Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Be The Man, Or SHE Will

Being THE MAN, a term I use to refer to a combination
of superiority and masculinity, relates to every single
aspect of your interactions with a woman, from the
moment you meet her till your last moment on earth
with her.

In the last few decades, there has been a gradual
EROSION of masculinity from men’s behaviour,
which all started because men were made to feel
GUILTY about being men and even having
sexual desire. It's sloooowly starting to
change, but it's never going to be like
the "ol" days when a man got respect
for being a man the same way a woman
got respect for being a woman.

These days, you have to make it CLEAR
from the get-go that you are indeed

Remember also that since most girls these
days have grown up being TOLD to be
POWERFUL, to “use girl power” etc., etc.,
and to have “fun”, etc., etc., but most
GUYS were DEAF to this, all most guys
heard was the horror stories of how badly
women were being treated, so most decent
guys end up trying to kiss up to women
to show how "good" they can be to a woman.

It was as if men IGNORED what was really
going on and only paid attention to the
horror stories being fed to them about
"evil men treating women badly".

Don’t get me wrong, SOME WOMEN were being
treated badly, but it seems highly unlikely
that MOST men were this bad, or there is no way
on earth that MEN, who "had all the power",
would have given so much power and
equality to women in the first place!
It was men who gave women that power,
starting all the way back with political
thinkers like John Stuart Mill. If all
men were really such bastards, then
how the hell did men allow women
to have all their new powers? It
was men who gave it to women.)

The thing is, at least a long time ago,
men were getting something in RETURN
for treating a woman "like a lady".

But it seems as if guys have forgotten
that these days, guys get NOTHING in
return for GIVING away their affection
or anything else so freely.

It's the basic principle of life that
there must be an EXCHANGE of value
for anything concrete to actually

In the old days, the value exchange was:

Women were trying hard to show they
would be good, loyal, HOMEMAKERS
and MOTHERS, etc, in RETURN for men
who would be PROVIDERS and also

Now, it seems, most good guys are STILL
offering to give away the whole store, in
exchange for...for...for WHAT????

For a DATE?
For a SMILE??????

Does this make any sense?
Of course not?

Is this an equal exchange of value?
Of course not.

Now, all this is FINE if you're from the
"pick up artist" crowd and just looking
for a girl to get "physical" with, because
the whole thing is so low value, so
temporary, so fleeting, that no one
is really giving anyone anything
except some time getting physical.

There's very little emotional commitment,
very little sobriety, and a whole lot of
drinking, smoking, and overall lightheadedness.

So, in that sense, for guys who just want
to "fool around", things have become
easier than ever. 

But for men who are looking for the
REAL THING, then it's a very different
story, and it's CRUCIAL then for men
who are looking for the "real thing"
(a woman for a real relationship based
on things other than one night stands,
alcohol, and smoking), to BECOME
VERY SELECTIVE on which women
they date, and also to learn how to
DETECT a quality woman from a
non-quality woman, AND it's
crucial for men to make it CLEAR
just how much value they actually

A good man, who is looking for the real
thing, IS a rare find, and he damn well
better not hide it, and he better damn
well not DAMPEN his own power by
trying to imitate the PICK UP ARTIST
style approach.

This is because, when he finally meets the
RIGHT kind of woman, the LAST thing
she wants is the kind of player guy who
is rich with the "quips" but poor with the

Yet, because no one has TOLD good guys
to change their strategy, guys still believe in the
old strategy of "courting" a woman and showing
her what a good provider you will be!!!

Most of the time, guys are doing this with
the kind of women who are LAUGHING
inside at this, to the point of bursting.

In general, attractive women are NOT THE SAME
they were a few generations ago.  

To be blunt, attractive women are KICKING MEN
IN THE ARSE today, and doing it HARD.

That is, unless you're just looking to fool around,
because there are LOADS of those kinds of
women around, for short term light-headed

And even with the hard REALITY
GUYS, good guys still refuse to change
their deep rooted belief that the way
to succeed with women is to kiss up.

I was EXACTLY the proverbial "nice guy"
for MANY years.  No guy tried more nice
things for attractive women on this EARTH
than me.  And I also refused to believe
there could be any OTHER way!

When you BELIEVE in something, then
ALL EVIDENCE to the contrary won’t mean
jack sh*&, because your mind will just find a
way to interpret it according to your perspective
of the world.

So, over the last couple of decades, guys
basically DIDN’T BELIEVE all the
REALITIES that were REALLY happening
with women, whether it was women having
bachelorette parties that would put Hugh
Hefner to shame, whether it was women
cheating, etc.

