Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bathe Her In A Sea Of Intoxicating Emotions

The WINNER in this game called ATTRACTION is the
guy who can QUENCH a woman’s thirsty emotional
receptors with a SEA of INTOXICATING EMOTIONS.

And though these emotions come in an endless variety
of shades and mixtures and tones, the ONE THING THAT’S
CRITICAL to understand is that all these emotions resonate
back to POWER and a sense of WONDER, where she can
get LOST in the rush of sensory overload.

In order to pull this off, which is a huge skill in itself, the
PREREQUISITE skill is the ability to get into the right
state of mind. Think of being in the right state as
KINDERGARTEN. It’s required before you can get
into grade ONE.

It makes a huge difference if you are in the right state.
This is why it makes no sense to go after women you
are not even interested in. I mean, if you are doing
something you don’t care about, what kind of state
can you possibly be in? At best, you are indifferent.
Which might seem like a kind of poor man’s confidence,
but it really is pathetic and sucky once you know what
it feels like to be on the other side of the universe.

I have almost NEVER gone after women that I was not
seriously excited by, whether it was their looks or their
personality, and usually it was the combo, which I could
size up pretty damn fast.

Let me talk a bit about getting INTO state.

This has a lot to do with how you are living your entire
LIFE, because, as I’ve said before:


So if you are constantly behaving in ways that are namby
pamby, boring, or pathetic, or if you are whiny and not
challenging yourself, and not focused on the right thoughts,
you will feel pretty crummy most of the time.

But let’s say you are just starting out and the IDEA OF
totally changing your WHOLE EMOTIONAL LIFE at
once seems too much to begin with.

It really is not such a big deal, but let’s say for
whatever reason it seems like too big of a deal.

So guess what? Here’s a great solution: Start with
EMOTIONS and exercise those emotions in that one hour.

For that one hour, turn off the crappy whiny songs
on the radio or cd or mp3, turn off the bullshit
negative or angry music, turn on the stuff that
is empowering and is sung by someone in an excellent state.

The world might seem screwed up, but the truth is there are
good people and good women out there, and you will be
SHIELDED out by them if they sense you are in the wrong
state. And thank goodness for that, or they would be ruined
by all the screwed up people out there.

One hour, that’s it. Start that this second.

I just gave you one powerful example in the form of
the music you listen to. You could apply this principle
in a million other ways, from the way you conduct yourself
and your thoughts at work, at the gym, in your free time,
the books you read, the people you hang out with, the
activities you do, the goals you have, the way you
stand up for what you believe in, the way you make
sure not to judge people too quickly and make sure
to really get the full truth, comparing both sides
of the story to discover who’s telling the truth, etc.

To learn even more ways, go to:

Okay, before I move on to talk a bit about the “big boy’s”
game, which goes way beyond being in the right emotional
state, let me say that being in state is not a separate part
of “the game”, but rather it directly flows into ALL other
parts of the game.

So many guys make the mistake of thinking of parts of
the game in isolation. It doesn’t work that way, it all

It’s like a guy trying to pack on mass naturally without
steroids who says, “I ate peanut butter and had a glass
of milk today”, thinking that is a lot of protein, not
realizing that it takes about 7 times that
quantity of protein to build muscle, spaced out evenly
over 16 hours. And it takes proper rest, and it takes the
right amount of carbs and fats. And of course the right
kind of training.

So when a guy thinks he’s the master and has nothing
to learn because he “teased that girl”, while in fact
his state is messed up, his clothing is horrifyingly
boring, and his beliefs are all wrong, and he
doesn’t even try to progress the interaction anywhere or
build a meaningful connection or escalate any physical
contact, and he doesn’t make an effort to strike her
emotional chords in any unique and powerful way, he
obviously doesn’t understand that this skill is about a
whole bunch of things happening at once.

It’s important not to feel overwhelmed by the fact there
is more than one thing to learn. The trick is not to
feel like you have to be PERFECT at this moment,
and instead to see PROGRESS and see yourself as
an ever developing human being.

And by the way, even a little progress is enough to make some serious
impact, because it’s all relative since it’s rare for
any guy to actually seriously work on this area of
himself at all. But hey, I like to think that you want
to be more than just good, and would rather be great.

