Friday, November 6, 2009

About Dominance

The reality is that 99% of what you read out there
 from supposed "experts" is warped and misguided.

This includes the whole idea of being dominant
with women.

Being dominant with women does not mean
you don’t show love for a woman.

In fact, if you ask the women who are most
turned on by dominance, it almost always
works with the thought that they know
deep down they are safe and can TRUST
that they are in good hands, and that they
LOVE the man who is being dominant
with them.

Dominance and masculinity go hand in hand,
and they have a lot to do with:

1. Having zero DOUBTS in your mind about
what you are doing, where you are leading

2. Having complete confidence that you will
succeed and get your way.

3. Being absolutely resolute in your values,
and that no woman could influence you or
make you weak in that way that causes you
to stray from your path.

In fact, women are so turned on by dominance,
that SOME women will even go so far as to
START arguments JUST to TRY to bring out
the MAN in you so you can show that you
will stand your ground and not just give in
to her.  And even “put her in her place”.

Now, the more dominant you are to begin with,
the less NEED she will have to do this.

So I just wanted to make it clear that dominance
has nothing to do with being a jerk, when done

The other thing to keep in mind is that not all
women feel the need for the SAME level of

Often, the more insecure a woman is, the LESS
dominance she will want, as it will scare her.

The more CONFIDENT a woman is, the more
important it is that you exude that dominance.

This should be a hint for you, regarding a lot of the
stereotypically attractive of the women out there,
in many ways they are very confident, and so it
becomes even more important that your dominance
shows clearly.

Here’s the thing though- even the most INSECURE
women STILL tend to want a man who is more
dominant than they are.  They don’t want to be
FRIGHTENED, but they still want a man who
is more dominant than THEY are.

There are tons of reasons for all this dominance
attraction, ranging from cultural conditioning to
possibly evolution as well, but again, remember
that NONE of this has to do with:

1. Feeling a need to CONTROL a woman.
(In fact, feeling a need to control a woman is
actually a sign of insecurity, and so this will
betray any dominance you try to show) 

2. It also has nothing to do with taking ADVANTAGE
of women.

I’m not just saying this, to sound “good” or “nice”.

The truth really is, that if a particular woman was
so submissive, you wouldn’t NEED to be dominant,
right? It would be so EASY, that there would be
nothing for you to DO.  She would just be jello
right from the get-go, since she is so submissive.

So don’t take this dominance thing to be a
suggestion that somehow women are inferior
or emotionally “weaker” than men.

What it REALLY is, is that a normal woman who
HAS CONFIDENCE wants to see that you are
“THE MAN” as I have been saying since day one,
and that you have NO PROBLEMS handling HER
or anything ELSE in your life, that you are in
control and will EMBRACE any fears or challenges
you need to.  You will not shy away from anything
out of fear.

The reality is that being a GREAT MAN, with heart,
with values, with kindness, while ALSO being a man
with UNBRIDLED DOMINANCE, is the most
POWERFUL combination for attracting a woman.

If you’d like to learn how to do THAT, then I suggest
you download my book IMMEDIATELY, at:

And I’ll see you again here soon.


Michael Marks

P.S. To check out ALL my programs for attracting
and keeping a genuine gem of a woman, go to:

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