Friday, November 27, 2009

The Rip Off Artists

A quality woman, the kind of woman who is a
faithful woman who won't cheat on you, the kind
of woman who is attractive inside and out, the
kind of woman who is TRULY a GREAT GIRL,
well she needs to see quickly if you are the
"Real McCoy".

In other words, she needs to see if you are really
the MAN for her, or are you just some type of act.

Now, a lot of guys put on an "act", whether it's acting
cocky, or whether it's acting nice, they're both just

The cocky arrogant stuff is a plain TURN OFF,
and yet this is what the "dating gurus" and pick up
artists have been promoting for years.  If being
an arrogant prick is so cool, then how come
Kanye West's outburst of arrogance  has
been UNIVERSALLY seen as ugly,
from fellow musicians and every day people
all the way to the President of the USA,
EVERYONE has condemned that behavior.

This was also absolutely clear that it was not a
race issue, as it was universally condemned by
all races and universally condemned by even
the most LIBERAL of people.

It was just plain arrogant repulsive behavior.

Arrogance is NOT cool, not to any woman or any person who
actually has self-esteem.

But the thing is, what's REALLY bad about
arrogance is when 
it's a LIE.

Let's face it, if you REALLY have a legitimate point,
then it wouldn't be so bad. It would still be uncool,
but not AS bad.

In other words, if Taylor Swift (the artist he basically
tried to put down) really did NOT have any musical
ability, that would be one thing, but the reality is that
she DOES have talent, and so basically the world
saw this guy for being a liar, self-delusional, and
arrogant all at once.

Similarly, when guys follow the "be arrogant"
advice and the "playing games with her head"
advice, and the woman SEES that this guy
is clearly just doing all this to pick her up,
it makes it even MORE obvious that this
guy is NOT confident, that he is doing
this whole ACT all because of HER,
to try to impress HER!  It's actually
showing he is INFERIOR in the most
destructive way to him!!!

It's far more damaging than even the damage
of being a "nice guy", because it shows that
the guy is NOT being himself, he is just
doing all sorts of wacky things to try to
get HER. He is willing to change his
own values and personality and methods
to get HER.  He will copy whatever the
heck some wacky "dating guru" says,
and of course this is what destroys
his potential with this very woman.

What I teach is how to become a STRONGER
man, the WARRIOR WITHIN, it's no different
than when you go the gym and train your muscles,
REAL, it's not an ACT.  

By the way, there are currently all kinds of
dating gurus who are trying to imitate me, which
is actually helping me, because their entire
history of actually being all about the "babes"
and the QUANTITY, even though they are
now SAYING it's about quality, the reality
is that everyone KNOWS the truth about them
because these guys have been spewing it out
for YEARS that they are actually NOT about
finding quality women.

So all these guys are doing is actually REINFORCING
my position as having LEGITIMACY, since after all,
this must be something important if they are copying me,
and at the same time they are showing they are clearly
insecure with their OWN previous positions and their
supposed "expertise" which promoted the exact
OPPOSITE message for YEARS.

So, do they really think that the public is stupid?
That the public doesn't know who they are?
After all, these guys were doing their best to be
IMITATORS of  the stuff and the folks in
"The Game"!!!

That's the whole message they were sending for YEARS!

So, the public knows them for being THAT.

Good luck to the guys trying to convince the public
that they are REALLY something ELSE, that they
really are about teaching men how to get that one
quality woman.

By doing that, these "gurus" are destroying their own
credibility now for ANYTHING, since it's clear they
will try to sell whatever they think might sell, and that
clearly registers as LACKING INTEGRITY.

This is why I always said that you just can't fake it,
you have to BE it.

So to all the supposed "dating gurus" who like to copy me,
please keep trying to imitate me, guys, it only gives my
position even more power, and shows the men out there
that my teachings are the way to go.

By copying me,  the "gurus" are actually weakening
their entire credibility as well, and making their
position seem very confusing and unclear, as
it's unclear what the heck they are promoting
or believing in.  First impressions count, and
they made a strong first impression that to
THEM, success is all about all about being
arrogant, it's all about getting the "babes", and
it's all about quantity over quality.  It's all about
the playboy "LIFESTYLE," they said.

People will not forget this.

So, when these "gurus" now try to copy me, all they
do is add even more power to my position, it's
making it clear that this is an important position
I have otherwise why else are they trying to copy it,

While their position changes like the wind, my position
has remained as constant as the Northern Star, and
everyone knows me for having this position.

So, when you meet a woman, it's REALLY important
that you make an ACCURATE representation of what
you really want to represent, because the first impression
is what's going to STICK the strongest.  Changing it
up later will only make you seem like a very confused
and weak man, ESPECIALLY if you act like an
arrogant prick at first, and then later say "Oh that's
not who I REALLY am, I'm really a nice guy!"
because that will seem like you're just giving
into her when she is confronting you, it will
seem like you don't REALLY believe in
being a good guy, or you would have been
that way from the beginning.

Now, of course, success with women is NOT
about being a "nice guy" either, it's about
STRENGTH from conviction in your good values,
which is a massively different thing, and is
something you can find out all about in my
materials at

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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