensure he
will get EVERY woman, so he has to approach
many women, which is something that actually
does NOT take long to do. 

In one day, a guy can approach enough women
to get connected with a woman where both he
and the woman feel mutual attraction. 

So, getting women can be EASY.

The HARD part is getting a GREAT woman
who will not DESTROY you over the long-term.

And this is where being a REAL MAN
becomes ever-more important.


What I mean by foolish social pressure is the
pressure by society to hook up with lots of women
no matter WHAT, simply in order to ‘be a man’,
even if these women are infested with STDs,
even if these women are dishonest, even if
these women will try to crack your self-esteem,
even if these women will waste your time with
endless talking and endless jealousy games
and endless complaints about everything
under the sun regarding who you are.

Yes, I mean all those things.
I find it bizarre that there is so much written out
there about  “how to hook up” and almost NOTHING
on “how to SCREEN women”.

Guys get SUCKED IN all the time by various
devious behaviors that SOME (I didn’t say all)
women engage in.

Here are some of the devious things that guys
NEED to watch OUT for:


When I first started meeting women, I thought
that the first woman I met that did this must  
have been one in a million or some other
extremely RARE case.

Then, as I met more and more women, I noticed
that there is a whole CATEGORY of women
who very QUICKLY will start to tell you how
much they LOVE you, and how much they have
waited their entire LIVES for you, and how
DEVOTED they are to you….

And then these are the same women who will

important to realize that there are a lot of women
who do this as either a conscious or subconscious

They figure by GOING ALL OUT ON THE
STATEMENTS OF LOVE, they then somehow
have the RIGHT to demand that you accept all
their abusive behavior.

Keep in mind, that this abusive behavior has
NOTHING to deserve it.

So many good guys out there try to RATIONALIZE
a woman’s abusive behavior, because they can’t
believe that a woman who cries her heart out
and professes her love for him could possibly

But it happens a lot, in real life.
It doesn’t matter if the guy is Prince Charming
or Quasimodo. 

Some women out there will profess love to you
and then also belittle you whenever they get the
chance.  And they will belittle you about ANYTHING.
You can be RICH and they will STILL try to find
a way to make you feel not rich enough.  
You can be a MOVIE STAR with matinee idol
looks and they will try to tell you that you are 
not attractive.

And they are going to push you into the abysss
of low self-esteem if you LET them.

I don’t believe in trying to get a woman you
are dating to become a DECENT PERSON,
that can NEVER be your job- she must

A real man INSISTS on respect, contrary
to some people who are so obsessed
with getting sex that they will do ANYTHING
to get sex from a woman including sacrificing
their own DIGNITY.

Being a MAN has to do with PRESERVING
YOUR SELF-RESPECT, and it has nothing
to do with women.

And of COURSE, the greatest IRONY is
that the more you KNOW your own moral
code, the more you DON’T NEED A WOMAN
in order to feel GOOD about yourself, the
MORE EASY IT IS to attract a woman.

This is why I have always stated that
if you REALLY want to attract a woman, 
it’s about conquering the demons WITHIN
one’s self, and not about learning ridiculous
and immature pick up lines.

But when one really has NO SELF-RESPECT,
he is willing to sacrifice his own dignity, his
own morals, his own everything for a woman,
and of course a woman senses that and then
is not attracted.

The best thing to do when approaching and
chatting to women you want to attract is
to SHOW RESPECT combined with
CONFIDENCE, and if a woman does
NOT appreciate that, then be happy that
you can get rid of her BEFORE she
enters your life and makes your life
a living hell where you have deeply
invested your emotions in the wrong person.

Also, remember that MUTUAL RESPECT
is key for a long term relationship,
and that women WANT to be shown
respect, but not all women are
prepared to give respect LONG
TERM in the sense of not flirting
with other guys.

Yes, a massive thing to watch out for
are women who just can’t resist the
temptation to keep on inviting attention
from guys even when she is in a relationship.

Some women will try to cover it up with
all kinds of excuses, especially the excuse of
“I need to build contacts for networking”,
but if she is constantly getting new “contacts”
that are men everyday, it is A RELATIONSHIP

The next time a woman tries to excuse her
lack of respect for you as a man with her
need to constantly keep a feed of new guys
on her contacts from Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and from just somehow magically
meeting guys that are just “new platonic
friends” she meets at yoga, at friends’
houses, at the gym, and at work, just
remember that the GREATEST successes
of all time didn’t spend their day on
Facebook, Twitter, and in general killing

J.K. Rowling, the woman who wrote the
Harry Potter series, somehow managed
to get success without “male contacts
that were platonic friends”, instead she
till she achieved success.

Oprah Winfrey achieved her success
without spending all her time “networking”.

My point is that women who try to excuse
their inability to show sexual restraint are
constantly using the excuse of “but it helps
my work”.

Bullshit. Working hard helps one’s work,
networking is often just an excuse to avoid
real work and to meet more guys.

Usually the women that have lots of idle
time on their hands are the ones who seem
to have the most time for networking and
for “just happening” to meet lots of guys
who become “platonic” male friends.

The next time you go out to meet women,
KEEP THIS ALL IN MIND and remember
that GETTING A WOMAN is not the
big deal, but rather getting a GREAT woman

Don’t get caught up in the nonsense that
MOST men do, they get caught up thinking
that the big deal is to get drunk, get promiscuous,
and show off about it to friends.

That doesn’t lead to a path of life success.
Don’t be like the masses.

Have the highest standards of integrity
for yourself and only allow women of
the same integrity into your life.

Attracting women is EASY when you
RADIATE full CONFIDENCE in yourself,
full CONFIDENCE in your values, in
your integrity, in your way of life.

As soon as you start to ACCEPT some
crap behavior from a woman, as soon
as you start to QUESTION your own value
as a result of something a woman says
or does to you, you actually begin to
LOSE a woman's attraction to you.

My programs focus on making YOU
strong with women, they are NOT
about you doing some song and
dance to impress women.

For my most FAMOUS program on
ATTRACTING WOMEN, a program that
is being used by men from all
over the world, go here:

I URGE YOU to get this program, because
I KNOW how powerful it is.

Just promise me that you will be SELECTIVE
and not just hook up with ALL the women you
meet from using this program.

I went ALL OUT on this program. 

It contains over TEN HOURS of PRISTINE
listen to anytime, anywhere.

It's at:

I spent YEARS on the development of this
program, and it is JAM-PACKED with TONS
of pure GOLD on what you need to know
about women for success.

If even just ONE of those things you learned
in this program made the difference, would it
not be WORTH IT? Would it not be worth
spending even TEN TIMES the cost??????

GET this program, including the special
E-Book that comes along with it, and USE it,
AND let me know your success story.

You can download the program IMMEDIATELY
and start using it in MINUTES from now, by
going HERE:

Till next time,

Michael Marks 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Ultra-Important Traits For "The One"

Today there are some ULTRA-IMPORTANT
things I want to share with you about getting
a fantastic quality woman- "the one" if you will.

In particular, there are FIVE traits that you
should be searching for in a woman, and
ALL FIVE are super-important.

These five traits are:






And obviously, it goes without saying that
as men, these are just as important for US
to have as well, if we are seeking a woman
that is truly "the one".

What is mind-boggling to me, is how many guys
out there actually DO have these qualities and
have no idea how PRECIOUS they are.

