Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not All That Glitters Is Gold

The benefit of the blog here is that I can make
updates regarding newsletters ASAP.

I just received an important email:


"Hey Micheal, how's it going? hope all is well.....
I just wanted to write in a comment.... not
necessarily regarding your materials, but I just
wanted to address what I think are a few
common misconceptions out there...
misconceptions about great women...

first of all.... to start, I completely agree with
what you said in these paragraphs..

"So you want to be looking for a woman who
has a history of being able to STICK to
something that requires SERIOUS LONG
TERM COMMITMENT, and a woman who
is high self esteem and seems to be content
in life, happy in general. A woman who
has found meaning her life besides just
DISTRACTIONS and partying, drugs,
or superficial forms of sex.

You want a woman who is PASSIONATE about
her life, who finds GLORY in the little DETAILS
of life, like the sun rising in the morning, like
playing with you and having a good time being
ALIVE. You want a woman who has learned
the meaning of APPRECIATION and of
the meaning of GRACE and INTEGRITY
and most of all, strength under PRESSURE.

You want a woman who can find peace
and contentment from understanding
the power of PERSPECTIVE. "

I think we're all on the same page when it comes
to that. however, I noticed over the last little
while, that people who have written in the
newsletters, along with those that I see in
everyday life, seem to equate a woman's
education with her character.... kind of like
The Halo Effect Part 2. I used to be the
number one victim of The Halo Effect Part 2.

In my experience, I have found that a LOT
of women (not all of course) who are on the
highest level of education are quite rotten.
I gave them the benefit of doubt for so long
(yes, b/c I couldn't really assess a woman's
character well at ALL before I got your
materials), but ultimately, their real colors
shone pretty fast.

I dated a gorgeous, and I mean, gorgeous girl
who got her PhD from Cambridge, was widely
literate, had the most interesting hobbies,
treasured her health, was very outgoing and
friendly at first, but over a few months, I realized
that she was a man hating, manipulating, selfish,
devious, UNSTABLE and in fact MEAN person.

this is an extreme case of course, but in my
medical school class, oh my god.... lots of
pretty faces, like on TV really, but most of
them were FAKE, .... so FAKE, and cutthroat,
and obsessed with being "cool" because their
type A personalities extended onto the social
scene too.

lots of these women are VERY aggressive at
getting what they want too.. in a bad way.
actually, when I got to know them, there were
so MANY issues that run DEEP.

And another thing.... I find that women in power
sometimes act like MEN, which can kind of be a
turn off.. no matter how gorgeous they are.

Now, I'm not saying that they are all bad, because
some med school girls are really good people.
I'm not saying that education is a bad thing at all,
as a matter of fact educated women turn me on
and pursuit of higher learning is almost mandatory
for any woman I date, I'm just saying that some men
seem to put the blinders on when they find out a girl
is educated, and they seem to immediately think
that they are "put together".

Conversely I sometimes, meet girls who seem
wonderful but who are from the "wrong side of
the tracks", or who are working towards a second
chance in life who seem to get written off by
some guys because they don't have higher education.

So to me.... I've always felt that picking the right
girl can in fact be tricky business.

I guess all I want to advise to most guys is that
it's best to approach with caution when dealing
with a highly educated woman, but also approach
with an open mind.

anyways, let me know what you think because
I may be seriously biased by my experience....

I can go ON and ON about this because I'm
surrounded by this issue. maybe I may bring
it up on the forum or something......


Yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean.
And I hope no one reading the newsletter thinks
that just because a woman is educated that makes
her a good character.

And ABSOLUTELY, sometimes these women
are simply very aggressive types who will do
anything to get what they want- I TOTALLY
know all about those kinds of girls, and have
no respect just for someone who is just selfish
and pursuing "prestige" and power, etc.

And YES, many many men think that because
a woman is educated it makes her a better person,
kind of like how good looks makes people think
someone is virtuous, etc.

HALO EFFECT big time!
 This comes from the fact that our parents
tell us "Is she educated? What does she do?"
and other things like that.

Don't get angry out your parents of course,
they want good for you and it's the same with
women being taught this crap by their parents
as well.

It seems hard to believe that a woman who
society respects so much for some profession
or education could be totally crapola in the
personality department but it actually makes
a lot of sense.

 In fact, some parents CREATE monsters by
teaching their kids the ONLY thing that counts
is their education so the kids think the only thing
that is MORAL in life is EDUCATION, and
this would be great if it meant education on how
to be a good person, but usually they mean
education in the sense of how much MONEY
they will be making.

However, when a woman has the drive and
discipline to be educated AND is STILL a good
person at the same time, then it's REALLY cool,
because it means this person has tons of
CHOICES and is still not spoiled, and still
CHOOSES to be a great person.

Then you REALLY know it's coming from a
place of genuine goodness and humility. Whether
this is self-education or formal. In fact, self-education
is even cooler, because it is usually driven by
passion for more spiritual things and not just

So, women who are just about the superficial, be
it education or her looks, they ain't pretty- they
just look that way:

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