Today is Saturday, and before this day
is over, you could have yourself a new
And if you are reading this somewhere
in the world where it is already Sunday,
the exact same holds true.
In just one day, and it could be
ANY day, a man can get himself
a fantastic new girlfriend.
That is not hyperbole or exaggeration.
And I’m not just talking about any woman.
I’m talking about the kind of woman most
men can only DREAM of getting.
In fact, I am absolutely certain of this,
and the real challenge is holding yourself
BACK from entering into a serious relationship
too quickly with her, because you are going
to be so crazy about her and she is going to
be so crazy about you that you both are
going to think you should jump into a
relationship, which I advise you not to
do so fast.
More on that later in this newsletter.
How do I know this?
Because I prove this every week:
I take guys, in person, out into the “real
world” where women are, and demonstrate
how it all works, and have them prove it
for themselves.
Approaching women who
are gorgeous, total strangers, and having
these women melt for them.
And these women are not drunk in
some club. They are women from all
walks of life, in normal places like
cafes, bookstores, supermarkets, transit,
and everywhere else.
So, getting the woman you want doesn’t
have to take a lot of TIME. If you started
right now, you could have her by tonight.
It doesn’t take a lot of money.
Especially when you consider most
men spend just about everything they
have trying to impress women, trying
to meet women and trying to get women
through various ways.
It doesn’t have to take heartache.
It DOES take know-how.
So let me share with you today something
VITAL about attracting women that most
men don’t understand, and that I myself
didn’t get before I started in this field.
The typical guy will usually eventually meet
SOME woman he is attracted to, who is attracted
to him. (And if you have never met any woman
yet, you may be able to use this in your favor since
you may have a clean slate to work from- a slate
that may be free from the wrong assumptions).
yet, you may be able to use this in your favor since
you may have a clean slate to work from- a slate
that may be free from the wrong assumptions).
Everything seems like it’s going to be great.
And the guy then does all the things he’s heard
from various sources, things like 'be nice to
women, 'give women compliments', and 'be
sensitive', etc.
And USUALLY what happens is that the whole
thing goes to HELL, it doesn’t work out, the
woman ends up “losing interest” and all that
So, as guys, we tend to learn the wrong lesson:
We start to think that women are nuts, that
women are all liars, that women in fact
DON’T like any of those things, and we
start to think that all those old guys in
the locker room who gave us advice about
women and told us that all women were
terrible were right, and that their advice
of having to show women “who’s the boss”
may actually be onto something.
This then opens us up to the advice from
pick up artists who say “all women are
the same, so you may as just well not
get into relationships, just get physical
with as many women as you can,
and do the bar scene, and find promiscuous
women and just have lots of physical
stuff with lots of women.”
The problem with that is that it really only
works on women who are unable to have
a long-term passion and connection to a
man. Usually, the
women that are really
into “hooking up” are women with
extreme lifestyle choices, like drinking
heavily, working in careers with extreme
hours that make relationships almost impossible,
or women who simply don’t have much
emotional capacity to love in the first place.
The real truth is that actually women
ARE attracted to men who are loving,
who are kind, who are sensitive, but
the key to remember is that just because
a woman is attracted does not mean she
is compatible.
Most women tend to be lucky enough to
live in societies where men do the
approaching, so women usually feel less
desperate than men, and more easily able to
back off a possible male partner if she
sees that he isn't compatible.
On the other hand, because most men
are the ones who have to do the approaching,
and most men don't know how to approach,
this makes most men feel a scarcity
when it comes to women, and this
scarcity then makes men feel more
desperate, and increases the halo
effect they feel for a woman, and
this makes most men feel the need
to "make it work" even if a woman
is not compatible.
So the answer is not to become a jerk, the
answer is not to abandon the whole ship
altogether and say to forget ever having
an actual girlfriend that you really are
passionate about and to just instead have
robotic “physical only” relationships.
The answer is to actually see the REAL TRUTH
which is that most men simply don’t meet ENOUGH
of the RIGHT women in the first place to actually
CHOOSE the woman who WILL work out as the
RIGHT one.
It’s NOT that all women are screwed up.
It’s that most men meet so FEW WOMEN,
that the woman or women they DO try to
connect with almost always end up NOT
working out long term.
This is, of course, NOT the fault of anyone.
And I really mean this, because we are
TOLD from a young age to believe that
DESTINY will find us the right woman,
and so we can’t help but THINK that
when we DO meet a woman we like
who likes us as well, that she MUST
be the one that DESTINY has promised
for us, otherwise why would we feel
so STRONGLY about her?
