Monday, November 15, 2010

Death Of The Ego, Birth Of The Man

You were born a very fascinating
creature. Not knowing anything
about this world, you still had
a natural UNSTOPPABLE attitude
that kept on seeking new
horizons, learning new things,
exploring your environment...
all with having very little
reason to even HAVE all this

It's amazing how even as babies,
we want to explore and crawl
to see what else is going on,
we don't worry about danger,
we rather want to see what
we can DO...we do NOT want
to AVOID things...

Then, slowly, as an adult, you
UNLEARNED all this, you instead
LEARNED tons of the WRONG
ideas, and you got the worst
thing of all---that all humans

Ego is really the basis for
99% of the things that hold
a man back from success with
a quality woman.

The ego tries to prevent
you from being the man
you were born to be.

There's a reason that the term "being a man"
has had so much meaning over the years.

It means getting over fears.

It's universally respected.

Women know this very well, in fact
they subconsciously REALIZE the
REASONS it's so important, and
these reasons go WAY BEYOND
"hunting the tiger" stuff.

In fact, women can tell when a guy
is doing all sorts of things out of fear.

Things like showing off to try to win her
approval, things like being a jerk and overly
"macho" to try to seem tough, things like
kissing UP to a woman to try to win her
approval at any cost even your own dignity,
things like being a "player" who needs to
get notches on his bedpost to try to prove
to himself he is something because he is
not sure if he IS worthy of something
more with women, and the list goes on
and on...

And a great woman can detect all this
almost INSTANTLY about a guy, from
his mannerisms, and from subtleties about
what he talks about and how he says it.

A woman can tell that all this stuff
comes from not being comfortable with
who you are. I know what this feels
like, I used to try EVERYTHING to
impress women.

But I learned that not only does
it not work, but that more importantly,
it's GOOD that it doesn't work, because
it means that women truly DO want you
to be yourself- but they want you to
be COMFORTABLE with yourself.

If a guy is not comfortable with
himself, a woman knows that this
will very likely trigger all sorts
of issues later on- because he will
be seeing all kinds of problems
happening with her when she is
really innocent- he will think
she must be doing this bad thing
or that bad thing, or even that
she can't possibly like him, etc.

A lot of this is subconscious,
a woman doesn't always think this
all out in her head in this obvious a
way, but she nonetheless realizes it
on a deeper level.

And it causes her to pull AWAY.

So it's not about being a jerk or
being a nice guy. It's about being
a man, in the classic sense.

A recent letter shows this clearly:


Hello Michael,

I just wanted to thank you for your
brilliant insights on how to be a man.

I am 57 and just separated from a 4 year
marriage which on hindsight I blew. I say
hindsight because your last newsletter on
'a bulletproof identity' pointed out exactly
where I went wrong.

I lost that identity which I developed when
I was single and it was through it that I
attracted my wife. I got complacent and
let it slowly slide away until in the last
few months I let financial problems and
fears reduce me to a blubbering mess.

Guys, Michael has been on the money
on just about every topic in the newsletters
I have read. I file every one of them and
read them often (funny, just realised that
I stopped reading them about a year ago
and that's when I started losing my
"bulletproof identity') I am going
through your ebook again and working
towards getting enough bucks behind
me to go to see him personally and
learn some more.

Again great work.

Paul B.

>>>My Comments<<<

First of all, thank you for the incredibly
positive comments.

It's particularly meaningful to get
replies from guys who have lived
enough life to see the truth about
the full value of this information.

You'll notice that most of the guys
who worship the pick up artists are
guys in their teens and twenties.

Suddenly, you hardly see these
guys around in their thirties.

That's because by that time, they
already know the pick up artist
advice and the drunken nightclubs
is not the way to get a great
girlfriend. Similarly, pick
up lines won't cut it either.

That doesn't mean all guys in their
teens and twenties get fooled by
pick up artists, it just means
that it's easier to fool guys
without life experience.

I'm not interested in fooling anyone.

The pick up artists promise that their
info will get you physical FAST with
ANY woman, and that it will get you
a great girlfriend, and that it will do
EVERYTHING for ANY guy and
do it FAST, too.

Real life doesn't work that way.

If you want a great girl, it takes
a different path.

I'd rather promise less, but actually

Also, it's amazing that you have the
strength to see where you went off
the path, rather than blaming the
world, blaming all women, etc.

This is truly something to be PRAISED.

The reason I say this is that our egos are
so damn strong, that we want to think that
the battle is always OUTSIDE of ourselves,
that it's never anything about US, anything
that WE can do about it.

And the irony is that when we let our ego
take over, we become incredibly WEAK.

We lose the power to CHANGE our actions
and to actually get what we WANT, because
we believe there's nothing we can do, because
we are just so powerless against the big evil

It actually takes HIGH SELF ESTEEM to
REALIZE when we are going wrong---
because our high self-esteem wants to
IMPROVE our own life, it is WILLING
to do what is required for change.

So the big question is, why is so hard to
change our identity?

Why is it, for example, that if a woman is
NOT treating us well, and our self esteem
is down, and we know we should not call her,
that we feel the urge keep on calling her
anyway, and drag our dignity through the

Why is it, for example, that if our self-concept
is weak, that even if we KNOW from expert
advice, how to approach a woman, and we
know that we SHOULD, that we don't????

