Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Creating The Vibe And Passing The Tests


Hey Michael,

You know how when a pebble hits the water,
ripples wave out? Well, my story is a bunch
of ripples, the ripple effect if you will.

It's been a few months since I completed the
Real World Bootcamp with you, and I wanted
to let you know how things are going, feel free
to use this for your newsletter if you think
other guys can benefit from it.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I read
your site, last year, and figured, this
guy is funny. He goes out and teaches
guys how to get the chicks. I mean,
it sounds funny, you have to admit.

Every guy wants a girl, and the idea
of simply going to a guy to solve
this problem forever seems almost
like a fantasy. It seems too good
to be true.

Then I read your newsletters, and it
kinda made sense to me, on a logical
level, and even on an emotional level,
to a degree. Still, though, I was skeptical.
But I believed there had to be something
to what you were saying, since it made
so much sense. You have a way of
explaining things that simply is

Ripple ripple ripple.

So, at first, I just stuck to your
awesome free newsletters for a while.

It's amazing how for some reason, I
thought I would gain more by just
getting your free stuff. I used to
be proud of, it was part of my identity,
I thought it was "cool" and "funny",
and "alpha", but I realize now that
the way I was doing it anyway, it was
not cool because I was coming from
the "taker" perspective.

It was the opposite of what you so clearly
showed in Bootcamp, where I saw how you
were giving women awesome emotions in a
natural way that wasn't about needing
anything in return. Kind of like what
you were talking about with that woman
in that video recently.

And the effect that had on the women,
how they become giggly, happy, alive,

And I realized how ultimately, attraction is
really about what you are ***giving***,
but most guys probably will never learn

And, that not only does the "taking" attitude
repel others but it sends the wrong message
back to my own mind that I have to resort
to being creepy to get any value out of life,
which is pathetic. I have changed this area
of my life, I actually find I have more energy
in me with this attitude of emotional abundance,
in fact the neediness is our own illusion that
we create.

But for then, I just read your awesome free
newsletters for a while.

I didn't really "get" it totally, but I started
to slowly at least go through the motions.

I started to change what I wanted
from girls.

It wasn't that I changed internally so fast,
but my goal, from reading your newsletters,
had become "pumping up the vibe"
with chicks rather than on trying to get
them to mother me, give me compliments,
give me love, give me ***anything***.

I focused on leading the show with a
capital "L", leading the interaction, even
if I did not feel much "love" coming from
the chicks. When I say "love" I mean
that old fashioned kind of feeling of
the chick being really "nice".

That "love stuff" was what the old me
wanted, before even proceeding with
a girl at all. I wanted confirmation
up front. I wanted guarantees.
I wanted security. I wanted to
avoid all potential pain.

It would have made me feel "safe"
emotionally. That's what I used to
want, but I stopped focusing on that,
because clearly you suggested that
taking that path was all wrong and
that instead we must become stronger
versions of ourselves that lead the
whole show with a woman.

Anyway, I started to get some results. Met
one girl, did as you say, and got her through
the phases, and after we did get physical,
she DID start to warm up, it was as if she
was hiding her full personality before.

I ended up though reverting to my old self,
because I refused to believe in what you
wrote. I felt that I had kinda lucked out
on a great girl, and that it was not really
your stuff that helped me.

In fact, I felt like a bit of an a-hole
because she complained about some of
it. And she became super meltingly
warm while convincing me that she wanted
me to be "nicer". And I felt guilty, so I
did, and for a brief moment, (literally,
like hours only) she was this "mothering"
kind of love, she was sweet, loving,
telling me how much she loved me,
blah blah blah.

And then almost immediately after,
she started becoming colder to me.
Like the very next day.

Ripple ripple ripple.
For a second, I remembered some
of your advice, but my heart told
me no, don't do that. So I gave
in, and tried harder to give her
more of what she said she wanted.

But the problem got worse.
Well, we had some huge fights as I
got angry, and it was pretty much

It hurt, but I'm not going to waste your
time with a story I'm sure you've heard
and experienced a lot.

So after I finally got myself together again,
I figured, time to get your eBook.

Man, so clearly written, so easy to understand,
yet such a wonderful and MASSIVE paradigm
shift. It's like going back to the 60s in a way,
like Austin Powers almost, but in a real way:

Having an abundance of security, dominance,
fun, and even "love" but never ever turning
yourself into a woman by playing her game.

And training your mind to adapt
to this reality.

And man, you were right. Women
absolutely **will** test you.

Not to be cruel, not to be mean.
But to see if you are made of
"strong manly stuff".

The soft lovey stuff they do is sometimes nothing
but a test. I didn't want to believe you,
it's scary, because these super sweet
women, they will give you the "look"
of softness lovey dovey etc., they will
give you sex and be all warm over you
and be all loving, and you just want to
lose yourself totally in the haze of "p***y
heaven" to be blunt.

But I was smarter this time around,
I didn't give up my masculinity, emotional
frame, etc. Yes, I totally got the vibe down
of teasing coming from a frame of superiority,
and yes it **is** superiority, thank you for not
mincing words. And thank you also for
explaining that true superiority is never cruel.

How about sharing this with readers:
If women were **not** attracted to
superiority, if women were only so
warm and fuzzy, then why do they
test so ruthlessly?

Okay, so the Dating Wizard eBook helped
me to actually get results consistently,
but it was hard for me to like women
at all, as I basically saw the whole
thing as "stimulus and response"
and felt like all these chicks were
robots who simply responded when
I put in the right recipe of behavior
and gave me nothing when I veered
off course.