And the ANSWER to that is because
Mother nature wants to make sure we
or evolution, or whatever you want to call
it, has made it that we tend to INFLATE
of a woman for us.
It’s part of the HALO effect, where we tend
to attribute greater virtue, greater intelligence,
greater EVERYTHING when it comes to the
good things, when we are ATTRACTED to
ATTRACTION actually blinds us not only
to what a woman really is, but it blinds us
to our OWN faulty decision making processes.
In other words, we tend to THINK we are
very logical and smart in our decision making
processes when it comes to women, but unless
we have been lucky enough to have LEARNED
this from someone, most of us just aren’t,
including myself.
I had to learn this lesson, as well as just about
all the insights and skills regarding attracting women,
the long hard way.
If you are the exception to this, and you ALWAYS
KNEW whether a woman would be compatible
with you or not, from the get go, you have my
congratulations, of course.
EVOLUTION has designed human beings to want
to MATE without thinking TOOO much about it.
So unless you are keenly aware of the dynamics
going on regarding sexual attraction, it's almost
impossible to realize the "tricks" that are minds
are playing on us.
we have been lucky enough to have LEARNED
this from someone, most of us just aren’t,
including myself.
I had to learn this lesson, as well as just about
all the insights and skills regarding attracting women,
the long hard way.
If you are the exception to this, and you ALWAYS
KNEW whether a woman would be compatible
with you or not, from the get go, you have my
congratulations, of course.
EVOLUTION has designed human beings to want
to MATE without thinking TOOO much about it.
So unless you are keenly aware of the dynamics
going on regarding sexual attraction, it's almost
impossible to realize the "tricks" that are minds
are playing on us.
Evolution just wants us to reproduce to keep
the species going, which is kind of a hard thing
to argue with, so let’s give mother nature or
evolution some respect here and not hate it either.
So, let me bring this right down to what this
means for what you should DO to attract
women- and that is, you actually SHOULD
have an open heart, you SHOULD show
AUTHENTIC interest when you speak
to a woman, and you SHOULD come across
with GOODNESS rather than cynical, bitter
thoughts about how you must control this
woman in order to prevent her from hurting
to a woman, and you SHOULD come across
with GOODNESS rather than cynical, bitter
thoughts about how you must control this
woman in order to prevent her from hurting
BUT this does NOT mean that you should
necessarily GO FOR A WOMAN just because
she then RESPONDS to your approach.
Don’t go in with a bitter attitude at all.
In fact, enjoy the process and have a blast.
Just SLOW THINGS DOWN in terms of
getting into a serious relationship, so you can
make sure she is indeed RIGHT for you and
that you are right for her, and that neither of you
are falling for the halo effect.
A woman can be a good woman but just not
the right compatible woman for you, due to
having a very different personality from yours,
but the “halo effect” can trick you into thinking
that this is not a problem.
Most men end up getting their perceptions of
women based on an EXTREMELY LIMITED
sample of information.
This is because they
either never actually date enough women, or
they get into serious relationships that take
YEARS, before actually having met enough
women to meet one that is compatible with
I’m not saying that men need to date all
the BILLIONS of women on the planet
before making a decision or before getting
into a relationship, but for the love of
goodness, don’t make a decision about
women before at least meeting a HUNDRED
of them, and getting to know at least
50 of them really well, and dating at least
a couple dozen of them.
To make a generalization about BILLIONS
of women without actually getting to know
a lot of them is madness, and yet that is
what most men, including myself at one
point, do.
And when I say ‘getting to know’ I really do
mean ‘getting to know’ – so until you are
actually dating a woman, or if you somehow
were already friends with her for a while,
you just don’t know her.
Most men jump
to conclusions in order to prevent having
to do the actual action of getting to know
them for real.
This is ANOTHER reason why I teach men
how to MEET TONS OF WOMEN easily,
in real life, through approaching them, so
that this way, you can have a lot of women
to get to know and to actually CHOOSE
And when you make that approach, you
MUST be authentic.
I’m going to quote myself now:
“And one of the KEY elements to having an effective
conversation when you approach a woman who is
a total stranger is for you to come across as
AUTHENTIC, and not as some guy who has this
predetermined exact concept of what you and her
should say and do.”
A woman can TELL when a guy is not being authentic,
and is on some form of auto-pilot, and it creeps a
woman out, it makes her go on “caution” mode,
since she is wondering why can’t the guy just
be more “for real” instead of putting on an act.