This is where good guys have no clue how
awesome they are, and instead they allow
themselves to be abused by women like
CRAZY, all the while not realizing that
they don't have to be in these abusive
situations, and that in fact there are
some incredible women out there who
would REALLY jump on the opportunity
to be with these guys.

So, let's begin:


Empathy might sound so simple, so obvious,
that you might not even think you have to
make sure a woman HAS this trait.

Nothing could be further from the truth,
however.  A powerful sense of empathy is
not something to take for granted as being
a trait that everyone, or in this case, that
every woman, has. NOT every woman
has it at all.

A lot of people know that it is important, so
they attempt to FAKE having empathy.

If a woman does not have a powerful sense
of empathy, she simply won’t be able to
UNDERSTAND you or CARE about you.

Empathy is greater than sympathy. Empathy
is, to quote “Psychology Today”, “the experience
of understanding another person's condition
from their perspective. You place yourself
in their shoes and feel what they are feeling.”

There is no way to live with a woman long-term
and enjoy the experience of being with her if
she simply does not have the ability, or if she
does not truly make the effort, to feel what you
are feeling.

People talk all day about wanting a partner with
intelligence, but they don’t talk that much about
EMPATHY, and yet the truth is, most people
don’t need an EINSTEIN for a partner, but they
do need someone who has great empathy.


It is essential that a woman also have high
self-esteem.  I know a lot of guys think
the opposite, that if a woman has high
self-esteem, she will think too highly
of herself and therefore not appreciate
the guy.

But it doesn’t work that way, as high-self
esteem has nothing, in itself, to do with
ARROGANCE or haughtiness, and in
fact, sometimes when someone is feeling
low self-esteem, they feel the need to
overcompensate with arrogance and

The more high self-esteem a woman feels,
the less likely she feels a need to put YOU
down, IF she ALSO has a great sense of
EMPATHY, which is why I mentioned
EMPATHY first.

So, she has empathy, and therefore does not
want you to feel pain, because if you feel
pain, she feels your pain- and when you
feel good, she feels good, she WANTS you
to feel good.

But when a woman feels LOW SELF-ESTEEM,
she feels THREATENED, she may feel that that
men don’t like her, she may feel that you don’t
like her, she may feel stupid, etc, etc.

And, if a woman feels that men don’t like her,
or that you don’t like her,  she is far more likely
to feel the need to cause you PAIN.  She will
try to make you JEALOUS in order to get you
to like her. She will try to put you DOWN in
order for you to feel like you are LUCKY to
be with her.

She will do all sorts of horrifying things all
because SHE is insecure and feels the need
to make OTHERS including YOU feel LOW
so that they should feel SHE is relatively
HIGH next to them on the totem pole of
being a person who is appreciated by others
for her beauty, intelligence, etc.

Again, the combination of EMPATHY
and high self-esteem is important.  

Someone who JUST feels high self esteem might
feel they are GREAT, and have no particular need
to be mean to you, but also no particular need to
care one way or another, and so to a woman without
empathy who has high self esteem, you might just
not be all that important at all.

But again, if she JUST has high self-esteem,
and she feels she can GAIN somehow by
being cruel to you, she might still engage
in that cruelty because she has no EMPATHY
for you, and she feels SUPERIOR to everyone
else since she has no empathy but she does have
high self esteem, so she figures why not just be
totally selfish.

And if she JUST has empathy, she might care
about you, but be no FUN to hang around with,
since she feels so low about herself she just feels
like moping, she feels kind of dead inside, and
this is really tragic by the way.

Plus, if she has low self-esteem, then even if she
has empathy, she might still refuse to believe that
you really like her, that you really are interested
in her, and she might still feel the need to make
you jealous or do other things in order to try to
placate her sense of inferiority.

So you want that magical combo of empathy
AND high self-esteem in a woman.


It takes self-discipline to find a better solution to
problems than resorting to drug or alcohol abuse.

It takes self-discipline to live by a moral code and
never fool around on the man she is with.

It takes self-discipline for her to hit the gym,
keep in shape, and follow a healthy diet and

It takes self-discipline to WORK HARD rather
than sit on the couch and Twitter all day or
Facebook all day (especially when it’s with
other guys!) and flirt with other men (or women)
behind your back all day, or be obsessed with
thoughts of sex with others all day rather than
thinking of how she can help you raise a family
together and how she can help INSPIRE you to
be at your best.

And, just like before, self-discipline ALONE
is not enough. It must ALSO come with the
other traits that I am mentioning.

So, for example, self-discipline alone in a woman
might just mean she is disciplined to do whatever
it takes to just make money or do whatever other
selfish thing she wants to do.

Self-discipline ALONE is not enough to make
a woman worthy of a good man who has the
most pure and long-term intentions.

The FOURTH trait that is VITAL that you should
be seeking in a woman is:


The bottom line is that making a life together,
especially if you plan to raise a family with
a woman, involves GREAT, MASSIVE HURDLES.

And we are living in a time when NO ONE
is putting the social pressure on anyone to
really give a damn about family values anymore
compared to the past.

So the only force that will keep the relationship
going is the force that is created by the two    
people in that relationship.

And that means that you both must feel that
a relationship is not just something nice or
fun or a way to kill time.

It must be the DEFINING feature of your life.
The love that you two share must be CHERISHED.
The idea of raising a family together must be
something that inspires both of you to be your
best in every way to each other.

And the only way that inspiration can be strong
enough to last a lifetime is if that inspiration is
driven by a belief that what you two are creating
together in your bond is something of DIVINE
significance that can affect the universe.

And when it comes to this issue, people either

So don’t try to teach a woman how to feel this way.

If she thinks this is just about screwing,
or just about having fun, or just about sharing
a pleasant time together, then it is going to

Every DAY has to be inspired, and that can
ONLY happen when she and you realize this
is about MORE than just you and her, it is
about something SACRED.

Finally, the FIFTH trait she must have is:


This actually IS something that women need
to learn MORE than men these days, because
in olden days, women would be shunned by
society completely and never get married if they
were seen as even REMOTELY being unfaithful.

This has its roots in our history, because
men had no clue if a woman was pregnant with their
own child or some other guy's kid- i.e. if she was

This is where the rage, the jealousy, the ZERO
tolerance emotion that men have for women
who cheat, came from. It makes total sense,
because NOT having such strong emotions
on this issue could mean the difference between
having their own DNA wiped OUT from the
gene pool, or having their own DNA continue
by fathering children- their OWN children.

And even though today DNA testing can prove this,
our BRAINS as men are still hardwired the same way
as they were in ancient days, meaning that a man has
absolutely no TOLERANCE for a woman that might
even in the SLIGHTEST way be unfaithful.

It is not like men consciously think about the
evolution/paternity issue at all, it is the fact
that we are HARDWIRED to have very
STRONG emotions about this issue, as men.

Most women today don't understand this issue,
because political correctness has made it so that
any mention of this issue is deemed somehow to
be a form of trying to control a woman, when
in reality it is women who control men by sheer
virtue of biology:

Only women give birth, and only women know
for sure who is the father, unless scientific
testing gets in the way, and only women have
the power over men's emotions in this way.

In fact, the ONLY evolutionary counter
for men would be to literally shack up
with HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of other
women, which, in the ABSENCE of a special

faithful woman, is MEN'S actual nature anyway.

