Friday, April 16, 2010

Getting Girls Vs. Getting A Great Woman

There’s a MASSIVE difference between just
"getting girls"and getting a great girlfriend,
a woman who will also be faithful and a true
asset to your life.

In order to get the first one, just getting women
who are attractive to have sex with you, all you
have to do is simply FIND the TYPE of women
who are “looking to have a good time” and then
you just CATER to that.

And the reality is, that today, there are TONS
of women like that.

So, for example, there are nightclubs and
hangouts where the reality is that a certain
percentage of the women who go there are
LOOKING to go home with a guy THAT NIGHT.

On top of this fact, is the ADDITIONAL fact that
these women are getting DRUNK to get RID of
their inhibitions as well, and to get RID of any
logic they may have, all of which makes it even
EASIER for ANY guy to get these women for
the night, the week, etc.

Now, IF a guy goes to such a venue, but he’s
clearly NOT having a good time, then he is
his own worst enemy in such an environment
because the women who are there, especially
the ones looking to go home with some guy
from the place, these women want to PARTY
IT UP and to have sex, the LAST thing they
want is to meet some guy who is going to
be a DOWNER or even worse, who is going
to engage their LOGIC.

And ESPECIALLY in these environments, it’s
important to make it CLEAR very fast that things
are going to go SEXUAL – so the whole body
language, the whole physical contact, all this
stuff has to happen very early on, like almost

If you don’t do this right away, you get
rejected for wasting their time and for
being clueless to what’s going on.

And your whole vibe has to be even MORE
dominant- almost like FAKE SUPERFICIAL
than if you were not in the club type venue-
this is crucial so she can shirk off any feelings
of guilt or inhibitions since YOU by being
dominant are clearly the one who is responsible
here for making it all happen, which helps her
feel good that it’s not HER making it happen-

i.e. also known as you getting rid of her
“anti-slut defence” since you were the one
who made it happen not her, etc, etc, etc.

You made it happen since you were the
one who pulled her into you, you were the
one who kept on smoothly turning her fake
attempts at resistance into nothingness, etc,
etc, etc.

In fact, sometimes, if you wait long enough
near closing time, you don’t even have to
do that, as it’s almost like going to a store
where they say “This store is going out of
business TONIGHT, so everything here
MUST be sold!”

Ok, so that’s ALL there is to know about
getting those types of girls.

I know a lot of guys think that it would be
AWESOME to get these girls, and if you
think that, that’s fine, the good news is
that it’s very easy.

But now for the MAIN point of this newsletter
and for the main point behind GET A GREAT
GIRL in the first place.

The fact is, if you’re looking for a woman
who will be a great girlfriend or future wife,
etc, etc, you need a very DIFFERENT kind
of woman, and you need to be a very
different kind of man- and you need to
find and attract a very different kind
of woman.

Now, there IS a certain level of CONFIDENCE
that is in fact COMMON to attracting ALL types
of women, but that’s about where the similarities

The reality is that, CONTRARY TO WHAT
that will get you the girl home for the night
from the club, etc, will PUSH AWAY the
kind of woman that is seeking something
more meaningful.

The other reality is that quality women who
Would make for a fantastic girlfriend are
RARE than the kinds of women who are
drunk out of their mind looking for a one
night stand, etc, etc.

So rare in fact, that you can start to think
they don’t exist, especially if you hang
out at the pick up artist type hangouts.

Now, a woman who is looking for the
long term, and a woman who is also
going to be faithful, she knows there’s
a LOT on the line here, a lifetime
is on the line in fact, and her most
cherished and safeguarded and
vulnerable emotions---so she’s going
to be inspecting the deal a lot more than
the way a woman who is looking just
for the night will be.

She’s thinking about A LIFE with you-
and that means that your LIFESTYLE,
your PERSONALITY and what it feels
like to be around you on a regular basis
feels like, all THESE things become

And yes, your career affects her perception
of you too, but it’s not like she’s looking
at this from a gold-digger perspective,
absolutely NOT---so don't start thinking
that if you're not daddy warbucks that
somehow the game is over---IT'S NOT.

