Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Deepest Levels Of Attraction

Attraction is not a static thing. That's the truth.
A woman is either feeling more and more of it
for you, or she is feeling less and less.

It NEVER stays the same.

So you have to ask yourself a question:
Which do you prefer, a woman feeling she is
"settling" for you for "practical" reasons and
her attraction thus eroding for you day by day,
or a woman feeling that she MUST HAVE you?

In the real world, attraction doesn't care about
the politically correct b.s. definition of it.
Ultimately, REAL attraction feels like a NEED,
it's not some kind of thing that is "nice" to
have. It feels as if you NEED it.

THAT'S what attraction is.

1. Attraction Is Primal, It's Not "Nice"

When you feel MASSIVE ATTRACTION for
a woman, it's not some kind of, "oh that is
nice" feeling. It's A HECK OF A LOT
more than that. And THAT'S what you want
women to feel for you.

So, if you are going to actually make a woman
FEEL this level of attraction, you have to first
understand just where the BAR is in terms of
what IS a confident secure fun intriguing guy.

Because of the ocean of guys who still kiss
up to women, her mind's default setting is set
to politely and quickly vaporize all guys who
approach her. The only way you are going
to overpower that setting is if your behaviour
and style clearly and immediately indicate that
there is something very different about you,
in a cool way.

I want to put an END to any notion that you
can get the kind of results you want with only
a half-assed attitude about this stuff.

2. The Reality Of How An Attractive Woman Thinks

The REALITY of having infinite guys WORSHIP
her and willing to SERVE her and TAKE abuse
from her. And the EFFECT that has on a woman
in terms of what is attractive to her. You have to
be in the same reality to understand it, which is
what actually ultimately happens when you get
good at this stuff.

3. What Women Want Vs. What Guys Want

Guys keep giving WOMEN what GUYS would want,
in the typical guys' frame of scarcity and

Bu this is like giving SALTY PRETZELS
instead of water to a man dying of THIRST,
and then wondering why he doesn't seem
to appreciate it.

for some masculine confidence, wit, humor, and
leadership, as well as for some sexual tension,
unpredictability, intrigue, fun, and excitement.

Instead, guys are giving women the opposite,
because as guys they want assurance, permanence,
and reliability, since they have been dunked in
the matrix illusion of "scarcity of women" and
the matrix illusion that as men they don't have
the same intrinsic worth in society as women.

And even when guys DO hear solid advice,
such as "be like women" in the sense of being
hard to get, guys do it wrong, because they are
doing it with the wrong INTENT.

They are doing it almost with a sense of
ANGER. As if they are "getting back"
at women, as if it's tit for tat.

When you do it like that, you are totally
INCONGRUENT with what attraction IS.

4. The Vibes Of Attraction

Attraction is about giving off the awesome
emotional vibes of having MASSIVE AWESOME
COOL SEXY VALUE. How the heck can someone
have VALUE and yet be the kind of person
who gets UPSET? You can only get upset
if you are LOSING.

Does the GENERAL worry about the
remarks of some guy ranked as just
a private?

That's why although attraction ultimately
IS about perceived superiority, the irony is
that to ACHIEVE this EFFECTIVELY, you have to
not even FEEL there is a power gap between
you and a woman to begin with.

Otherwise, your emotions will give you away
in infinite micro expressions and forms
of body language, and your emotions will
betray you by the way you live your life.

She will see that you are actually bitter, etc.

5. Putting It All Together

Remember, the REAL power of attraction
rests in its SUBTLETIES, from the way you
dress, to the comfort you have with being
sexual, to the sense of humor you have,
to the way your voice projects, to the very
way you MOVE.