So until we live in a culture where it is politically
correct for men to sleep with thousands of women,
there will be no force to make women think of how
important it is that THEY show men how faithful
that they as women can be, by steering CLEAR
AWAY from all forms of behavior that can raise
EVEN THE SUSPICION of infidelity.

This includes hanging out alone with some dude
she says is just a friend.  99.99% of straight men
have better things to do than just "hang out in
their free time" with some woman they are NOT

A wise woman who REALLY wants a man
to love her forever will think twice before joining
her fellow "mainstream society women" who
think it is cute to flirt with other men or to play
even the TINIEST games on the side with
other men.

So, do NOT go for any woman who doesn't
understand this TO THE DEEPEST FIBERS
of her SOUL.

And if you are reading this right now and
would like to know more about getting a
truly fantastic woman, then I suggest you
get my book, called Get A Great Girl,

This book is packed with how to do things
DIFFERENTLY if you are looking to meet
and keep a truly fantastic woman compared
to just picking up women.

It’s at:

If you have any questions about women, dating,
or relationships, and you would like a personal
consultation with me, just email me directly
at and I will
be in touch with you on the same day.

You should probably also check out my full
line of programs for success with women at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks  

Monday, May 19, 2014

Attracting Women Through Ethics, Sexual Polarity, Sexual Tension, And Maturity

There are some VITAL strategies and insights
regarding attracting women that I want to share
with you immediately.


The first one is regarding ethics and
attracting women. 

Someone who is immature will say that
ethics do not matter, and that the
only thing that matters is getting
the woman, but the fact is, one who
has experience and emotional maturity
knows that they are part of the same

The bottom line is that if you want
a woman who is going to treat you right,
long term, she better be a woman who
APPRECIATES the fact that you are
a man who has great ethics himself.

And she better be the kind of woman who
demonstrates awesome ethics in her every
SUBTLETY of her behavior as well.

So you have to be RUTHLESS in this area,
and simply not let women into your life
who demonstrate poor ethics.
HOWEVER, the challenge with this is that
when you meet a woman who is a total stranger
you really can’t say for sure what her motivations
are for the things she is doing. 

So, although HONESTY is one of the biggies
when it comes to ethics, it is possible that
a woman might not be TOTALLY HONEST with
you as a total stranger, due to her own
insecurities or due to her misunderstanding
you, etc, etc.

So, you have to allow some room for a woman
to get to KNOW YOU and for you to get to
KNOW HER before totally slamming down
the hammer and the judgement call on her,
and you have to instead make decisions based
on the BIG PICTURE she is giving you.

I would say that one of the most important
skills in life is to be SENSITIVE to other
people’s insecurities and to tread carefully
around those things, and in fact when it
comes to approaching and attracting women,
if you can actually make a woman feel
GREAT about the very thing she is insecure
about, you’ve gone a long way toward having
her MELT for you.

HOWEVER, and this is where attracting women
is not so simple, this does not mean trying to be
a THERAPIST to a woman.  It does not mean
trying to be her GIRLFRIEND.  It does not mean
that you are trying to MANIPULATE her through
ONLY being sensitive to her because you want
to get her in bed but you really don’t care about
her otherwise.

ETHICS really have to permeate through ALL
your actions- because ultimately everything is
built on the foundation you set initially. Set
up a morally screwed up foundation, and
ultimately she will sense it on some level,
and she will feel betrayed, and besides it’s
just creepy anyway and a good guy won’t
want to do that.

So, the idea is that as a MAN, you are ESPECIALLY
showing sensitivity to the things she may be insecure
about in terms of her APPEAL to you as a WOMAN.

In a similar way, a wise woman knows EXACTLY
how to serve her MAN this way, by helping him
FEEL as manly as possible.

This is why a great man and great woman truly
FEMININITY in each other, and bring out
the best in each other regarding many other
dimensions of their beings as well.

So, for example, if a woman feel she isn’t
attractive enough, or young enough,  or
feminine enough, or WHATEVER it is,
and THIS is what is causing her to hold
back, you as a MAN have the power to
help her UNLEASH herself from the
CHAINS of that fear.

But of course, you can only do so much,
do NOT try to be a therapist.

Again, ETHICS including honesty, kindness,
sensitivity, all of these things are absolutely
VITAL to every step of attracting a fantastic

Remember, this is not about how to just get
PHYSICAL with some drunk woman at a
nightclub.  I’m talking about how to attract
a fantastic woman for something substantial
long term. 


Now, at the same time, all this “gooey” good
ethics stuff, and all the CEREBRAL logic of
how to behave, as important as it is, is not

The KEY is to mix all of that moral goodness
and all that CEREBRAL LOGIC with a SOLID

And one of the biggest ways to help a woman
UNLEASH her sexual side is for YOU to
show that you yourself feel that the sexual
is absolutely vital to any relationship as well,
but do this in a very casual manner.

The reason I say “casual” is because if you
start to get all CLINICAL when you talk about
sex, if you start to get all ANALYTICAL and
robotic about it, you DRAIN all the ENERGY
and APPEAL of it.

Instead, when the opportunity to bring up the
topic comes up, don’t shy away from it.  If
she is talking about working out, you might
mention how she wants to look sexy for you,
and you might say this in a flirty way but
with FULL ON confidence and zero apology,
so that you DO NOT SAY “Just Kidding”.

Don’t say “Just Kidding”, because the truth
you may be behaving casual about it, but you aren’t
“just kidding”.

Another thing is the SEXUAL POLARITY
that you must help define in the interaction
between you and her.

Human beings need to know what role they
are supposed to play.

If you act feminine, she will act masculine.
You don’t want this, and neither does she.

Don’t be whiny asking her if she likes you.
Don’t fish for approval.

Don’t try to be her girlfriend and try to
talk about girly things like shopping-
believe it or not, a lot of guys will do
this in order to try to get rapport with
a woman.

(Instead, get rapport through sincere
conversation, not through pretending
to be a woman! ) 

Take the initiative in terms of setting up
the next date, the next meeting, etc.
(Don’t worry, eventually she will start
contacting you to set things up, but in
the beginning, it is the man’s job.)

One of the great things about sexual polarity
is that you reap the rewards of it not only
in general because a woman is more attracted
to you, so she will treat you better, but also
what happens is when you ultimately do
get physical, it will be so much more
gratifying for both you and her.

This leads me to my next point:


When a man and woman WANT to jump
each other’s bones, but can’t, THAT is sexual
tension.  You WANT to have a lot of sexual
tension in your relationship, followed of
course by sexual RELEASES with each

The key to doing this is not to make up
problems that separate you apart, but rather
to do two other things:



So in this method, you actually playfully
tease a woman by slowing things down
in the bedroom by using a lot of awesome
foreplay, and even BEFORE you get to
the foreplay in the bedroom, you can
create this kind of tension verbally
by making sure a woman never feels
she has totally got you.

So if a woman tells you that she knows
you want her, rather than arguing and
turning something fun into an argument,
you might instead say “And you WANT
me to want you”, or if she says “You
want to rip my clothes off”, you might
say “You WANT me to rip your clothes

It’s important, for HER joy, that she

This is not about some sick psycho game
of mental abuse, it’s about realizing that
without the right degree of tension, there
isn’t the maximum FUN in BREAKING
that sexual tension with the release later.

There is another way to create sexual
tension as well:


All human beings have conflict, but the
LUCKY ones RESOLVE that conflict.

No matter how perfect you and the woma
you meet are, you are not going to see
eye to eye on everything.