This is by the way, one of the reasons
I focus on getting the rare quality women
that are out there who have principles
as well as beauty, and yet in many ways
these rare women are even STRONGER and
MORE empowered internally because they
can resist the craziness around them,
so you can bet your bottom dollar that
the quality women even MORE URGENTLY
need a man who is ULTRA confident
and masculine, to make a woman feel

After all, women are so empowered these
days, it takes a man who is truly THE MAN
to make women feel feminine.

Also, psychologically speaking, human
beings need to know which ROLE they are
playing, on a deep subconscious level.
If a man acts feminine, she will start
to act masculine. If a man acts masculine,
she will feel more womanly and feminine,
which is what she actually WANTS to feel.

And yet, guys just kept on treating women
not only as EQUALS, but as SUPERIORS. Yes,
SUPERIORS, because given the fact that women
are now not trying to show they are homemakers,
but most men are still trying to show that
they would be good husbands, it's as if
men are trying HARDER to impress women
than vice versa. Which ends up in absolute
value terms as putting women on a pedestal
and getting nothing in return for it.

And like I always say, superiority is the
essence of attraction.

This is not a bad thing. Even in great
relationships, each person really feels
they are getting the superior deal!
And that is actually a HEALTHY relationship,
where each person feels THEY are the lucky

So it's not evil to say this.
It's the FACT that if you come across
as only "equal" to her, you will NOT
attract her.

And the INSANITY of all this, is that it’s
all up to YOU.

It's all based on INTANGIBLE things that
you can control.

It’s based on ASSUMPTIONS which
come to hold the power of BELIEFS.

And in fact, the whole problem started
not from concrete things but from
WRONG assumptions and wrong beliefs. Like the
idea that men are somehow animals, and women
saints. Or that women are morally superior
to men. Or that women don’t like sex. Or
that somehow a man “should” show a woman
that HE is a good man, before SHE shows
him she is a good woman.

All that stuff came from a time when women
HAD NO POWER. It’s RIDICULOUS today, and turns
men into SITTING DUCKS just waiting to be
taken advantage of and abused by the wrong
women. Which is another thing I focus on
in my programs, on how to detect a QUALITY
woman and how to spot and avoid the wrong

I seriously can’t understand how this isn’t
is that the only reason there isn’t some
MEN’S liberation movement is because it just
sounds pathetic. MEN are SUPPOSED to already
be dominant.

Yet, most men BEHAVE as if women are
doing men a FAVOUR by agreeing to
spend time with them!!!

And since men behave this way, they
are setting up the roles for women
to think this is NORMAL, and so
when a man acts with a woman as
if he's beneath her, she feels
it's her role to be the superior
and dominant one.

Now there is no one person or movement to blame,
it’s far more complex than that, because a lot of
these things (feminism, equality) STARTED with
good intentions but then went COMPLETELY WRONG.
Kind of like Frankenstein.

But the bottom line is that women are KICKING GUYS’S
asses today like never before!!!!!!!

And like I said, it’s all the result of men THINKING
it has to be this way and continuing their behaviors.

Society is NOT going to change overnight.
But YOU can make things change for YOURSELF,
by USURPING almost every single powerful
and positive thing that women are doing
AND using it for YOURSELF.

Women act standoffish to your approach?
The reason they are doing that is because
you are approaching them in a way that makes
them feel as if YOU are worthless and as if
THEY are superior. Plus, women have been
conditioned to behave this way for centuries,
since it gives them the power. Women had
to learn these strategies from a long time
ago when women really DIDN'T have as much
civil/legal power as men, but those days
are long gone!

And yet you are worried about their reaction if
you come across as a MAN with no apologies
for being a man?????

See how crazy it is?

Attraction is about PERCEPTION.
Women who are attractive tend to THINK
they are the ones with the power.

So, with most guys, they act that way,
and most guys get SWALLOWED up into that frame,
thereby REINFORCING women’s self-concepts and
DESTROYING their (men’s) OWN self concepts as
men get SHOT DOWN over and over again.

And yet, you can CHANGE all this INSTANTLY,
when you BEHAVE differently. Not like a jerk,
but like a MAN.

The whole PERCEPTION you have about "nice" and
"not nice" when it comes to interacting with
women has to change in your mind.

Your whole "GUT FEELING" about who really has the power,
has to CHANGE in your mind. Otherwise, this feeling will
keep on showing through your body language, and women
will DETECT it and feel that THEY are superior to you, and
that you are just not worth their time.

