Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How To Unleash The Attractive Personality Women CRAVE

One of the greatest sources of POWER you must draw from when you see a woman you’d like to approach, is the power of your INNER CHARM that has unfortunately been REPRESSED by environmental forces. 

What I mean is that, most guys actually ALREADY have tons of great aspects to their personality, but the problem is that they suddenly are unable to SHOW theses side of themselves at WILL, like for example when they suddenly see a woman they would like to approach.

Suddenly, what happens is that they freeze up and the right actions or words seem so hard to find, and even if a guy TELLS THEM some great line to say to a woman, it STILL feels too awkward and weird and in fact sometimes scary to actually do the approach. 

So it’s not ONLY a question of having guts and no fear, it’s also a question of having the ABILITY to actually tap into that fun side of your personality, or that super-social side of your personality, when you need to in the moment. 

This comes from social conditioning- we are slowly conditioned from childhood to CONFORM and to not rock the boat.  Also, as men we are taught that it’s not RIGHT to approach women. Women and some men promote the lie that all women are these victims and fragile creatures who are terrified of a man approaching them.  Plus, we also don’t want to look like fools and we don’t want to embarrass ourselves, etc. 

The SOLUTION to this requires more than just watching some other guy approach women successfully. This is helpful, but it’s not the full solution, because the fact is, SO MUCH of the success a guy has in attracting a woman is NOT about being this amazingly funny guy with genius funny comments, or about being the most cool guy with the most absolutely genius or super-witty things to say- it’s about a very SUBTLE THING instead.

So, YES, if you ARE super-funny, or super witty, or super interesting, that’s GREAT and that WILL help, but you don’t NEED to be those things. 

What you DO need is an incredibly strong sense of being COMFORTABLE letting your REAL personality OUT.

But instead of doing that, we repress ourselves for reasons described above.

The solution is to gradually keep pushing yourself to let a little MORE of your personality out with every approach you make, instead of passing your personality through the CENSORSHIP FILTERS OF FEAR, WORRY, NEED FOR APPROVAL, ETC.

These censorship filters are SELF imposed- the only one keeping these filters on is YOU, even though the original source for them were from places outside of yourself- but now you know that it is up to YOU to let go of them.

At first, this might seem scary. You might think that what you are about to say will sound stupid, or boring, or strange.

But as you keep on doing this, you will start to feel more and more COMFORTABLE, allowing more and more of your real personality to shine through, and women will DETECT that you are feeling COMFORTABLE, and because states are catchy, they too will feel comfortable around you, and of course since you are comfortable, you will not freeze up, and you will suddenly find you have so much more to say and that you are able to keep the conversation going.

And since your brain is not diverting all its energy into panic, it has all that extra energy to be way more interesting, funny, witty, and sexual. 

All of which HELP you massively to attract the woman in front of you.

And on this note, I want to bring to your attention a very special interview I did with a man who was featured in a New York Times best-selling book, I man I met in person several times and who we even together used to combine our skills in teaching men how to approach and attract women. 

His name is Barry. There are many positive traits of this man, but the ones I to focus on here are his sense of HUMOR and his sense of being AUTHENTIC no matter what- and of course it goes without saying his RESULTS with women. Barry and I got along so well we even taught at bootcamps together. 

These two things helped us bond immediately, as I myself hate the idea of putting on an ACT to attract a woman, and I hate the idea of faking.  

Also, what made Barry’s sense of humor so powerful to me was that NONE of the things he did were artificial to his personality- all his humor came from his own actual perception and feelings about things.

And one of the BIGGEST things I saw in Barry was how he learned to UNLEASH his personality by UNREPRESSING his thoughts, feelings, and perceptions- and this ALSO SKYROCKETED his sense of humor to the point that he was the equal of any professional comedian. 

Now, let me warn you, Barry goes WAY FARTHER in unrepressing himself than most guys will ever do in a THOUSAND lifetimes, but I think that sometimes when you want to learn how to do something, it HELPS to see somebody do it in a very MASSIVE WAY.

It illustrates the point CLEARLY, and it is also INSPIRING.

And I recorded a very special interview with Barry, where he not only speaks about his own development, but he is actually FUNNY to the level of making people ‘ROLL ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING’ – all WITHOUT putting on an ACT, without making up jokes or making up funny lines.  He is just UNLEASHING his personality.

The lessons from this are INFINITE- not only of course will it make you FUNNIER, and being able to get a woman laughing right away is a FANTASTIC way to get her to open up to you, but ALSO the same way unrepressing your personality allows you to be way more HUMOROUS with women, it ALSO allows you to feel comfortable being more SEXUAL with women, being more ASSERTIVE with women, being more DOMINANT with women, and all these things are MASSIVELY attractive to women.

So don’t just stand around watching guys approach women, but actually BECOME the kind of man that MAKES THE APPROACHES AND FEELS SUPER COMFORTABLE DOING THEM---and this interview is a FANTASTIC WAY TO HELP YOURSELF BECOME THAT KIND OF MAN. 

I’ve made this special interview program available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD. 

That means you can be benefiting from it in MINUTES from now- and getting BETTER with women in the process.

Getting better with women isn’t about an ACT.
It’s about who you BECOME.

This is why just watching OTHER guys approaching women isn’t enough.

You need to learn how to do the INTERNAL work as well, to UNLEASH the attractive elements currently REPRESSED in you.

Get this program now at:

You and the amazing women you meet will be glad you did :)

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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