You can’t just give in to everything to
please a woman, or you will lose your
own self-respect plus she will lose respect
for you. 

You can’t argue about everything either.

The key is to choose your battles wisely,
but ALWAYS battle from a place of

I promise you this: When you both emerge
from a conflict that you RESOLVED without
abusing each other, you are THEN going to

Conflict is a part of life, and when you
handle it properly, it creates the natural
tension between the both of you, since
you are by nature of the conflict setting
up BARRIERS between the two of you,
so when it is RESOLVED, you REALLY
want to dive into each other. 

At this point, I want to share a fresh
letter I received from a man using
the Get A Great Girl materials,
including my latest program,
Instant Attraction:


I  thought I'd give you some success
stories, just to make you feel good as
you care about how guys are doing in
this field:

One thing I came to realized how powerful
it is after reading your materials is Brutal

When you say something very genuine,
women respond to that immensely, and
they follow you through the conversation.

(If you remembered that when I told you
that I want to weed out all the pick up words
and lines for good), this was a good way
to start clearing out myself.

Along with the comment of, "You're beautiful"
without any intention of taking from her, and
stopping the conversation right there - I found
that very helpful too, and the tonality of women
changes and becomes very warm, appreciative,
and thankful who receive such comments, as you
say, "from a giving place".  Simply amazing.

Here is the moment of truth, out of all the
women I approached, and applied the knowledge
I stated above, not one of them was not receptive,
not one of them was not smiley, and not one
of them was not willing to further continue the
conversation, perhaps elsewhere.

As a matter of fact, I realized that I can meet
great women almost everywhere I go, I also realized
that there are many good women, whom I began to
feel that they are just waiting for a man to sweep
them off their feet and be with him forever.

More proof just to prove that your programs
"grow in power", is that right now, and I swear
 to you, every single time, every where I go,
I began to realize that women - the beautiful ones –
try to get my attention with everything they got,
either by having "their excuses" of accidentally
showing up in front of my face (supermarket,
work, etc) or treating me really nicely, or (this
is a funny one) trying to find a place to sit
right next to me if I'm on a computer in the
library, and all the other desks around are empty.

And what amazes me the most, is that all this
happens without even me saying a word man.
That's how powerful your stuff is. 

I’ve also worked on having more balance 
in my life, including sleep, good diet, working out, 
and especially weeding out stress - because I 
noticed that it is the ultimate killer of testosterone.”
-Lawrence T.


Fantastic work, man.  Now I know that
a lot of guys will read your letter and
think, “Oh, so all I need to do is just
be honest with women?” and the answer
is YES, but that this honesty needs to be
coming from a very ENRICHED and
EMPOWERED place inside of you.

To paraphrase Wayne Dyer, you can only
squeeze out of an orange what is IN that

So the key is to enrich your understanding
of women and sexuality, and to improve your inner
confidence, and to enrich your understanding of
humanity in general, and THEN the honesty
that comes out of you is ALL VERY POWERFUL

Because you’ve worked on yourself and
learned so much, so now at this point   

And I’m so proud, man, because this is
EXACTLY what I MOST desire for the
men who study my materials.  I don’t
want any man to feel the need to FAKE
SOMETHING in order to attract women.

I want men to be able to attract women
simply by BEING.  No gimmicks, no
games, no nonsense.

And throughout the years, I have stayed
true to this approach.

In fact, because I care about the entire field,
I made sure to have the highest standards of
integrity.  So, when I took men out in public
to approach women anywhere, it was all
DOCUMENTED by TONS of witnesses
by one of the biggest newspapers on the

Why did I do this?
Because I knew that there were many folks
in this field who did NOT have integrity
and who were just trying to make a quick

So, if I DIDN’T have the highest standards
of documentation, proof, and witnesses,
ANYBODY could just FAKE the same
results by getting friends or actors to
POSE as women who are receptive to
the guys’ advances.

Right now, there are probably HUNDREDS
if not THOUSANDS of videos out there
showing guys approaching women, but
how many of them have been VERIFIED
as untouched video by THIRD PARTIES
without a vested interest in doctoring the footage?

Keep in mind, as well, that the men who I
coached were totally free to say the truth
because I had no control over the report,
plus I was chosen as the coach for these
men not ONLY because I could help them
with the APPROACH, but also because I
could help teach them about the important
elements necessary for getting and keeping
the kind of  woman who would also make
for a great RELATIONSHIP.

The coaching was all part of a contest called
The “Get A Relationship Challenge”.

Integrity matters to me.

Always remember that the best is not
the same as the MOST.  So McDonald’s
might sell the MOST burgers, but probably
the CEO of McDonald’s gets his own
dinner somewhere else, right?

If you really want the BEST coaching
for getting the kind of woman you really
want in your life, then it’s time to take
it really SERIOUSLY, and there is no
dating coach more SERIOUS about helping
men learn how to meet, attract, and keep
a truly GREAT woman than myself.

If you haven’t downloaded my latest
program, called Instant Attraction, then
definitely do that now. It really DOES
have my latest powerful insights on
attracting women, and it really WILL
make a BIG difference IMMEDIATELY
in helping you attract the kind of women
you want.

It’s at:

After you’ve done that, and proven to yourself
just how much you’ve GAINED from that
program, check out all my OTHER programs-
EACH ONE is designed to give you MORE
AND MORE POWER to attract the women
you WANT.

Those programs are at:

And when you are ready for the BIGGEST
STEP, it’s time to take my BOOTCAMP.

Find out FULL DETAILS about this at:

And finally, sometimes there is a particular
challenge or urgent dating or relationship situation
that you are facing that may require an immediate
live consultation with me.  This means I stop
everything I am doing and immediately put all
my focus on YOU. 

To arrange a personal consultation, email me
directly and write the words CONSULTATION
REQUEST in capitals in the subject line. 

Till next time,

Michael Marks    

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A New Girlfriend By The End Of The Day?

Today is Saturday, and before this day
is over, you could have yourself a new

And if you are reading this somewhere
in the world where it is already Sunday,
the exact same holds true.

In just one day, and it could be
ANY day, a man can get himself
a fantastic new girlfriend. 

That is not hyperbole or exaggeration.
And I’m not just talking about any woman.
I’m talking about the kind of woman most
men can only DREAM of getting.

In fact, I am absolutely certain of this,
and the real challenge is holding yourself
BACK from entering into a serious relationship
too quickly with her, because  you are going
to be so crazy about her and she is going to
be so crazy about you that you both are
going to think you should jump into a
relationship, which I advise you not to
do so fast.

More on that later in this newsletter.  

How do I know this?
Because I prove this every week:

I take guys, in person, out into the “real
world” where women are, and demonstrate
how it all works, and have them prove it
for themselves.  Approaching women who
are gorgeous, total strangers, and having
these women melt for them.

And these women are not drunk in
some club. They are women from all
walks of life, in normal places like
cafes, bookstores, supermarkets, transit,
and everywhere else.

So, getting the woman you want doesn’t
have to take a lot of TIME. If you started
right now, you could have her by tonight.

It doesn’t take a lot of money.
Especially when you consider most
men spend just about everything they
have trying to impress women, trying
to meet women and trying to get women
through various ways.

It doesn’t have to take heartache.

It DOES take know-how.

So let me share with you today something
VITAL about attracting women that most
men don’t understand, and that I myself
didn’t get before I started in this field.