Think about it: When you are totally under
control and relaxed and confident, you
speak and move with less hurried rush
and you never run out of "things to say" .
In fact, it seems bizarre to even worry of
"having things to say". You start to realize
that your secure, inspired, or fun mood is
what is fueling your ability to have a great
conversation, enabling you to access all
the parts of your mind that give you infinite

You also start to realize that this vibe you
are giving off results in "energy-return"
from the woman, as you and her ping-pong
the energy/vibes/conversation back and
forth, each of you enjoying this interaction.

So if you saw a woman you were interested
in, you wouldn't feel it's some kind of
RACE or some kind of CONTEST.

You would roll up casual and laid back, and
your conversation wouldn't be about trying
to MAKE anything happen, but rather about
reflecting your inner vibes, mood, state, etc.

6. Developing Your Identity

One of the most important elements of high level
"game" is simply a byproduct of who you ARE.
Once you are ARE in the right state, quality "game"
is the uninterrupted flow of your own mood and
energy outwards.

7. Women's Psychology, Culture And Human Emotion

Quality "game" however is ALSO about
understanding some important things about
women and female culture so that you
understand the real critical issues they need
to know that you are aware of, and quality
"game" is ALSO about understanding
HUMAN EMOTION in general, including
YOUR OWN emotions.

The result of quality "game" is that you
wouldn't be afraid to say something
NICE to a woman when you FELT it, but
you would also not be NEEDY for a woman
who was hot, so complimenting her on her
LOOKS would instinctively not be the first
thing that you did. This idea of not kissing
up to a woman based on her looks would
be instinctive to you, you would not even
feel the emotional desire or impulse to
focus too much on her looks. It's the
neediness and scarcity and lack of
perspective that creates these wrong
behaviours in the first place.

And if you saw she was really into you, which
she most likely would be as a result of all this,
you wouldn't feel the need to ROB HER
of the pleasure of WONDERING about you,
(which is what needy guys do out of their fear
of losing her) of the pleasure of not knowing
everything about you, and of the pleasure
of wondering if she "had" you or not.

You would UNDERSTAND that once you are
secure in your own value, it's actually FUN
to not know right away that you "have" someone,
and yet you would also know how far to push
this and not to push this into the realm of the
absurd, cruel, or just plain dorkyish.

8. Becoming A True Natural

In fact, ALL of attraction FLOWS from the
way you THINK, which is based on the way
you see yourself and the world.

Let me give you a real life example, of
value is reflected POWERFULLY
and instinctively.

This example actually took YEARS for me
to fully realize the full effect of.

I remember a girl from many years ago,
before I got into this stuff. A girl who
I felt I was "lucky" to be with at the time.
Even though I was getting mistreated,
I thought I was "lucky" because I had fallen
under the brainwashing spell of society
to believe that a woman who was attractive
was scarce, (which isn't even true at all) and
that men had to "work" to "prove themselves"
to women, because women were "innocent"
while men were just sex-hungry animals.

Anyway, not to get into a whole life-story
here, I remember once waking up a BIT
to the reality of what was going on,
but still not GETTING it enough to
rise from the ashes of that life. But I
had managed to come to the conclusion
that her behaviour wasn't very good,
even though I thought I was still "lucky"
to have her because most guys I knew
couldn't get an equally hot woman

9. The Rise Of Self-Esteem

Anyway, I basically confronted her with
the fact her behaviour was pretty
atrocious, and politely told her that
after I stripped away the attraction
I felt for her, I honestly couldn't think
of one reason I was with her. I
WANTED to have a reason, and I
even said something like "what are
the good things about you?"
(And of course, by this time, she
had already taken the power for
granted, so this was interpreted
by her not as challenging her, but
as me HOPING for goodness.)

Well, her response was a calm:
"Not much."

This had a profound effect on me,
causing reverberations of learning
that lasted with me for years.

I remember at the time, feeling all this
ANGER, and yet, there was NOTHING
I could do, for, after all, she was not
trying to resist my argument that she
was no good.