You have to get the SKILLS to EFFECTIVELY
send the message that you are worth MORE
than them.

Human nature is to want more.

This is why you need to have the SKILLS

This doesn’t mean acting like a jerk-off.

In fact, it means acting INSANELY COMFORTABLE
and INSANELY CONFIDENT, and in certain
environments like clubs, it means that you also have
to start off very PLAYFUL, otherwise you obviously
are desperate, because if you are not in a good mood
in a club, where you are supposed to be happy, you
are obviously only there to meet women, and apparently
not being successful since you are not happy and playful,
which means LOSER).

Remember, if you REALLY knew you were desired,
if you REALLY knew you had the worth, THAT’S
how you would feel.

If you want to CHANGE your life, this INSANITY of
even THINKING that women have all the power must
stop. Your THOUGHTS are given CONCRETE FORM
in your behaviours, and women WILL detect them
the same way anyone can detect desperation or
someone who is not comfortable.

Now, there’s more to it than just this, for example,
understanding how to not make a woman feel
slutty, but even THAT becomes less of a problem
when you come across as being DESIRABLE
because if you are DESIRABLE, then a woman
feels she is with a “worthy” guy and that she
is not “cheap” for being with you.

Get it?
Superior Intrinsic Value RULES.

And when it comes to attraction, behaving in
a MASCULINE way, i.e. leading the interaction,
not getting overly emotional, being cool and
laid back, and showing DOMINANCE, is
BIG TIME VALUE in her sexual desire
department of her brain.

I was at the bookstore yesterday and I couldn’t
BELIEVE how they are STILL selling books
in the relationships section telling men how to
KISS UP even MORE than they are already doing.
I think that a book like mine will probably NEVER
be sold in any bookstore because it basically
says SOCIETY HAS GONE NUTS, and that
must seem pretty extreme.

Do you know who needs to read those kinds of
books about how to treat women better?
The jerk-offs, the real scum of society.
Those guys SHOULD read those books.

Aside from them, really, I don’t think any
guy is going to get anything but ANGUISH
from applying the advice in those “how to
kiss up even more to women” books.

Women don’t even WANT that type of guy
as it makes them feel like they are with some
kind of emasculated man. Most women
deep down want to feel sexually that they
are with a guy with a dominant personality
otherwise it makes THEM, the women,
in charge of leading things to sex and
that’s going to really ruin the chemistry.

Of course, women can’t come out and say
this on national tv or it will sound like they
are against equal rights, which they aren’t
against, they’re just against men becoming

Being a dominant man is the ONLY choice.
It was always the only choice, but nowadays,
due to women, especially attractive ones, having
MORE power than ever, it’s become even
MORE important that men start RECLAIMING
their own personal worth and SHOWING IT
through everything they do.

You will be PERCEIVED by how you behave,
the same way MEN have perceived WOMEN
to be superior SIMPLY by the way women

So don’t be silly about thinking about any OTHER
option. There is NO other option but to be
masculine, to lead the show, to be THE MAN.

And guess what?
It’s not ENOUGH just that YOU know that you
are not kissing up. SHE must know it too.

She must know that FAILURE on her part to
treat you right will lead to a very quick
goodbye from you.

And you have to be PREPARED for all
If a woman knows that you only like “good”
girls, she will then do her BEST to ACT like
a good girl to GET YOU. Even though
she might really be the kind of girl
who would make even Satan cringe.

On one hand, because you had STANDARDS,
she saw that you don’t just go for anything.
Your high standards show you are obviously
certain DESIRE for you. And she was prepared
to do what is necessary to get you.

But once she “gets” you, if you make her feel
that she HAS you for sure no matter what, she
will start to SLIDE in her treatment of you,
and you might start to rationalize it, you might
try to defend her actions since she is a “good”
girl. But if you FALL for that BRILLIANT
DISGUSE, well, then, that’s exactly what
she wants. (of course, if a woman really
is wack job, don't even try to use these
skills to attract her, just say goodbye
as soon as you find out she is an abusive

where women have been brainwashed to
believe they are superior.

Any OTHER type of strategy, other type of option,
just about ALWAYS leads to break-ups, women
who can’t commit, getting taken advantage of
emotionally and financially, heartbreak, no sex,
plummeting self-esteem, and tons of other
fun stuff.