The typical guy will usually eventually meet
SOME woman he is attracted to, who is attracted
to him.  (And if you have never met any woman
yet, you may be able to use this in your favor since 
you may have a clean slate to work from- a slate
that may be free from the wrong assumptions).    

Everything seems like it’s going to be great.

And the guy then does all the things he’s heard
from various sources, things like 'be nice to
women, 'give women compliments', and 'be
sensitive', etc.

And USUALLY what happens is that the whole
thing goes to HELL, it doesn’t work out, the
woman ends up “losing interest” and all that

So, as guys, we tend to learn the wrong lesson:

We start to think that women are nuts, that
women are all liars, that women in fact
DON’T like any of those things, and we
start to think that all those old guys in
the locker room who gave us advice about
women and told us that all women were
terrible were right, and that their advice
of having to show women “who’s the boss”
may actually be onto something.

This then opens us up to the advice from
pick up artists who say “all women are
the same, so you may as just well not
get into relationships, just get physical
with as many women as you can,
and do the bar scene, and find promiscuous
women and just have lots of physical
stuff with lots of women.”

The problem with that is that it really only
works on women who are unable to have
a long-term passion and connection to a
man.  Usually, the women that are really
into “hooking up” are women with
extreme lifestyle choices, like drinking
heavily, working in careers with extreme
hours that make relationships almost impossible,
or women who simply don’t have much
emotional capacity to love in the first place.

The real truth is that actually women
ARE attracted to men who are loving,
who are kind, who are sensitive, but
the key to remember is that just because
a woman is attracted does not mean she
is compatible.

Most women tend to be lucky enough to
live in societies where men do the
approaching, so women usually feel less
desperate than men, and more easily able to
back off a possible male partner if she
sees that he isn't compatible.

On the other hand, because most men
are the ones who have to do the approaching,
and most men don't know how to approach,
this makes most men feel a scarcity
when it comes to women, and this
scarcity then makes men feel more
desperate, and increases the halo
effect they feel for a woman, and
this makes most men feel the need
to "make it work" even if a woman 
is not compatible.

So the answer is not to become a jerk, the
answer is not to abandon the whole ship
altogether and say to forget ever having
an actual girlfriend that you really are
passionate about and to just instead have
robotic “physical only” relationships.

The answer is to actually see the REAL TRUTH
which is that most men simply don’t meet ENOUGH
of the RIGHT women in the first place to actually
CHOOSE the woman who WILL work out as the
RIGHT one.

It’s NOT that all women are screwed up.

It’s that most men meet so FEW WOMEN,
that the woman or women they DO try to
connect with almost always end up NOT
working out long term.

This is, of course, NOT the fault of anyone.
And I really mean this, because we are
TOLD from a young age to believe that
DESTINY will find us the right woman,
and so we can’t help but THINK that
when we DO meet a woman we like
who likes us as well, that she MUST
be the one that DESTINY has promised
for us, otherwise why would we feel
so STRONGLY about her?

And the ANSWER to that is because

Mother nature wants to make sure we
or evolution, or whatever you want to call
it, has made it that we tend to INFLATE
of a woman for us. 

It’s part of the HALO effect, where we tend
to attribute greater virtue, greater intelligence,
greater EVERYTHING when it comes to the
good things, when we are ATTRACTED to

ATTRACTION actually blinds us not only
to what a woman really is, but it blinds us
to our OWN faulty decision making processes.

In other words, we tend to THINK we are
very logical and smart in our decision making
processes when it comes to women, but unless
we have been lucky enough to have LEARNED
this from someone, most of us just aren’t,
including myself.

I had to learn this lesson, as well as just about 
all the insights and skills regarding attracting women, 
the long hard way.    

If you are the exception to this, and you ALWAYS
KNEW whether a woman would be compatible 
with you or not, from the get go, you have my 
congratulations, of course.  

EVOLUTION has designed human beings to want
to MATE without thinking TOOO much about it.

So unless you are keenly aware of the dynamics
going on regarding sexual attraction, it's almost
impossible to realize the "tricks" that are minds
are playing on us.  

Evolution just wants us to reproduce to keep
the species going, which is kind of a hard thing
to argue with, so let’s give mother nature or
evolution some respect here and not hate it either.

So, let me bring this right down to what this
means for what you should DO to attract
women- and that is, you actually SHOULD
have an open heart, you SHOULD show
AUTHENTIC interest when you speak 
to a woman, and you SHOULD come across 
with GOODNESS rather than cynical, bitter
thoughts about how you must control this 
woman in order to prevent her from hurting 

BUT this does NOT mean that you should
necessarily GO FOR A WOMAN just because
she then RESPONDS to your approach.

Don’t go in with a bitter attitude at all.
In fact, enjoy the process and have a blast.

Just SLOW THINGS DOWN in terms of
getting into a serious relationship, so you can
make sure she is indeed RIGHT for you and
that you are right for her, and that neither of you
are falling for the halo effect.

A woman can be a good woman but just not
the right compatible woman for you, due to
having a very different personality from yours,
but the “halo effect” can trick you into thinking
that this is not a problem.

Most men end up getting their perceptions of
women based on an EXTREMELY LIMITED
sample of information.  This is because they
either never actually date enough women, or
they get into serious relationships that take
YEARS, before actually having met enough
women to meet one that is compatible with

I’m not saying that men need to date all
the BILLIONS of women on the planet
before making a decision or before getting
into a relationship, but for the love of
goodness, don’t make a decision about
women before at least meeting a HUNDRED
of them, and getting to know at least
50 of them really well, and dating at least
a couple dozen of them.

To make a generalization about BILLIONS
of women without actually getting to know
a lot of them is madness, and yet that is
what most men, including myself at one
point, do.

And when I say ‘getting to know’ I really do
mean ‘getting to know’ – so until you are
actually dating a woman, or if you somehow
were already friends with her for a while,
you just don’t know her.  Most men jump
to conclusions in order to prevent having
to do the actual action of getting to know
them for real.

This is ANOTHER reason why I teach men
how to MEET TONS OF WOMEN easily,
in real life, through approaching them, so
that this way, you can have a lot of women
to get to know and to actually CHOOSE

And when you make that approach, you
MUST be authentic.

I’m going to quote myself now:

“And one of the KEY elements to having an effective
conversation when you approach a woman who is
a total stranger is for you to come across as
AUTHENTIC, and not as some guy who has this
predetermined exact concept of what you and her
should say and do.”

A woman can TELL when a guy is not being authentic,
and is on some form of auto-pilot, and it creeps a
woman out, it makes her go on “caution” mode,
since she is wondering why can’t the guy just
be more “for real” instead of putting on an act.

Of course, the CHALLENGE then becomes the following:

“How do I go in there without a plan, and stay
CALM? After all, I have no idea what to SAY
to her!!!!!!!!!!” 

Well, this gets to step number TWO:


See, the REAL trick to this, is that you don’t
HAVE to memorize or plan ANYTHING, you
can start a conversation with the SIMPLEST
remark or observation that you notice, and
go into LISTENING to her, and OBSERVING her,
paying attention.

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good, for so
many reasons, and it really is so friggen insane
how the so called “pick up artists” will sell guys
so much B.S. and nonsense, and miss out on the
BIGGEST thing, which is this.

First of all, by focusing on LISTENING to her and
observing her, rather than on thinking to yourself
“WHAT DO I SAY TO HER?” you go into a much
CALMER state, since there is just about NOTHING
that you have to “figure out” in terms of what
to say or do!