In fact, by DOING THIS, she was actually
INDIRECTLY saying "I don't NEED to
prove myself, and I don't CARE to
either. And, in fact, I AM good for nothing

And it was very spontaneous.
When was the last time a woman asked
YOU something about yourself and your
reply was that you weren't good for much?

10. Untangling The Matrix

You see, on the SURFACE it sounds like
self-deprecation. And I don't recommend
it for beginners, because beginners are usually
SO congruent with INFERIOR beliefs, that
when they say a self-deprecating comment,
it will be taken SERIOUSLY to mean

But once you GET IT, internally, and your
body language, tonality, lifestyle, and
BEHAVIORS show that you know that
indeed you are VERY desirable, well
if you THEN were to say you were worth
"nothing much" in RESPONSE to
a woman TRYING to get you to
prove your worth to her, the results
would be powerful as hell.

Because you are saying all the right things
about yourself. Now, this doesn't mean
to be abusive, i.e. if a woman is REALLY
feeling HURT by you, and she asks you what
is the good side of you, etc.

Don't be a bastard at a time like that.

But you have to understand the UNDERLYING
message here, which is your BELIEFS about
yourself create your BEHAVIOURS.

The answer of "nothing much" was an
EMOTIONAL communication.

The kind that is EFFECTIVE.

Not the useless kind that is LOGICAL.

At the time, I honestly felt that she really
couldn't help it, i.e. that this was her REAL
personality, but that she still had value.

And I couldn't figure this out at the time.
I figured this was just her personality.

Until one day I couldn't take it anymore.
I finally came to the conclusion that
NO WOMAN on earth was worth being with
if I couldn't get some basic level respect.

Even if "wasn't her fault".

So I didn't get angry, I actually
REALLY thought that this girl
was useless to me, because her
attractiveness was no longer
worth it, and even though she
"couldn't help it" I figured that
it wasn't my job to be her therapist,
and that I had already tried for years
to "rehabilitate" her cold ways.

Well, the interesting thing is that,
that this woman was of NO USE
to me, and because I TOTALLY
BELIEVED it was not her fault, I was
I told her "This is over, and I don't
hate you either."

The thing is, this is actually ATTRACTIVE.

Because it implies that she has no worth
to you, and it robs her of her sense of
superior value. How can she have value
if she is worthless to you? Your relative
value to hers becomes superior.

Attraction is born.

11. Beliefs Create Reality

I didn't realize it at the time, but I had
GROWN internally, my beliefs about
my own value and hers had changed.

My beliefs had become more ATTRACTIVE.
It wasn't a "technique" I learned, it was how
I really felt.

Within DAYS, suddenly YEARS
of supposedly INGRAINED behaviours
in her TOTALLY REVERSED themselves.

To say the least, she started behaving the way
a person who respects another person behaves.

I won't go into the details, but suffice to
say, apparently she COULD "help it" a lot
all those years.

She proved she could be the warmest, most
giving woman on the planet, most dedicated,
most COMMITTED woman to making
it WORK.

In fact, I couldn't find a place to HIDE
from her, she found me wherever I was.

This actually didn't make me happy.

What it did do was prove to me that I had
wasted YEARS of my life ACCEPTING
substandard behaviour and heartache and
indignity because I thought that was
"just the way it is", when in reality a woman
could be TOTALLY capable of being every
bit as perfect as a SAINT.

12. The Power Of Learning

The only thing that made it NOT a waste
was the super powerful learning experience
that it was for me.

For the next several YEARS, I totally
started doing WHATEVER I wanted
to with women. My new my beliefs
were cemented, and consequently, my
new behaviours were repeated with
tons of different women, with the same
powerful results, ad infinitum.

Most women were great RIGHT OFF THE BAT,
since my frame was solid before they could possibly
have a chance to doubt it.

But even the few who started off
as trying to be "challenging" in return
to me, eventually melted pretty fast,
if I had repeated chances to interact
with them. My frame took over,
because I REALLY believed
in it, it was not some type of act.

