Since day one, I have always been consistent-
getting that dream woman- this is what it's
all about.
I'm talking about the kind of fantastic
woman who is a total package and would
make for an incredible girlfriend.
This is very different than just getting
numbers of drunk girls at bars and clubs.
This is about the REAL THING.
Whereas party girls are all about you
acting over the top, getting a quality
woman is all about you developing
deeper and deeper levels of connection,
starting from the light fluff stuff
and then working your way to a
deeper connection than anything she
has had with anyone before.
So let's cut straight to the chase on some
GOLDEN insights on how to get that dream woman.
Have you ever heard that EYE CONTACT is important?
Well, it is, but if you don't understand the REASON
for why it's important, then you will not do it properly,
and when it comes to attracting a woman, HOW you
do something counts just as much as WHAT you do.
So the problem is that many men have heard that eye
contact with a woman is important, but they have
been told it's because this shows CONFIDENCE,
it shows that you are not afraid, etc, etc, etc.
Well, this is only the TIP of the iceberg actually.
The FULL TRUTH is that a woman wants to be
for her superficial self. And the eyes are the
windows to the soul, so to speak. If you don't
look her in the eyes when you speak, you are
NEVER truly allowing yourself to see her
for who she is.
Before you think this is just a superficial thing,
think about this: Ever notice how hard it is to
LIE to someone when you are looking them
straight in the eyes?
There is a feeling of HONESTY when two people
are truly seeing "eye to eye" - this is why the
phrase "seeing eye to eye" to describe two people
in harmony, developed over the years.
So the reality is that by giving a woman eye contact,
and looking deep into her eyes, you are not just
SHOWING YOUR OWN value and confidence,
but you are also GIVING so much more as well.
See? You are actually GIVING in a way that
The OTHER element here that makes the eye
contact even MORE powerful is your ability to
be able to ABSORB the eye contact she is giving
YOU. When you feel unworthy, you tend to look
away, and yet that makes a woman feel that you
are somehow UNTRUSTWORTHY.
She is feeling "why is this guy looking away from me?"
and "What is he hiding?"
So lack of eye contact also disrupts the flow of
TRUST, which is sooo important in creating
that all important CONNECTION with a woman
so she can unleash her sexuality and let go with
you. Without that trust and connection, it's never
going to be a strong sexual connection, that's for
sure. She will be very limited, because she can't
truly let go of her inhibitions with you.
So, now that you understand the REAL reasons
for eye contact, you will do it not in a HARSH
way, but in a GIVING, and LOVING WAY.
Yes, this is TRULY the way of the confident,
MAN, the man who is flowing with ABUNDANCE
of charisma, confidence, who knows he has value.
THIS is the way to behave. Do NOT think of
eye contact just as some type of display of your
ability to show that you can confront her, eye
to eye. Instead, think of it as your ability to
show that you want to see DEEP INTO HER
IDENTITY, for who she really is.
Remember, emotions are not logical- and though
this looking into her eyes thing might not TOTALLY
seem logical, the reality is that it FEELS very
powerful, just think of how it feels when a woman
looks deep into YOUR eyes, and how hard it is
to not look away when she is sooooooo amazingly
beautiful, if you are not used to it. So get USED
to it, and start learning to keep eye contact.
If you are new to all this, practice when walking
on the street, keep eye contact with a woman,
and let HER be the first one to look away.
When you look into a woman's eyes, you make
her feel like you are looking into her for who
she really is, beyond just her body, and the
reality is that you will FEEL this way too,
so you really are helping BOTH of you
to see each other on an emotionally deep
level as well. So be a GIVER and do this.
In our crazy culture, we're conditioned to do
anything EXCEPT make eye contact, as if
was WRONG to develop this powerful of
an emotional connection to another person,
when in reality if we all did this we might
have a more CONNECTED society, but
you can take advantage of the fact that
no one ELSE does this and be the man who
is that much more SPECIAL and charismatic
with a woman because you are one of the
few men who actually DO make that eye
And here's ANOTHER important distinction
to make--the whole idea of making cocky
jokes with a woman, it's not necessary, and
when it DOES work, it ONLY works when
you are doing it through the FILTER of
being a GIVER, not a taker...A woman senses
this as TRUE confidence...
Let me give you an example- if I make fun
of a woman, I will do it in a way where it
is absolutely clear that what I am saying
CANNOT BE TRUE. So if she is an
A+ student and gorgeous, then I can tease
her for having no future, and she will
LAUGH and love it.
Because it shows that I am just playing with
her. But to actually say things that ENDANGER
a woman's sense of self-esteem is INSANE
and will ALWAYS lead to problems, because
even if a woman doesn't IMMEDIATELY
strike back at you for this, eventually she
And the few times she doesn't strike back at you?
That's because she has already determined that
the "tactic" was a result of insecurity and low
self-esteem, that the guy felt he needed to do
that, so she ignores it, makes the guy feel
like he said something brilliant or she ignores
it, (out of pity for the guy with low self esteem)
then goes on to another man and forgets
the guy with the insult forever.
Having to resort to insults to a woman to show
that you are not "under her thumb" would be
a very PRIMITIVE way of showing that she
is not controlling your thoughts or emotions
and that she is not "all that"...
This is why I am totally against the idea of
doing this, contrary to dating television shows
that suggest that these insults are the way to
get a woman's interest. This kind of info
is almost like a conspiracy, as it SOUNDS
interesting, but actually HARMS guys'
results with women.
And here's ANOTHER golden tip- the
whole idea of WOMEN TESTING MEN--
is completely misunderstood.
If women so naturally create tests, to determine
if you are "man enough", then does it make sense
to try to FAKE your way through her testing
system by learning "lines" or learning how
ACT arrogant or trying to be arrogant????
Well, that's what most "experts" suggest
You do, to act arrogant or to show you
are in power.
Do you really think that such a powerful primal
tool that has lasted for millions of years in a
woman's brain could so easily be overpowered??
NO, the REAL way to pass a woman's test is
to actually BE the man.. not how to PRETEND
to not be "under her spell" etc,
And how do you do this? You do this by
understanding first of all what REAL confidence is,
what the REAL reason behind all these
"attractive behaviors" for example
the EYE contact for is not to so much to
show that you are NOT AFRAID of her,
but to show that you are confident enough
to want to TRULY UNDERSTAND her, that
you want to see her for who she really is...
and the eye contact is also extremely
impressive in a culture that says "no
eye contact" a culture that says you
should just "leave me ALONE..."
when deep down people CRAVE
a feeling of a special CONNECTION,
and almost NO ONE is getting that
So, when you actually DO all these things,
that are actually a form of GIVING, guess
what happens? You got it--a woman then
sees there is NO NEED to test you in the
FIRST place!!!!! If a woman is testing
You all the time, then either she is the
Wrong woman, or you are DOING things
to MAKE her need to test you!!!!!
And definitely, following the "give her
the arrogant behavior" and "sugar coated
insults" and other behaviors that show
untrustworthiness and shady character
will all make her feel the NEED to test
you for all sorts of things, from your
manliness to your sense of integrity
and honesty.
What you have just read is just a GLIMPSE
into a whole other dimension that you can
be living in with the woman of your dreams.
This isn't about immature pick-up lines.
It's about becoming a stronger man, and
showing that in your interaction with
her, from the moment you approach her
till long after physical intimacy as well.
If you want to get a fantastic woman,
and get started TONIGHT, then I suggest
you download my book, "Get A Great Girl",
For the in-depth advanced levels on how
to approach women anywhere and how to
take things to an intimate level and
beyond, I suggest you get my Mastery
Program at:
For my Real World Bootcamp, go to:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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