PAY ATTENTION, to all that she says or does. 

So start the conversation with SOME observation:
It could be the oranges she’s looking at in the
supermarket, and you notice she is really taking
her time to get the right ones and you could say
the first thought in your mind from this e.g.

“You’re really picky, aren’t you?”

Is this a REALLY GENIUS HARD COMMENT to think of
when you see her selecting the oranges? No, it’s not.  

The KEY is to OBSERVE her response- let your eyes,
ears, intelligence, and HEART be OPEN so you can
get ALL the things she is saying/implying with her
words, body language, clothing style, etc.

So, she might chuckle first, to which YOU can say:

“You’re laughing.  You think I’m funny.  You were
here to get oranges and now you’re getting more
than just oranges.”

Or, she might chuckle and say to you:

“You have to be careful, not all oranges are
equal!” as a joke back to you.

If you’re paying attention to HER, then when
she says to you her comment that not all oranges
are equal, this could trigger in your mind the
thought or image of oranges not all mixing together
properly, or even the thought that oranges
themselves can’t be mixed with oranges, never

So you can respond to her with:

“Oh man, now you’re getting really mean!
First they say, not to mix apples and oranges,
but now according to YOU, you can’t even
mix APPLES AND APPLES! That’s it, we’re
done! I want a divorce!”

THIS IS FUNNY, and it shows you DID NOT

So she does not go into: “This sucks, this guy
doesn’t even pay attention to me, he just says
the same pick up lines to every woman he meets!”

Instead, you were AUTHENTIC and truly in the
REACTING to what she was doing and saying.

On the idea of being AUTHENTIC, let me continue with:


So, you know how in general, putting a
woman on a PEDESTAL is a TERRIBLE
way to try to attract her?

Well guess what? I figured out a way to
actually tell a woman she is beautiful and
have it ONLY do GOOD things for you,
WITHOUT you coming across as a weak
man who will sell his soul for any crumbs
of attention from a beautiful woman.

It all has to do with the INTENT.

You see, getting back to point number
ONE regarding AUTHENTICITY, you
CAN tell a woman that she is beautiful,
because you MEAN it, and it IS the reason
you approached her, but the mistake that
just about EVERY GUY makes is that they
ALSO bring something ELSE into the
situation when they say something like

“You are so beautiful that I had to come
over and say hello.”

The MISTAKE is bringing into the situation
all your thoughts about the future, and how
you would do ANYTHING to be with her, and
how you would REALLY appreciate it, if she was
with you, etc, etc. 

And those desperate thoughts come from NOT

Now the TRICK to not thinking needy thoughts
is to simply be FULLY AUTHENTIC, which means
NOT romanticizing the moment with endless
thoughts of the FUTURE based on one interaction
with one woman, and instead just focus on the

REALITY.  She is one woman.  She MIGHT
be the one, but she might not, but who cares,
it’s all part of the PROCESS, and you do
find her beautiful- that is the real truth.

In other words, she is BEAUTIFUL and you

That’s it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And THAT is OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t just mean morally okay, which OF
COURSE it is, what I mean is THAT will
NOT make you seem weak to a woman,
in fact, it can make you seem STRONG,
since you TOOK ACTION on your DESIRE,
and you have no apology for it.

That is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
different than the way most guys would
say the “beautiful” comment.

Also, one of the reasons I usually DON’T
suggest guys approach women with the
“you are so beautiful” comment is because
I myself used to be BRAINWASHED to believe
that women REALLY appreciated it when a
a man found her beautiful, and when a man
in general found her to be more beautiful
than any other woman, etc.

I used to really believe that the biggest thing
in a relationship for a woman is having a man 
that never takes her for granted, that always
finds her so beautiful, etc, etc.

Of course, we are fed this B.S. from the day
we are born, so it’s no wonder so many men
think this, follow this, and then end up having
their hearts torn to shreds.

So, I don’t want guys to make the mistake of
thinking the “beautiful” comment works because
of romantic reasons, and I don’t want guys to
think that their relationships depend on convincing
a woman how beautiful you find her to be,
as that will just make you come across as weak
on an inner level, and women just can’t feel
attraction to men who radiate weakness within.

So that’s why I’m being REALLY careful to be
CLEAR here- the reason the “you’re
so beautiful” comment works in an initial
approach is ONLY if it is done with the
implications given in your vocal tonality that
you are the kind of man who rises to the challenge,
you see a woman you find beautiful, you take

And yes, of course, a woman also appreciates
the compliment, but it’s not the COMPLIMENT
so much as the fact that YOU are so secure
with yourself, with your value, with being
secure about your sexual value, that all
YOU care about is EXPRESSING IT.

The emphasis is on YOU expressing your interest,
in a non-needy way, through the “beautiful”

In fact, the MORE you are COOL with her
NOT reciprocating the same interest, the
BETTER you will do, which is just another
irony is a series of ironies about attraction. 

The reason it works when you DON’T need
her to  MELT for you when you say these
words to her, is that it shows her you are
STRONG, that you are not so obsessed
with her having to now say “I will marry you”
just because you said “You are beautiful”.

Also, another positive element about this
“beautiful” comment, of course, is that it
is AUTHENTIC, and it immediately establishes
that you are not there out of platonic interest,
but rather you ARE A MAN who finds her

So it sets the wheels in motion in her mind
immediately, and it sets them in the right
direction, rather than pretending you just
want to talk about the weather with her.

Now, of course, on the ULTIMATE level,
when you have mastered EVERYTHING,
you can IMPLY so much in the most subtle
nuances in your expression and tonality,
even if you did approach a woman and
you DID talk about only the weather.

And, of course, you can also start with
a neutral conversation, and THEN go
into FLIRTY mode, teasing her playfully,

But before the ultimate level, where you
can actually do anything, this can be a
great way to improve your results with

There are many roads that lead to Rome,
so to speak, but the KEY is to be AUTHENTIC
and to LISTEN and OBSERVE so that you
can react in the most fitting and most effective
way possible, based on what she is saying
or doing.

And if you are reading this right now,
I promise you this is just the TIP
of the iceberg. There are so many more
VITAL things to know for your success
with women.

The FIRST thing you should do is get
my NEWEST program, called

In this special audio program that is
over one hour long, I give you my LATEST
my previously unreleased secrets that
have been ‘field tested’ on thousands
of women in the real world.      

This program is JAM-PACKED with
that you need to know if you want to
have the most CHOICE when it comes
to attracting women.

Not getting this program is ABSURD.
Not only are men everywhere getting
this program, but in fact even the
so called "Dating Coaches" themselves
are getting this program in droves.

That is because I have been leading
this field for over ten years.

And not just for "pick up", but for
attracting women who actually work
out as long-term girlfriends as well.

I was the guy who put the “pick up lines”
methods out to pasture.

I was the guy who proved that there is
no need to resort to immature or manipulative
tactics to attract women.

And now I am giving you never-before released,
and absolutely VITAL discoveries, for SKYROCKETING
your success with women, and all at a price that is
BONKERS-LEVEL good for you.

Get this program now- you'll be glad you did.

It’s at:

The next step is taking my LIVE BOOTCAMP,
where the pedal hits the metal and you see it
all happen in front of your very eyes, as well
as you MAKE it happen in front of your very
own eyes as you approach women and attract
them as I show it all to you in person in real time.

