Friday, September 4, 2009

Making The Right Decisions

Just a quick short message- that doing the
right thing is not always easy, but it's
actually a lot easier than the alternative.

We are bombarded by a world telling us that
it's okay to cheat your way around, whether
it's in business, or in relationships, or
anything else. We are told that there is no
room anymore for being a great person,
that you will just get punished for it.

Well the truth is, life always boils down
to your relationships, whether it's with
your friends, associates, or the woman in
your life- or the relationship you have
with yourSELF, in the sense of the
self-concept you have, and the values
you cherish and champion.

As soon as you treat these people with less
than 100% respect, you are chipping away
at the foundation of trust that makes
all these relationships possible.

Caring about each other is the only way
to go. And for those people who try to
abuse your great character, you just
have to stand up for yourself, but this
is no reason to abandon your values
and to put everyone in the same basket.

There are good people out there and they
are just as appreciative of your goodness
as you are of theirs.

If you want to be the real Superman in
the world today, then just keep on doing
the right thing.

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