Personally, I consider myself only at about 70% of my
full capacity to understand and exercise my skill in this
area, there are so many more things I want to try and
experiment with and learn. This makes things EXCITING.
Truly, getting there is half the fun, and your own
development will be exciting for you as well.

The way to learn is to throw out your ego. I don’t believe
in “moves” or “methods” or “gurus”. To me, there is only
EMOTION, and applying that IN REAL LIFE to see what
works and what doesn’t. I do take pride, though, in being
THE one who has taken this APPROACH to the entire field.

EMOTIONS are so powerful because women (and
all humans) are ADDICTED to the feelings they get
from emotions, even bad ones unfortunately, which
is why it’s so important to FORCE yourself out of
negative emotions again and again and avoid the
triggers of those emotions.

You must force yourself into a different state, for example by doing exercise
and letting the endorphins flow naturally. Once you get
into a new pattern, you then become addicted to feeling
the awesome emotions and you won’t want to go back.

When you make a woman feel emotions, she will
wake up, no matter what the hell she is doing at
the moment. It doesn’t MATTER how bored or serious
or angry she seems, it’s YOUR JOB to change that
emotion if you want to get her to go from stranger to
attracted to you.

And of course, if you want to keep up any relationship,
you have to keep on doing this, and if she’s smart
she’ll do the same for you. that’s what appreciation
is, and also if you are both high self esteem, you
both won’t be in bad moods too often in the first place).

Let’s take the example of the emotion of feeling INTRIGUE,
from something like the SUPERNATURAL.


If you meet a woman in any situation, and you could
throw a really cool supernatural angle on it, you’ve got
yourself a distinction from almost all other guys.

So for example, let’s say you are both at a light,
crossing the street, and let’s say the light is taking
a long time, you could make a cocky comment with
a splice of intrigue by having this James Bond look
on your face and saying, “you know, I think this light
is an omen”, and she’ll say “why”, and then you can
tease her that it’s forcing you to stand near HER of all
people for so long.

She’ll most likely chuckle, and see your confidence,
but the thing is that this opens up a gateway to talking
about supernatural things, and you can go into a story
about how your aunt or uncle or yourself were in
whatever freaky story:

i.e. how you missed a plane, and thanks to missing
that plane, you or someone you know had to stay home
and that was the last weekend he or she or you had
to see your great grandma, or thanks to staying behind,
he or she or someone ended up meeting the love of
their life, etc.

Whatever it is, I’m sure something true and intriguing
has really happened to you or someone you know.

Now, compare that with some dude who thinks he’s
so cool because he said “this damn light takes so long”.
And you know what? Even THAT might work, but
it obviously reveals way less cool things about you
and obviously touches way less emotional receptors
on her brain.

She has to be FEELING it.
Do NOT underestimate the power of this stuff
when done WELL. And the critical thing to realize
is that this stuff should NOT BE DONE to impress
a woman, but it must become integrated into your
life as person who is bathing in cool sensory impact

We all have this stuff inside of us, it’s just a
matter of exercising it and using it just like when
a muscle is used on a regular basis and grows stronger.

Why does something like the supernatural have such
emotional power? Because our emotional mind registers
it as POWER, a way to go BEYOND any limitations.

We feel as if we are connected to something OMNIPOTENT.
What can feel greater than that?

emotions to a state where they no longer feel
limited but feel INFINITELY POWERFUL.

Ever feel empowered by a SONG?
Well, it’s the same thing happening.

This is probably also why so many great musicians and
artists can get so lost themselves in their own creations
that they lose touch with logic and do a lot of harm
to their own bodies because logic is powerless in the
face of the massive overwhelming emotions they
have created.

Which is why these emotions can achieve both so
much good and also so much bad, depending on
what direction they take.

makes you COMPELLING to women.

Attraction is about FEELING superiority, power, excellence.
So this intrigue, supernatural stuff feels intoxicating,
and if you can make it feel REAL to her, especially if
you can make it a part of you, you will have a hold on
a woman and probably any person in fact.

This is why performers UNIVERSALLY use this to
enhance their appeal. They are LARGER than life.

A magician seems to defy the laws of physical
science. An actor seems larger than life because
of his or her roles in INCREDIBLE STORIES of
persons overcoming great obstacles, stories
that have been rendered with such brilliant
creativity that they FEEEEEL REAL. 