The crazy thing is, when you LEARN these
skills, you are suddenly INFUSED with so
much power that you can EASILY reverse
ALL THIS STUFF, to the point that if you
wanted to, you could easily do all that nasty stuff
to women, but you really WON’T WANT TO
because you’ll be TOO BUSY WITH A

You’ll FEEL SORRY for the women that
did that creepy stuff, because the truth is
that the most SEXY women who are
CONFIDENT NEVER do that nasty stuff,
because when you are REALLY secure,
you might not be ATTRACTED to someone
but you have no need to be ABUSIVE.

Only INSECURE people are abusive,
because their insecurity and pain makes
them want YOU to also be in pain.

Most women are not like that.
Most women are simply in the category of
being SPOILED by society.

Does this mean that women are bad?
Not really, not anymore than a child who is spoiled.
The child is not “bad” or “evil”, just spoiled.
The child needs to learn.

Women need to learn that you are not like all
the other guys who will KEEP ON KISSING UP
to women even though women have moved
BEYOND “working in the kitchen barefoot
and pregnant”. Hey, in those days, a man
had some room to err because he had
a certain amount of AUTOMATIC respect
from women, just from being born a
male in that society and era.

And in fact, there WERE some screwed
up things against women in those days that
were just not right. Like women not even
being allowed to vote.

But women have come a long long way, and
men have GONE BACKWARDS a long long
way, and that is just as evil. Especially since
it’s always the good but ignorant guys that
don’t want to cause “problems”, and the jerks
who couldn’t give a rat’s ass, thereby giving the
jerks an advantage since the jerk doesn’t care
about women’s rights or issues and therefore
will take as much as he can, and this often
is misinterpreted by women as a sign of his
superior VALUE.

So, you don’t have to be a jerk, but you sure
as heck have to know how to still come across
as having superior VALUE.

One of the BIGGEST INTERNAL obstacles
to learning how to behave in the
right way comes because we have this
“inner conflict” that says that being “The Man”
is “not nice”, as if maybe it’s something
your mother wouldn’t approve of, as you
respect your mom, who is a woman, and
you want to treat her well.

But you have to remember that “women” in general
are NOT your MOM. You are not trying to
ATTRACT your mom!

That might SOUND a bit funny, obvious, or strange,

You see, as a child, for most of us, our MOTHER
gave us a lot of crucial things we needed for LIFE.
Love, support, nurturing, making us feel good, etc.
God bless mothers.

And we kind of take this image of women
from our mom.

But when you are trying to attract a woman,
you have to remember this is not your MOM.

It’s a whole new sexual dynamic going on.

When it comes to attracting a woman, a woman
doesn’t NATURALLY give a DAMN about you
any more than she might about the next guy.

That might sound harsh, but it’s true.
For some reason we keep thinking that women
are “nice” and that we should treat them “nice”.

Look, I’m totally against any kind of ABUSE.
There is a way to show STRENGTH AND WARMTH
simultaneously. For example, try speaking
the words "No, I can't let you do that."
right now, with a smile, but with an
authoritative tonality.

And imagine you're saying it to a real
knockout. Just the idea of saying
"No" to a real knockout is something
that most guys would never even

It’s not ABUSE to communicate with women on
the terms of confidence, masculinity and
empowerment, that ironically, women are
usually better versed in than men these days!

You don't want a woman to feel SORRY for you.
You want her to feel ATTRACTION.

And attraction is sparked by all kinds of
things that you might think your MOM does
not approve of in the dating sphere.

Your mom would probably tell you to buy
her a drink, giver her a compliment, and
make sure to show her you're a nice guy.

There is a time for that, but it's AFTER
she's earned your trust, and it's AFTER
she's earned the compliment.

Most guys do it in the wrong order and
totally screw things up.

(The truth is, your mom probably WANTS you
to succeed with women, so she probably deep
down DOES approve, but it would be really
weird if your mom had to tell you what turns
HER on, if she was even aware of it!)

And if you would like to get the FULL PICTURE,
to learn EXACTLY how to go about approaching
women to take things from that very first moment
all the way to the bedroom and beyond, and even
where to find the RIGHT kinds of women for YOU,
as well as how to handle and even eradicate the
kind of ridiculous “tests” that even GOOD women
tend to throw your way, then I seriously suggest
you get my Warrior Within Program on DVD

This program is NOT like other programs out there,
it’s about SOLVING THE ROOT CAUSE of the
problem, which has less to do with learning to put
on an act, and far more to do with reclaiming your
masculinity and your power. It’s about how to take
ACTION with women, from A to Z, in the way
that women deep down WISH you would, but
simply can’t admit because of the anti-masculine

It’s at:

For now, for tomorrow, and for always...BE THE MAN.

To find out about all my programs, go here:

Michael Marks

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