It’s at:

Here are some other crucial programs that
you can’t go without: 


“INNER GAME” refers to how you are feeling
and thinking about yourself, and is the most
ESSENTIAL and DEEP area that you must
master for success with women.

This program is all about building your
“inner game” to the HIGHEST level.

It’s at:


In a world of advice that teaches men all the
WRONG things on what to do with women,
this book clears up all those "how to pick up women"
misconceptions that men have about attracting women,
and is an absolute must if you are serious about
getting a great girlfriend for a long-term relationship.

It’s at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Revealing My "Classified" Secrets For Attracting Women

It’s been a while since I’ve written a new
newsletter, and that is because QUALITY
counts more than anything else to me, and
I recently finished a period where I spent
several weeks IMMERSED exclusively in
“the field”- that is, in the actual approaches
and attraction work where I and my clients
approach women just about EVERYWHERE

More on that later, in fact, there's a
very important announcement at the end
of this newsletter regarding all this
research I've been doing "in the field".

In fact, I am so obsessed with this work,
that even after “bootcamps” are over and
my clients go home after an intensive day
of approaching and attracting women, I
typically don’t end the day then, as what
I do at that point is POUR over everything
that happened during the bootcamp and
analyze everything to glean new important
insights and strategies for FURTHER improving
the process of attracting women anywhere.

So, what you are about to read comes DIRECTLY
from all this experience.  There is absolutely
no filler, no gimmicks, no nonsense, no
new age hocus-pocus, just CONCRETE,

So here we go:


Now, this might sound hard to believe, especially
if you already know that indeed just about all
successful approaches go through stages in the
interaction, from opening the conversation to
building attraction and rapport, to closing the
interaction with a solid close where it’s clear
she is into you and where she wants you to
take her number, or even immediately go
out on an “instant-date” right then and there.

The thing is, though, that even though these
“phases” of the interaction may very well
exist, they are simply the NATURAL by-product
of ALL effective interactions that you will have
with the women you want to attract.

And one of the KEY elements to having an effective
conversation when you approach a woman who is
a total stranger is for you to come across as
AUTHENTIC, and not as some guy who has this
predetermined exact concept of what you and her 

should say and do.

A woman can TELL when a guy is not being authentic, 
and is on some form of auto-pilot, and it weirds a
woman out, it makes her go on “caution” mode, since she
is wondering why can’t the guy just be more “for real”

instead of putting on an act.

Of course, the CHALLENGE then becomes the following:

“How do I go in there without a plan, and stay
CALM? After all, I have no idea what to SAY
to her!!!!!!!!!!”  

And this is where you can really separate
the guys who care about teaching this stuff
for REAL, versus the guys who are only in
this for the commercial reasons of making

Do I expect to be paid for my intense work and
long hours devoted to a client? Yes, because
time is not free.  However, the difference with

And I’m not talking about going to nightclubs
where certain types of women attend, and where
these women are tipsy, half-drunk, or bombed
out of their minds.

That, to me, is not really what it’s all about.

To me, it’s all about actually meeting the kind
of women who have TRUE potential to be great
girlfriends, the kinds of women that most
men REALLY want.  Ultimately, the kind of
WOMAN you really want for the LONG term.

And you just can’t find those women in a bar
or nightclub, at least not the vast majority of
the time.    

So, what do you do to BE authentic and NOT
memorize material and NOT go in with some
pre-determined plan, and yet STILL be calm
and under control?

Well, this gets to step number TWO:


See, the REAL trick to this, is that you don’t
HAVE to memorize or plan ANYTHING, you
can start a conversation with the SIMPLEST
remark or observation that you notice, and
go into LISTENING to her, and OBSERVING her,
paying attention.

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good, for so
many reasons, and it really is so friggen insane
how the so called “pick up artists” will sell guys
so much B.S. and nonsense, and miss out on the
BIGGEST thing, which is this.

First of all, by focusing on LISTENING to her and
observing her, rather than on thinking to yourself
“WHAT DO I SAY TO HER?” you go into a much
CALMER state, since there is just about NOTHING
that you have to “figure out” in terms of what
to say or do!

You just LISTEN, OBSERVE, PERCEIVE, PAY ATTENTION, to all that she  says or does. 

So start the conversation with SOME observation:
It could be the oranges she’s looking at in the
supermarket, and you notice she is really taking
her time to get the right ones and you could say
the first thought in your mind from this e.g.

“You’re really picky, aren’t you?”

Is this a REALLY GENIUS HARD COMMENT to think of
when you see her selecting the oranges? No, it’s not.  

The KEY is to OBSERVE her response- let your eyes,
ears, intelligence, and HEART be OPEN so you can
get ALL the things she is saying/implying with her
words, body language, clothing style, etc.

So, she might chuckle first, to which YOU can say:

“You’re laughing.  You think I’m funny.  You were
here to get oranges and now you’re getting more
than just oranges.”

Or, she might chuckle and say to you:

“You have to be careful, not all oranges are
as a joke back to you.

If you’re paying attention to HER, then when
she says to you her comment that not all oranges
are equal, this could trigger in your mind the
thought or image of oranges not all mixing together
properly, or even the thought that oranges
themselves can’t be mixed with oranges, never

So you can respond to her with:

“Oh man, now you’re getting really mean!
First they say, not to mix apples and oranges,
but now according to YOU, you can’t even
mix APPLES AND APPLES! That’s it, we’re
done! I want a divorce!”


THIS IS FUNNY, and it shows you DID NOT

So she does not go into: “This sucks, this guy
doesn’t even pay attention to me, he just says
the same pick up lines to every woman he meets!”

Instead, you were AUTHENTIC and truly in the
REACTING to what she was doing and saying. 

Now, I need to add one more important detail
here, which is the following:


So, you can be intriguing, you can be motivating,
you can be funny, you can of course be FLIRTY,
(you don’t HAVE to start with flirty), but you
which flows from your state of mind.

Whatever emotion you are feeling, you will FILTER
the world through that emotion, so if you are totally
in ZOMBIE mode, or totally bored, or totally exhausted,
you just won’t SEE much in any situation where you
find a woman, and no matter WHAT she says to you.

So you have TONS of choices of what emotions
you can be experiencing, you don’t have to be   
x if you are y, you don’t have to change yourself
into being into country music if you are into rock,
or rock if you are into country, you don’t have
to be funny, you don’t have to be mysterious
or intriguing, but you have to be feeling SOMETHING
positive, even if it’s just a love for life, or if it’s
a great song you just heard, or even if you are
just feeling flirty and in a good mood.

You can’t walk in there on a fuel tank that is,
from a positive emotional standpoint, empty.

But that’s it, once you have THAT, almost ALL
your energy goes into OBSERVING AND LISTENING,
and then based on THAT, you just REACT in the
most instinctive way!!!!

So, if a woman tells you she just had a terrible
day at work, you can EASILY go into rapport
with her and make her feel you identify with
her, or you can cheer her up, or you can even
be funny and say “Hey, don’t tell me all your
problems, that’s RUDE!”
in a JOKING way,
where she WILL laugh and hence you HAVE
cheered her up.

