Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Should You Smile When You Approach Women?

I want to share something very important
for your success when it comes to approaching
and attracting women who are total strangers.

There are a LOT of people out there who
that it is super important for men
to SMILE at women when the men approach
these women to chat them up.

There are ALSO a LOT of people out there
who SWEAR that smiling at women makes
the men seem weak, desperate, and not

It's because of these kinds of conflicting
views that I had to spend YEARS of my own
life actually GOING OUT THERE and approaching
thousands of women who were total strangers in
just about EVERY kind of situation and environment,
from seeing a woman on a frozen winter day
walking along the sidewalk, to approaching
women in malls and cafes, to approaching
women in bars and clubs and lounges,
to approaching women on public transit,
and even in places like hotel lobbies
and airports and tons of other places
as well.

So let me CLEAR UP this whole question on
whether men should smile or not when they
approach women.

There are two levels to this answer.
The first level goes DEEP:

There are literally hundreds of thousands of
SUBTLETIES that are implied in the varied
NUANCES of any human expression.

So, it is very possible to SMILE at a woman
in a way that STILL conveys confidence
and power and sensuality.

And yet, in a MICROSECOND, that smile
can transform into a smile that is soaking
with desperation and approval-seeking.

The best kind of smile FLOWS from being in the
right STATE of mind to begin with, a combination
of being upbeat, dominant, and a touch sensual.

That state of mind then MANIFESTS itself in the
perfect facial expressions and the perfect
inflections in your voice that communicate
indirectly to a woman that you indeed are

However, sometimes, it is very difficult for
a guy to FEEL that perfect state of mind,
so one TIP to help GET into that state of
mind is to not only CHANGE YOUR PHYSIOLOGY
and actually try to create the right
facial expressions, but to also practice
your VOICE TONALITIES as well, saying
even the most basic things but saying
them with your voice now INFUSING
confidence, upbeatness, and sensuality
into your words.

This is why, for example, a guy CAN say
something as simple as:

"How are you?"

And he can PACK those words with so much
of the right EMOTIONS that a woman can
get wet just from his delivery.

And before you think I am joking around,
try this out.

Try SLOWING down the delivery of your words.
Try adding some BREATH into the sound.

Think of how the PHYSICAL sensations are
often implied when a person speaks about
a certain FOOD they love, such as heavenly
hash ice cream, or sinfully rich chocolate,
etc, etc.

You can often HEAR the passion in their

This is often referred to as accessing
the KINESTHETIC state of mind, meaning
the FEELING state of mind.

The KINESETHETIC state is often accompanied
by SLOWER vocal delivery.

Now, all this so far has been the DEEP level.

There is a SIMPLER yet equally important level
to this whole question on whether to smile or not
when approaching women and chatting them up
for a pick up.

And this level boils down to one simple question:

So, if you are approaching a woman at a dance
club, or even a lounge, or at a party, the
whole POINT of being there in the first place
is to have a great time!

If a guy is in such a place and NOT HAVING
a great time, then why is he there?

Is he there ONLY to try to meet women but he
is really NOT enjoying the environment?

If so, that is NOT cool, because it's putting
the whole topic of picking up women.

Now, this might seem ironic, since the truth is,
if it were NOT for the social angle to these
party environments, no one would go, but it has
to be done in a way where meeting the opposite
sex is just a BYPRODUCT of having a great time
at the venue/party location.

Also, a guy forcing himself to do something that
is mostly not fun means he is not in a great state
of mind, and that in itself will weaken the success
of any approach he makes on women in the environment
where he is not having a good time.

So, in a PARTY venue, smiling makes a LOT of sense.
And it's the PARTY atmosphere that really is the
defining trait here, because for example, a guy
can be out on Saturday night NOT in the actual
club or lounge, but in the general vicinity of
the fun/club/party/entertainment district area

of town, and now ALL THESE ACTUAL locations
have become party atmospheres
, and a guy
can go approach a group of women walking along
the sidewalk as IF he were IN the club and
just start with a smile right away.

On the OTHER hand, if it is Monday in the
business part of town smack in middle of
the day
, and a guy sees a gorgeous woman
walking beside him, starting off with a
big party smile is NOT a good idea at ALL.

It seems OUT OF PLACE.

It also seems as if the guy is ASSUMING
he is already SOMEWHERE with her when
he is not, and this is not interpreted
as CONFIDENCE by a woman because it
becomes more an issue of SAFTEY

Now, as you know, I DO advise men to
NOT worry about coming across as
PSYCHO, and to MAKE the approaches
on total strangers.  I ALSO suggest
that a very SIMPLE way to not come
across as psycho is to NOT start
with this big smile that comes right
out of nowhere if the environment    
is NOT a party atmosphere, i.e.
like meeting on the sidewalk in
middle of a Monday.

This is ESPECIALLY true if a woman is
really attractive, because she has
probably seen quite a bit of strange
smiles, normal smiles, ogling eyes
on her, etc, etc.

So you want to AVOID flipping her
PROTECTION SWITCH, which is basically
her turning all her attention OFF
from any guy who just comes out of
the blue and comes up to her with
this big smile or perhaps even
ANY smile.

By NOT STARTING with a smile, you
help PREVENT telegraphing to her that
you have already fast-forwarded in
your mind to the part where you both
take your clothes off before she
even knew you EXISTED.

You don't want her thinking that, as most
women are not as immediately ready to jump
into the physical act as most men are.

By NOT smiling right away, or at least not
giving that party smile right away, you
are showing that you RESPECT THE PROCESS

It is what separates the boys from the men.

Get the conversation rolling first, with
something that MAKES SENSE for that
environment, whether it is looking for
directions or something else.

as your FUEL for THEN getting into flirty
mode, i.e. you can playfully tease her
on the directions she gave you, or you
can playfully tease her on something else.

You do not even have to playfully tease at all.
You can find something that is happening
in the immediate environment, such as
a particularly unique cafe or live music
venue or museum or anything else that is
compelling, and you can ask for directions
to it, and even if she doesn't know, it
gives you a chance to talk about it and
this now becomes a conversation topic
that is likely to get her asking you
about it as well.

You don't need to talk to a woman for
an hour to get her number. If you are
chatting her up for 10 minutes, that
can be a very strong conversation
leading to a number that is very real
and to a very real date where she is
looking forward to meeting you again.

Now, as you can see, the things I teach
and discuss are not just things I came
up with that sounded nice.  They come

THAT is how I learned the things that
I teach. 

That is also why men come from all over
the world to learn from me directly in
my Real World Bootcamps where all learning
happens in real time on tons of women
in tons of venues.

This is not theory or hypothesis.
It's the REAL THING.

For Bootcamp, go here:

I also have two MAJOR different programs that
are VITAL to your success with women.

The first program, called ATTRACTION MASTERY,
is all about mastering the skills of attraction
to get experience with LOTS of women.
It's at:

You can even check out new samples of this
program on that page.

The second program, called WARRIOR WITHIN,
is all about mastering the deepest levels
of INNER GAME, which is absolutely ESSENTIAL
if you want to meet, attract, and KEEP
a fantastic girlfriend.

It's at:

You can also check out what guys who actually
attended the live recording of this program
had to say about this program, by going to
the page above.

I've spent over ten YEARS teaching programs
that CLEAR UP all the confusion and that
ANSWER all the questions you have about
attracting women, and most of all, that give
men the SKILLS for attracting women of
the highest quality.

And I don't just talk the talk, I continue
to teach these skills LIVE to men from
all over the world, and I continue to
prove these concepts in the real world.

To find out about ALL my programs for
skyrocketing your success with women,
go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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