And a singer, well clearly a great singer musician
takes people on an emotional journey to places
people have never been, or places emotionally
that they have long sought to return to. 

It’s a shame there are so few good new musicians
now that can really take people on these journeys.

And even romantic songs can be insanely powerful, if they
are done from a point of view of KNOWING THAT THEY
in their own value that implicitly says they are GIVING
VALUE to the other person by being with them.

So even in THESE cases, it STILL boils down to POWER
and excellence and superiority. Brilliantly conveyed by
the use of the insanely powerful human MIND.

It’s a shame that there are so few of those songs done
right today with artistic finesse and original melodies.
But let’s say for example Def Leppard’s “Put Some Sugar
On Me” or even Anne Murray’s “Now and Forever”.

Remember, emotions are TRUER in our minds than the
most clearly proven logical facts.

How about the emotion of LAUGHTER?

In its own way, it also feels insanely good and powerful.
Because when you are REALLY LAUGHING, you are feeling

Survival is intact.

In fact, even if you are laughing only out NERVOUS laughter,
you are doing this to make someone ELSE feel that all is okay.
And you are doing this because it’s important to YOU to
make sure the other person is feeling good. So that’s why
folks laugh at the boss’s bad jokes. ‘Cuz even though the
jokes are bad, the people are so happy that the boss is in
a good mood, so everyone is happy and thus laughter is not
far away.

The boss, because of his good mood, is making everyone else
happy, and thus suddenly his jokes at the moment seem funny.
It’s the state of mind of SECURITY TO SURVIVAL that makes
everyone feel good and THAT makes them laugh.

Of course, that is a very weak form of laughter, but still, it’s
DNA is still about a person feeling survival is being bolstered.

Now, on that note, a guy that does NOT laugh at the boss’
bad joke may be signaling that he is SUPERIOR to the boss
and doesn’t NEED the boss, so now suddenly the boss is no
longer a source of survival, so the employee’s brain doesn’t
feel good about the bad joke since there is no gain for him
in terms of survival anyway since he doesn’t need the boss.
This sometimes leads to getting respect and sometimes to
getting fired because now the boss feels that HIS survival
is threatened.

The MAIN POINT is that laughter also occurs from a feeling
of enhanced survival. So for example, when a great comedian
makes light of things that everyone is scared shitless of, he
helps people DEAL with these issues. Or when YOU are
able to EFFECTIVELY poke fun at reality when with a woman,
she feels SECURE with you. After all, the way you have
reframed reality is that it’s all a joke and it’s all in your hand,
it’s nothing, no big deal, so she LAUGHS.

And also when you are able to make her laugh by teasing
HER properly, you are showing that SHE is not a source of
fear for you, like she is for most men. A lot of guys screw
this up by going too far and just being mean, or just being
dorky. Being mean doesn’t make her feel you are not afraid
of her, or that you are superior, it makes her feel you are a
creep with issues. Being just dorky doesn’t make her feel
you are superior, it makes her feel you are a dork.

On this note, by the way, I should mention that this
FINE LINE between being in a playful good mood while
STILL BEING A MAN, and being interesting while still
NOT being the guy trying to entertain her is probably
one of the tougher challenges for most guys. Smoothing
this stuff out comes from practice.

What happens to a lot of guys is that as they start to
get results, they get so encouraged that they want to
MORE COOL STORIES, etc., etc., because as guys who
have been through hell with women, (I haven’t forgotten
what that’s like) all we can think is SHE LIKES IT!!!! So
the first instinct when you’re still starting out is to
POUR IT ON THICK, trying as hard as possible to

The problem with this is that you LOSE the edge that
made you cool in the first place! You end up
GIVING THE FRAME over to HER, it becomes
all about getting her to react in the way you want,
you care TOO MUCH about her staying happy,
and you start to lose your OWN identity and you
stop being natural without even realizing it. It’s
the first step toward becoming submissive and
the end of the line. You have to STOP yourself
if you catch this happening.

You have to know when to slow down, which is, in a
very tight nutshell, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Tight game is LEAN game, because the less you do
and the more SHE does, the cooler you will seem.

Of course though, in the first part of the interaction
especially, you must BLAST OPEN the gates and not
hold back.