She just wants to know if there will be
some level of SECURITY at some point
and also if you yourself ENJOY what you do
all day so that you will be the kind of guy that
is in a better mood as well, and also when
you are passionate about something, it makes

If she’s going to be with someone for life,
she wants it to be meaningful and not boring.

This is why having a strong character that
pursues his goals without giving up, that
will not be deterred by ANYTHING, not
even by HER, is ATTRACTIVE.

A MAN who stays on TRACK and doesn’t
let ANYTHING get him off track and doesn’t
let himself get emotionally TAKEN DOWN
by anything, THIS IS VERY COOL AND

It’s even attractive to the one night stand
women, but hardly necessary for that kind
of thing, it’s like having the SATURN V
rocket power to launch a paper airplane.

It’s massive overkill.

Now, once you GET a great woman, it’s
like having the SECRET CODES to the
unlocking anything in the universe, however
if you’re not wise, you won’t realize the
power of what you have.

If you ARE wise, with a great woman at your
side, you are now free to truly become the
greatest man you can be.

You’ll notice that by and large, the most
successful men in the world are NOT
“playboys” for real- especially if they

Why is this?

It’s because in order to become this successful,
you have to be strong enough to see REALITY,
and when you see REALITY, you also see
the reality of people’s CHARACTER pretty

When you know the real character of a woman,
it’s hard to be blinded by the “halo effect” of
beauty. So if the only thing a woman has
going for her is the physical beauty, it won’t
do much for you if you are this kind of man.

Now, SOMETIMES you get men who HAVE
a great woman, and are extremely successful,
and they don’t want to LOSE the great woman,
but they ALSO want to enjoy the other women
out there for what they are- superficial encounters.

So they try to keep this extra-curricular stuff a

The thing is, women are not stupid, especially
not a great woman.

So she ends up finding out the truth, and that’s
the beginning of the end of that guy.

Because now, he will LOSE this great woman,
and without her, all the other women are pretty
much worth NOTHING, because his REAL
NEEDS, the combination of sexual and
emotional, could only be met by HER.

And now, without this great woman, he starts
to show POOR performance in the rest of his
life, because he can’t FOCUS.

I really don’t need to mention names here, and
I don’t want to, because I know it’s not always
easy to do the right thing, and I mean the right
thing not just in a moral sense, but in the sense
of being WISE even for yourself.

Countless celebrities, actors, athletes, have
originally met a great woman, and they stayed
on track and focused, and were able to channel
their energy and abilities to take them to great
heights of achievement.

Then, they started screwing around with other
women, which then destroyed the relationship
with the great woman, and that then destroyed
their internal balance and emotional strength,
and they then went downhill in terms of
their ability to be great in LIFE.

The opposite is true as well, in the cases of
men who met a great woman and stayed
loyal, their success in LIFE usually
skyrocketed as well.

Rather than point to the negative, here are some
examples of men who didn’t screw around, but
could have easily- and notice that they had or
still have CONSISTENT level of success:

Jon Bon Jovi

Dr. Phil

Will Smith

Ronald Reagan

I don’t even watch Dr. Phil, but it’s clear the
man is an INDUSTRY. He also has stated that
his wife when she first met him, he was not a
big shot at all, but she BELIEVED in him.

Jon Bon Jovi is known for his good values, and his
band has sold over 120 MILLION albums,
and the guy has stayed away from the whole
drug scene even though he’s a rock star.

Reagan was known for wanting to spend his
off time in his garden and with Nancy, rather
than wanting to have affairs with other women.

Regardless of your politics, the fact remains
that Reagan was one of the most loved presidents
in U.S. history, who made people feel proud
and dignified even during economic hardships,
and the Cold War was also ended in his era.

Will Smith has definitely stated how important
it is to him be a good role model for his kids,
and he has not disappointed in that arena. Is
it a coincidence that he is has been consistently
one of the top box-office performers in the

Somehow, I don’t think any of these guys would
have been signing up to get drunk women at clubs.

So if you’re looking to get a great girl that’s
part of the formula for great success in life,

I suggest you immediately download my book,

‘Get A Great Girl’ at:

To find out about ALL my programs on
meeting, attracting, and KEEPING a great
woman, go to:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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