You see? Because you are GENUINELY listening,
what you SAY and DO can be a trillion percent
AUTHENTIC since all you have to do is REACT
sincerely (which could sometimes include
reacting with a JOKE) rather than make up

So, by adopting this approach, you end up
coming across as AUTHENTIC, you don’t
sound off her mental alarm bells, you also
come across as socially intelligent since you
didn’t act selfish by talking only about yourself
but rather you got HER TALKING about herself
and you listened well, which in itself builds
a stronger bond, plus all this shows tons of
guts too, since, after all, you DID approach
her out of the blue and you smoothly got
a beautiful stranger to open up to you.

I love this stuff so much.
And guess what?
I've got MORE for you.


So, you know how in general, putting a
woman on a PEDESTAL is a TERRIBLE
way to try to attract her?

Well guess what? I figured out a way to
actually tell a woman she is beautiful and
have it ONLY do GOOD things for you,
WITHOUT you coming across as a weak
man who will sell his soul for any crumbs
of attention from a beautiful woman.

It all has to do with the INTENT.

You see, getting back to point number
ONE regarding AUTHENTICITY, you
CAN tell a woman that she is beautiful,
because you MEAN it, and it IS the reason
you approached her, but the mistake that
just about EVERY GUY makes is that they
ALSO bring something ELSE into the
situation when they say something like

“You are so beautiful that I had to come
over and say hello.”

The MISTAKE is bringing into the situation
all your thoughts about the future, and how
you would do ANYTHING to be with her, and
how you would REALLY appreciate it, if she was
with you, etc, etc.

I’m talking about even THINKING those thoughts,
because the thoughts affect your emotions.

Now the TRICK to not thinking needy thoughts
is to simply be FULLY AUTHENTIC, which means
NOT romanticizing the moment with endless
thoughts of the FUTURE, and instead just
focus on the PRESENT.

In other words, she is BEAUTIFUL and you

That’s it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And THAT is OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t just mean morally okay, which OF
COURSE it is, what I mean is THAT will
NOT make you seem weak to a woman,
in fact, it can make you seem STRONG,
since you TOOK ACTION on your DESIRE,
and you have no apology for it.

That is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
different than the way most guys would
say the “beautiful” comment.

Also, one of the reasons I usually DON’T
suggest guys approach women with the
“you are so beautiful” comment is because
I myself used to be BRAINWASHED to believe
that women REALLY appreciated it when a
a man found her beautiful, and when a man
in general found her to be more beautiful
than any other woman, etc.

I used to really believe that the biggest thing
in a relationship for a woman is having a man 
that never takes her for granted, that always
finds her so beautiful, etc, etc.

Of course, we are fed this B.S. from the day
we are born, so it’s no wonder so many men
think this, follow this, and then end up having
their hearts torn to shreds.

So, I don’t want guys to make the mistake of
thinking the “beautiful” comment works because
of romantic reasons, and I don’t want guys to
think that their relationships depend on convincing
a woman how beautiful you find her to be,
as that will just make you come across as weak
on an inner level, and women just can’t feel
attraction to men who radiate weakness within.

So that’s why I’m being REALLY careful to be
CLEAR here- the reason the “you’re
so beautiful” comment works in an initial
approach is ONLY if it is done with the
implications given in your vocal tonality that
you are the kind of man who rises to the challenge,
you see a woman you find beautiful, you take

And yes, of course, a woman also appreciates
the compliment, but it’s not the COMPLIMENT
so much as the fact that YOU are so secure
with yourself, with your value, with being
secure about your sexual value, that all
YOU care about is EXPRESSING IT.

The emphasis is on YOU expressing your interest,
in a non-needy way, through the “beautiful”

In fact, the MORE you are COOL with her
NOT reciprocating the same interest, the
BETTER you will do, which is just another
irony is a series of ironies about attraction. 

The reason it works when you DON’T need
her to  MELT for you when you say these
words to her, is that it shows her you are
STRONG, that you are not so obsessed
with her having to now say “I will marry you”
just because you said “You are beautiful”.

Also, another positive element about this
“beautiful” comment, of course, is that it
is AUTHENTIC, and it immediately establishes
that you are not there out of platonic interest,
but rather you ARE A MAN who finds her

So it sets the wheels in motion in her mind
immediately, and it sets them in the right
direction, rather than pretending you just
want to talk about the weather with her.

Now, of course, on the ULTIMATE level,
when you have mastered EVERYTHING,
you can IMPLY so much in the most subtle
nuances in your expression and tonality,
even if you did approach a woman and
you DID talk about only the weather. 

And, of course, you can also start with
a neutral conversation, and THEN go
into FLIRTY mode, teasing her playfully,

But before the ultimate level, where you 
can actually do anything, this can be a
great way to improve your results with

There are many roads that lead to Rome,
so to speak, but the KEY is to be AUTHENTIC
and to LISTEN and OBSERVE so that you
can react in the most fitting and most effective
way possible, based on what she is saying
or doing.

There is also another pearl I want to leave
you with, regarding ALL your approaches,
and that is before going into any approach,
you FULLY COMMIT in your mind to doing
your BEST no matter what.

In order to do this, we must accept the possibility

of failure, which leads to number five...


This is a very subtle, but SUPREMELY POWERFUL
distinction between those guys who do well
and those guys who don’t when it comes to
approaching and attracting women.

You see, if you can’t accept the possibility of
failure, then in your mind, you will NOT give
ALL of yourself into your approach, because
you are too AFFECTED by that thought- the
thought of failure. 

It is ONLY when you are PREPARED TO
ACCEPT FAILURE, and you STILL feel that

You have to really WANT success with
women to the point that success means
MORE TO YOU, much, much, MUCH more,
than failure. 

And if you are reading this right now
and you want to SKYROCKET your success
with women, I suggest you get your hands
on my BRAND-NEW program, featuring
ALL-NEW and previously CLASSIFIED
strategies for approaching and attracting

It’s called INSTANT ATTRACTION, because
everything you learn in it can be applied
INSTANTLY on women. There is no
hocus-pocus stuff, just HARD-HITTING

This program is also INSTANTLY DOWNLOADABLE,
so you don’t have to WAIT to get it or use it.

The price is also INSANELY awesome at $19.97,
so go download this program and use it to get
the women you want NOW, at: 


The material in this program comes from
REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. In fact, at first
I was reluctant to even give these
secrets away, as I worked damn hard
to figure them all out, but then I
realized that this will keep me even
more hungry to KEEP ON ADVANCING in
this field of attracting women, which
is my passion.

In case you may be wondering why I am
so confident that my materials, coaching,
and bootcamps are so effective, it is
because I get to see men getting results
with them in my actual bootcamps.

Here's another thing about me and my
programs: I don't spend my time on MARKETING,
I just focus on the actual ATTRACTION skills
and I obsess to improve the field ceaselessly.

It’s the reason that The Toronto Star chose me
from all the instructors on Earth as the best coach
for men who not only want to attract a gorgeous woman,
but a gorgeous woman who would also make for a great
relationship as well, in the Toronto Star’s “Get A
Relationship Challenge”.

It’s also the reason David D’Angelo, best selling
author, said
, "One of Michael's passions is not
only just how to attract women
but also how
to find a great woman who would make a
fantastic girlfriend
, and also how to create
attraction in a way that creates and builds
 trust, rather than create attraction in a way
that hurts trust which a lot of guys do."

It is this standard of excellence and passion behind
my work which will give YOU the success you desire
with women as well.

The best thing you can do right now is
download this important new program for
skyrocketing your success with women,
by going here IMMEDIATELY: 

Till next time,

Michael Marks