And of course I would be missing a huge emotion
if I skipped out the emotion of INSANE SEXUAL DESIRE.

The thing to remember is that what unlocks the greatest
sexual pleasure is when both people enjoy GIVING each
other pleasure as well as getting it. This creates an awesome
endless cycle of super hot times for both of you.

And it sure helps to feel connected to the other person if you
are going to enjoy and want to give as much as you get.

So even this “raw sex” thing is actually not as “raw” as one
might think.

For a woman to truly let go with you, she needs to feel
absolute trust in you, and she has to be attracted of
course as well. But the connecting thing and having
some “real convo” where you truly discover things you are
interested in about each other is overlooked by so
many guys who are only focused on the “bottom line”
so to speak, and they cut themselves short by doing this.

This connecting is soooooooo important. It’s the
OTHER side to attraction. It’s about making her
feel that YOU seriously are into HER, about making
HER feel special. This is where truly good guys have
an edge, since they naturally see the good in others
and see what others may not notice or appreciate.
The thing though is that in order to be able to do this
properly, you have to not be fazed by her beauty,
otherwise you will think everything she does is awesome,
which is kind of pathetic.

However, once you have THIS established, THEN
when you get really hot and sweaty with a woman
you are crazy about, THEN it’s time to really let
loose and be the wild beast you know you can be,
because THEN she will want it exactly that way,
and she will want it BAD.

Those are truly the sweetest times of all.

A woman should be so lucky to meet such an awesome
guy who knows all this stuff and understands it deeply.

It’s important to be able to SENSE your own sexual
state of mind, to an extent, throughout the entire
interaction because it keeps you on track that this
IS after all a sexual interaction, even if it first takes
place in the form of words and gestures and teasing
and various other forms of physical contact aside from
sex. So you don’t end up doing stupid things that look
dorky, feminine, submissive, or “friend” like. And by
you behaving this way, she will feel the sexual dimension
to the interaction.

And since human beings are very “state catchy” she will
start to enter this mood and be receptive to your pick up
if you do the rest of the pick up right.

You have to NOT LET UP your state of mind
(both sexual and also your beliefs about yourself
and your worth) at any time, even if she tests you
on it, in fact ESPECIALLY if she tests you on it,
because human beings are all about ACCEPTING
whichever state of mind is EASIEST to accept.

And if you HOLD your own frame of the interaction
as being the ONLY one, the correct one, the
DOMINANT one, she will feel that it makes SENSE.
If you SLIDE and let your frame crumble, HER FRAME
will take over and suddenly you will be the creepy guy
trying to pick her up. But if you KEEP the frame, you
are suddenly the sexy guy she’s been dreaming about.

That means you LEAD the way, at all times, and not
WAIT for her to show you the way, or for her to
give you approval. At the same time, you have to
have a proper sense of timing and take action at
the right moment when it’s best, or you CREATE
the right moment to make it the best.

Finally, I want to say that all this stuff you learn here
is for your PERSONAL goals. Don’t feel that you
have to impress anybody but yourself.

I used to be all pissed at the world and wanted to
stack up numbers, because I figured there were no
good women left on earth so quantity was the only
possible alternative.

Well, turns out I was wrong, there are good women,
not many mind you, but a few, who have incredible
values, including the value of appreciating what
they have.

I share this info with you only because I want
to make it clear that not every woman is some
materialistic, juvenile, status-seeking basket
case. If you want to meet a quality woman, it’s
important that you don’t let negative beliefs
shield her out.

In this newsletter, I’ve touched on some incredibly
crucial points to both your IMMEDIATE and also
your LONG TERM success with women. And as powerful
as this stuff is, it really is just the start of
an awesome journey, just a glimpse if you will, into
a whole other universe. I would like to be the one
who takes you there, personally.

If you would like to TRULY take your success to a
level that most people don’t even know EXISTS,
I have two recommendations:

First, if you haven’t already done so, then you
owe it to yourself to IMMEDIATELY download my

This program is LOADED with ABSOLUTE PURE GOLD on skyrocketing
your success with women. And you can download it NOW and be
using it in MINUTES from now!  

It's at:

And for your NEXT LEVEL of training for excellence
with women, it's time to sign up for my BOOTCAMP
program, which is at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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