This is NOT ego here.
This is just a FACT.
Go and try it in the real world
and you can confirm this.

I picked up women however *I* wanted to,
never giving them ANY privileges, never
for a SECOND thinking any of them were
"special". I made ALL the decisions,
teased them, didn't take them overly

I didn't smile like an approval-seeking
geek around women, because I honestly
didn't think they had superior opinions,
I thought of them as primarily being very
smart and feisty when it came to feigning
superiority, mystique, innocence and value,
and in getting men to chase them because
of this.

13. Letting Go Of The Bitterness

But I slowly let go of the bitterness as I
realized that this was just the way women
learned to work their way through the world
since time immemorial, and that it was men
who had given the extra power to women
without adjusting to this change themselves.

Instead of thinking of what gift to buy
a woman, I focused on my own goals,
my own things, FIRST, and I also
dumped women at the slightest thing,
which ALWAYS resulted in them only
chasing me HARDER.

I ENTERED the same level of reality that
I thought was exclusively reserved for women,
But the power of that reality had become

I learned some pretty crazy stuff too, such
as if you REALLY want to stop a woman from
being with you, the best way is to kiss
UP to her.

14. Being Formal Ruins The Vibe

I also started to see how most guys really
act around women, and I could SENSE
the vibe that they were creating, because
I could finally see how RIDICULOUS and
REPULSIVE their behaviour was to
a woman who NEEDED a challenge,
who needed something COMPELLING,
something more emotionally powerful,
something more FUN, as opposed to
all these guys who were so serious!

The only thing that all that serious stuff
ends up doing for a guy, if done in the
early stages at least, is making a woman
think the guy is inferior.

15. The Biggest Things To Learn From Women

The reality is that, if you think about
it, women have in a way given men a
GIFT in terms of the erotic joy that comes
about from actually GETTING a woman
who behaves sexy, hard to get, who is
playful, fun, confident, etc.

It's just gotten a little out of hand these days,
but the reality is that how sexy would it
be if it were the opposite, i.e. if women just
ripped off their clothes for you within minutes
of meeting them, if they acted like typical
desperate GUYS????

The fact of the matter is that women are
damn smart, and throughout history they
trumped the men who thought they could
control women. Men figured they were
in power, but women learned to use sexuality
as the ULTIMATE power. They were
slow to give it away, they knew how to
cloud the secrets to female sexuality in
mystery, making it more appealing and
desirable and adding all kinds of illusions
about it to make it seem more special.

And men FELL for it ALL, they fell for
it GOOD, they fell for it BIG TIME.

And women are not so stupid as to give
all that power away in a world of
"equality". It's more like "yeah,
thanks for making us equals now
but we'll keep the sexual power
superiority thank you very much".

16. Women Want Men Who Know All This

If a woman has to TEACH you this,
then she doesn't want you.

And it's not even CONSCIOUS totally.
So they are totally CONGRUENT.

The idea of being called a "slut" in public
(it's different in private sometimes!) is
such a negative thing because it strips
away their entire power, i.e. that they
have a "special" sexuality that is only
given to a "rare" guy who "earns" it.

And AGAIN, I repeat, these ideas are
INTERNALIZED to most women, so
they BELIEVE it, so they are
CONGRUENT with it. It's not like
women feel they are using a "technique".

And THIS is what you must pick up
from women, the fact that the beliefs
are INTERNAL. AND you must learn
from women how to present your
entire reality in the most attractive
light, otherwise the reality is that
you are portraying yourself as
INFERIOR, and perception is
reality when it comes to these

17. Internalizing Your "Game"

Now here's the thing, you have to
put in your dues, you can't just
ACT and say the 'right lines'-
women can tell the difference.

If you don't put in your dues, and you don't
work on INTERNALIZING your game,
and if you don't work on your ability
to create COOL EMOTIONS in women,
well then YOUR uncool emotions will
ruin your game no matter how cool your
"lines" are or your memorized "tactics".