Of course, the CHALLENGE then becomes the following:
“How do I go in there without a plan, and stay
CALM? After all, I have no idea what to SAY
to her!!!!!!!!!!”
Well, this gets to step number TWO:
See, the REAL trick to this, is that you don’t
HAVE to memorize or plan ANYTHING, you
can start a conversation with the SIMPLEST
remark or observation that you notice, and
go into LISTENING to her, and OBSERVING her,
paying attention.
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good, for so
many reasons, and it really is so friggen insane
how the so called “pick up artists” will sell guys
so much B.S. and nonsense, and miss out on the
BIGGEST thing, which is this.
First of all, by focusing on LISTENING to her and
observing her, rather than on thinking to yourself
“WHAT DO I SAY TO HER?” you go into a much
CALMER state, since there is just about NOTHING
that you have to “figure out” in terms of what
to say or do!
PAY ATTENTION, to all that she says or does.
So start the conversation with SOME observation:
It could be the oranges she’s looking at in the
supermarket, and you notice she is really taking
her time to get the right ones and you could say
the first thought in your mind from this e.g.
“You’re really picky, aren’t you?”
Is this a REALLY GENIUS HARD COMMENT to think of
when you see her selecting the oranges? No, it’s not.
The KEY is to OBSERVE her response- let your eyes,
ears, intelligence, and HEART be OPEN so you can
get ALL the things she is saying/implying with her
words, body language, clothing style, etc.
So, she might chuckle first, to which YOU can say:
“You’re laughing. You
think I’m funny. You were
here to get oranges and now you’re getting more
than just oranges.”
Or, she might chuckle and say to you:
“You have to be careful, not all oranges are
equal!” as a joke back to you.
If you’re paying attention to HER, then when
she says to you her comment that not all oranges
are equal, this could trigger in your mind the
thought or image of oranges not all mixing together
properly, or even the thought that oranges
themselves can’t be mixed with oranges, never
So you can respond to her with:
“Oh man, now you’re getting really mean!
First they say, not to mix apples and oranges,
but now according to YOU, you can’t even
mix APPLES AND APPLES! That’s it, we’re
done! I want a divorce!”
THIS IS FUNNY, and it shows you DID NOT
So she does not go into: “This sucks, this guy
doesn’t even pay attention to me, he just says
the same pick up lines to every woman he meets!”
Instead, you were AUTHENTIC and truly in the
REACTING to what she was doing and saying.
On the idea of being AUTHENTIC, let me continue with:
So, you know how in general, putting a
woman on a PEDESTAL is a TERRIBLE
way to try to attract her?
Well guess what? I figured out a way to
actually tell a woman she is beautiful and
have it ONLY do GOOD things for you,
WITHOUT you coming across as a weak
man who will sell his soul for any crumbs
of attention from a beautiful woman.
It all has to do with the INTENT.
You see, getting back to point number
ONE regarding AUTHENTICITY, you
CAN tell a woman that she is beautiful,
because you MEAN it, and it IS the reason
you approached her, but the mistake that
just about EVERY GUY makes is that they
ALSO bring something ELSE into the
situation when they say something like
“You are so beautiful that I had to come
over and say hello.”
The MISTAKE is bringing into the situation
all your thoughts about the future, and how
you would do ANYTHING to be with her, and
how you would REALLY appreciate it, if she was
with you, etc, etc.
And those desperate thoughts come from NOT
Now the TRICK to not thinking needy thoughts
is to simply be FULLY AUTHENTIC, which means
NOT romanticizing the moment with endless
thoughts of the FUTURE based on one interaction
with one woman, and instead just focus on the
REALITY. She is one
woman. She MIGHT
be the one, but she might not, but who cares,
it’s all part of the PROCESS, and you do
find her beautiful- that is the real truth.
In other words, she is BEAUTIFUL and you
That’s it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And THAT is OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t just mean morally okay, which OF
COURSE it is, what I mean is THAT will
NOT make you seem weak to a woman,
in fact, it can make you seem STRONG,
since you TOOK ACTION on your DESIRE,
and you have no apology for it.
That is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
different than the way most guys would
say the “beautiful” comment.
Also, one of the reasons I usually DON’T
suggest guys approach women with the
“you are so beautiful” comment is because
I myself used to be BRAINWASHED to believe
that women REALLY appreciated it when a
a man found her beautiful, and when a man
in general found her to be more beautiful
than any other woman, etc.
I used to really believe that the biggest thing
in a relationship for a woman is having a man
that never takes her for granted, that always
finds her so beautiful, etc, etc.