The reason is because that old self-concept
has been ingrained in us by habit for so long,
that it is STRONG. That old concept we
have of ourselves of being UNWORTHY
is so strong in ourselves, that our old
self-concept doesn't want to LET GO.

It wants to hang on for dear life badly.

Think of your old self-concept as a LIVING
thing that does NOT want to DIE.

And yet, you have to let it GO if you want
the NEW you to come. In fact, it's not even
new, it's actually the ORIGINAL version of
YOU that you were BEFORE you got all
messed up by bad conditioning and bad

The ego must DIE for the MAN to be BORN.

So in the beginning, becoming a far stronger,
far more secure person, no matter what the
situation is what whatever woman is in
front of you, you have to actually FORCE
yourself to IGNORE your gut instincts,
because your current gut instincts are all
BRAINWASHED instincts that follow the
WRONG and WEAK self-concept you have
developed over many years.

So if you are getting out of a relationship
with a woman who mistreated you, and
you feel the urge to call her or write to her,
you have to FORCE yourself not to give

If you see a woman you think is beautiful
and you want to WUSS OUT, and your
internal voice is giving you a billion
reasons NOT to do it, you have to DEFY
those voices in every way and you have
to REALIZE that it's NORMAL to be

It's normal because this IS the way to
make the TRANSITION to your NEW

Most guys give up when it comes to
this stuff because they don't realize
certain important truths:

One HUGE truth is that the pain actually
gets WORSE before it gets better!

Yup. So if you are going up to a woman
and you feel WORSE than ever, that's
not a reason to NOT do it again, that's
a GREAT reason to do it again, because
it WILL get better! It's supposed to
get WORSE first, and that's totally
normal, so if it feels HORRIBLE
at first, that's OKAY and NORMAL.

It WILL get better.

And once you get over that hump, things
REALLY start to improve, as once you
see progress, in terms of having less
fear, this motivates you to keep on
doing more and more approaches,
or to not give into any weak behaviors,

This development is so important because
it affects your entire perspective on life
and on women and it raises your standards.

It enables you to have the kind of conversation
with a great woman that she can truly identify
with--and this has nothing to do with trying
to win her approval, it has to do with being
a STRONGER person.

In fact, this is not about just getting chicks,
it's about getting QUALITY, as opposed to
picking up trash.

So if you want to allow the NEW identity
to come in, at first, you're going to have to
no matter how badly it screams in pain, no
matter how badly it PLEADS with you to
GIVE IN to its weaknesses.

And you're going to have to CONTINUE
doing this for a few weeks, so that you
give the new identity a chance to get
FED- it gets nurtured and fed by ACTION,
and every time you take on the ACTIONS
of a high self-esteem person, who is not
a slave to his ego, that new strong identity
gets even STRONGER.

Until the old weak identity begins to show
itself for what it really is--- your ENEMY
in the disguise of being a FRIEND.

It tried to make you think it was serving
you, it tried to make you think you NEEDED
it, that you needed to be so CAUTIOUS
around women and that all women didn't
have good intentions for you, and that
all women needed to be controlled, etc etc.

But I am telling you that you are so much
STRONGER than the current identity you
think is the real you. You CANNOT be
destroyed by anything that your ego conjures
up, but it will try to make you think that you
CAN be destroyed unless you listen to it.

So next time you feel that confusion over
what is the correct thing to do with a woman,
whether that is approaching a stranger,
or calling back a woman who didn't respect
you, or whether it's making a big deal
or fight about something trivial (which
is really just your ego over-reacting
and seeing threats everywhere), make
sure you CONSCIOUSLY over-ride

You must do this so that you can develop
the right NEW instincts, the instincts of a
man who has said GOODBYE and GOOD
RIDDANCE to his ego FOREVER so that
he can be REBORN as the MAN he was
meant to be, the man he was ORIGINALLY
before being brainwashed by the wrong
programming and messages.

The ego does nothing for you, it just
creates endless fears and breeds off
those fears and justifies itself this way.

I assure you that the best kind of woman
has done this work on herself as well,
and she will be able to detect INSTANTLY
whether you have as well. And THIS
is a big part of how she screens the
men in her life that she is going to
give a chance to.

She knows that unless you have done this
work, there is simply no way the two of
you will have a solid foundation for
anything together.

What you have just read is the tip of the
iceberg - if you want to get the FULL picture
on attracting the best quality women, then
I suggest you get my WARRIOR WITHIN
Program On DVD.

This program is TIMELESS.
It will show you the way that has worked to
attract women since ancient times - it's the
classic way of the MAN.

No cheesy artificial tactics.

You will be attracting her through the power of
who you become internally as a result of this
mind-blowing program.

It's at:

And of course, if you haven't yet downloaded my eBooks,
"The Dating Wizard" and "Get A Great Girl", do that NOW.

"The Dating Wizard" is at:

And "Get A Great Girl" is at:

These books are a GREAT place to
get started meeting and attracting
the BEST women, inside and out, on
the planet.

For now, and for always – BE THE MAN.

Michael Marks

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