Incongruity is always evident to people,
even if they are not consciously aware
of it. So the incongruity in a guy who
is SAYING cool things but hasn't paid
his dues developing the internal stuff,
will never fool most women.

You have to get to the point that your
EMOTIONS really ARE feeling the
same stuff ABOUT YOURSELF that
a hot woman feels regarding HER
intrinsic value.

18. Take Yourself To The Next Level

Now, believe it or not, all this stuff
should be considered part of FOUNDATION
LEVEL understanding. You NEED to have
this understanding to create SOLID and
CONSISTENT attraction with the kind of
women that make most guys' hearts pound.

Beyond this level, rests an even DEEPER
level of understanding and skill. This
level is part of what I like to call the
INFINITE BEYOND. It includes an
understanding of the deepest recesses
of a woman's desire and in fact ALL
her emotions. This is the level where
you are able to understand the nuances
and subtleties of a woman's behaviour
in a way that will give you such power
that you genuinely feel EMPATHY
for the woman in front of you, no
matter who she is.

And you will be congruent with it,
because it will come from your
knowledge that you can give her
the GREATEST gift she has ever
experienced- which is EMOTIONAL
fulfillment. When you KNOW you
have something AWESOME to GIVE,
you are bathed in an infinite sense of
calm and security.

This is MORE than just losing any neediness,
it's about also being able to GIVE a woman

This will enable you to not only create attraction,
but also a DEEP sense of connection that most
QUALITY women are looking for. Most guys
don't realize how important it is for a woman
to have both, because they don't understand that
the raw "physical stuff" is easy for a woman to get.

Therefore, ultimate sexual desire in a woman
can only be unleashed when you ALSO know how
to satisfy her other emotions, because they
are ALL connected. One unlocks the door
to the other.

Emotions are the ONLY truth that matters
in this arena.

And you are going to be the biggest GIVER
she ever had, because you are going to be

And believe me, when you can do
THAT to a woman, she won't just
be attracted to you.

She will be OBSESSED with you.

So this is responsibility that you must
take with great sincerity.

And if you are ready to gain the most
advanced level of skill and understanding
with women on the face of this earth,
so that you can attract women at will,
then it's time you booked your BOOTCAMP
with me.

The Bootcamp's official name is
'Real World Bootcamp'. In bootcamp, you
will get the skills to approach the
best quality women- I'm talking the kind
of women that are the total package- and
attract them at WILL.

This is private, one-to-one exclusive
instruction from me to you at all times,
for two days, where you will be IMMERSED
in the most challenging 'pick-up' situations
so that upon graduation, there will be
NOTHING that you are unprepared for.

Having this type of skill with women not
only opens up a LIMITLESS potential of
dates for you, it also SKYROCKETS your
confidence, charisma, and charm, because
you KNOW you have options with women.

When you KNOW you have so many options,
you lose all sense of neediness, you
become more fun, more compelling, more
dominant, more charming, and women
flock to you even MORE, which just
gets you in an even MORE powerful
position to attract even MORE women.

Now, that doesn't mean that you have
to date all those women! In fact,
most of the men who take the bootcamp
really just want to be with a great
woman for a great relationship-
and this bootcamp will make that
goal happen for you FAST.

When you have so many options, with
so much attraction from women, you
can start to take your PICK, and
be selective.

Most men search their LIVES for
the right woman, hoping to get
lucky, but being PASSIVE or just
going through life without the
SKILLS and just depending on
LUCK does NOT work.

It's like hoping to win the lottery,
instead of learning a useful SKILL
that PAYS.

Learning the SKILL of how to approach
and attract will translate into you
having TONS of women at your fingertips
for you to choose from.

It's that simple.

To find out more about the Real World
Bootcamp, go here:


If you're just starting out, then definitely
start with my eBook "The Dating Wizard", at:


Till next time,

Michael Marks

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