Of course, we are fed this B.S. from the day
we are born, so it’s no wonder so many men
think this, follow this, and then end up having
their hearts torn to shreds.
So, I don’t want guys to make the mistake of
thinking the “beautiful” comment works because
of romantic reasons, and I don’t want guys to
think that their relationships depend on convincing
a woman how beautiful you find her to be,
as that will just make you come across as weak
on an inner level, and women just can’t feel
attraction to men who radiate weakness within.
So that’s why I’m being REALLY careful to be
CLEAR here- the reason the “you’re
so beautiful” comment works in an initial
approach is ONLY if it is done with the
implications given in your vocal tonality that
you are the kind of man who rises to the challenge,
you see a woman you find beautiful, you take
And yes, of course, a woman also appreciates
the compliment, but it’s not the COMPLIMENT
so much as the fact that YOU are so secure
with yourself, with your value, with being
secure about your sexual value, that all
YOU care about is EXPRESSING IT.
The emphasis is on YOU expressing your interest,
in a non-needy way, through the “beautiful”
In fact, the MORE you are COOL with her
NOT reciprocating the same interest, the
BETTER you will do, which is just another
irony is a series of ironies about attraction.
The reason it works when you DON’T need
her to MELT for you
when you say these
words to her, is that it shows her you are
STRONG, that you are not so obsessed
with her having to now say “I will marry you”
just because you said “You are beautiful”.
Also, another positive element about this
“beautiful” comment, of course, is that it
is AUTHENTIC, and it immediately establishes
that you are not there out of platonic interest,
but rather you ARE A MAN who finds her
So it sets the wheels in motion in her mind
immediately, and it sets them in the right
direction, rather than pretending you just
want to talk about the weather with her.
Now, of course, on the ULTIMATE level,
when you have mastered EVERYTHING,
you can IMPLY so much in the most subtle
nuances in your expression and tonality,
even if you did approach a woman and
you DID talk about only the weather.
And, of course, you can also start with
a neutral conversation, and THEN go
into FLIRTY mode, teasing her playfully,
But before the ultimate level, where you
can actually do anything, this can be a
great way to improve your results with
There are many roads that lead to Rome,
so to speak, but the KEY is to be AUTHENTIC
and to LISTEN and OBSERVE so that you
can react in the most fitting and most effective
way possible, based on what she is saying
or doing.
And if you are reading this right now,
I promise you this is just the TIP
of the iceberg. There are so many more
VITAL things to know for your success
with women.
The FIRST thing you should do is get
my NEWEST program, called
In this special audio program that is
over one hour long, I give you my LATEST
my previously unreleased secrets that
have been ‘field tested’ on thousands
of women in the real world.
This program is JAM-PACKED with
that you need to know if you want to
have the most CHOICE when it comes
to attracting women.
that you need to know if you want to
have the most CHOICE when it comes
to attracting women.
Not getting this program is ABSURD.
Not only are men everywhere getting
this program, but in fact even the
so called "Dating Coaches" themselves
are getting this program in droves.
That is because I have been leading
this field for over ten years.
And not just for "pick up", but for
attracting women who actually work
out as long-term girlfriends as well.
I was the guy who put the “pick up lines”
methods out to pasture.
I was the guy who proved that there is
no need to resort to immature or manipulative
tactics to attract women.
And now I am giving you never-before released,
and absolutely VITAL discoveries, for SKYROCKETING
your success with women, and all at a price that is
and absolutely VITAL discoveries, for SKYROCKETING
your success with women, and all at a price that is
BONKERS-LEVEL good for you.
Get this program now- you'll be glad you did.
It’s at:
The next step is taking my LIVE BOOTCAMP,
where the pedal hits the metal and you see it
all happen in front of your very eyes, as well
as you MAKE it happen in front of your very
own eyes as you approach women and attract
them as I show it all to you in person in real time.
It’s at:
Here are some other crucial programs that
you can’t go without:
“INNER GAME” refers to how you are feeling
and thinking about yourself, and is the most
ESSENTIAL and DEEP area that you must
master for success with women.
and thinking about yourself, and is the most
ESSENTIAL and DEEP area that you must
master for success with women.
This program is all about building your
“inner game” to the HIGHEST level.
It’s at:
In a world of advice that teaches men all the
WRONG things on what to do with women,
this book clears up all those "how to pick up women"
misconceptions that men have about attracting women,
misconceptions that men have about attracting women,
and is an absolute must if you are serious about
getting a great girlfriend for a long-term relationship.
getting a great girlfriend for a long-term relationship.
It’s at:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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