This would piss me off and I would
usually end up showing it and ruining

Ripple ripple ripple.

So then I figured your Bootcamp sounded
like it was fun. Intense, but fun. The way
you described things, and some of the
stuff that happened on bootcamp that
was in your newsletters, well I wanted
to be that way, I wanted to enjoy this
whole thing, enjoy the process, and not
feel like women are only these robots.

Eventually I made the call to you.
Signed up and came out to the next
available bootcamp a few weekends

One of the most important things I
experienced and internalized from
the bootcamp is that the "testing"
that women do is to be treated as
something good! It's a sign of
progress. The old version of myself
looked at it as a sign of will vs. will
and a confrontation before, but now
from actually experiencing it over
and over and over again in bootcamp,
and watching you, and then seeing
it happen again and again recently,
I realize that you were not acting,
that you truly ***were*** more
relaxed when chicks started doing
this stuff to you, and it finally sunk
in that this testing stuff has so many
purposes, including:

1. It's to make you go away, so they
can feel they did their job to not
be a "slut".

2. They do it to see if you can handle
them, because most guys are so insecure
around a woman who is hot, that the
guys are horrible to be around for all
kinds of reasons, i.e. he will call her
ten times a day, he will try to tell
her what to do, he will ask for her
approval for ridiculous things instead
of being the dominant masculine one,

3. And another thing that I learned on
bootcamp, from meeting so many girls,
is that some of these girls, as they revealed
to me later, they act like b*****s because
they have had bad experiences with other
guys who were "imposters" cool but who
also tore their heart apart, or dumped them,
etc., or some of them had just been through
a breakup and were getting out their anger,

But the fact of the matter is that it's still
only this type of "awesome vibes guy"
that actually attracts a girl like her in
the first place.

She knows that you have the power to
create attraction in her, and it kinda
makes her alert to the dangers of actually
falling for you, and she immediately
shows her angry/scared feelings.

And if you were not the kind of guy that
actually sparks this chemistry in her,
then she wouldn't do anything to you,
she'd just move on and dismiss you.

Of course, not all this is great behavior on
her part, but the fact is, the chick is not
necessarily like this all the time, she is
just in a bad mood at that moment, and if
you can let this stuff slide off your back
and actually **enhance** the good vibes,
while keeping the frame of your dominance
and superiority, her armor will often break
down for you and she will fall for you hard.

This truly is the real world, and I thank you
for opening my eyes to it.

Of course, there's a ton more I learned
from you in person, but even had I just
come and learned that, it would have
been worth it still, in fact worth ten
times time the price. It's simple-
there is simply no "bad" reaction
a woman can give a guy, if the guy
knows how to turn it around in his
favor. And so many many many
times, he can. I know I have.

This stuff changes the way I feel about
women. It makes me understand them
rather than view them as the opposition.
And that understanding shows me more
than ever that women want men who
are strong emotionally.

It's really important that guys are not
looking for someone to be their mom
when they are looking for women.
Yes, kindness is key, but don't expect
a woman to share her warmth with
you if she feels you are not a man
who can handle her.

So that sunk in to me.
Ripple ripple ripple.

And then after taking your Bootcamp,
I figured that being a cheapskate and
wanting something for nothing was
the dumbest thing I ever did, and even
when I did "get" I actually ended up
losing far more, because that attitude
of something for nothing sends the
message back to myself that I have
nothing to give and that I can only
get by screwing other people over,
which is horrifying for inner game.

So when your latest programs came out,
I didn't wait.

Having your latest home study programs available
relatively quickly (a month) after the bootcamp
was a lucky stroke for me, because there
was so much going on at bootcamp, that
even months after, there are still things
that I'm thinking about from back then,
things I'm still learning from: And
the programs prevent me from forgetting
anything that I learned and also has
even given me some new insights
into elevating my game as well -
even putting things from the bootcamp
into new perspectives.

I know this was a long letter, but hopefully
helps guys, especially the testing stuff.
Guys, believe me, handling tests from
women properly is probably the most
serious skill you can learn in this game.

Once you're past that, you're pretty much
if you don't do anything stupid and if
you can physically escalate and not
chicken out.

I guess what you teach isn't "funny" after
all. When it's fake, it's funny, when it's real,
it's awesome.

So thanks for the awesome experience.


Nathan L.

***MY REPLY***

Ahhh, the tests, the tests, yes.
First of all, thanks for that heartfelt,
honest letter and for the props as well.

Your letter also really hits home on
that super-important topic.

In a way, yes, handling tests is the most
important skill. I also want to say right
HERE that not ALL women test consciously,
and also men test as well, and most men aren't
aware of it.

ANOTHER thing I want to say is that
there are actually a lot of tests
that women do to see if you are a
JERK or not. Contrary to popular
belief, the tests are not all about
to see if you are only confident,
but also to see if you are two-faced,
genuine, etc.

You see, a lot of guys act "nice" until
they don't get what they want, and then
become total sleazebags in the blink of
an eye. In a way, this is not nice at
all of the guy, it was all just neediness.

REAL niceness is a very sexy thing, but
there are almost no GENUINE nice guys,
there are the rather needy clingy guys
and then there are emotionally empty
cold jerks. There are very few guys
who really have the complete spectrum.

For any guys who don't believe that
you can be a good guy and MOP UP THE
supposed "COMPETITION" of JERKS and
get the best, most sought after women
out there, and get them on fire for
you, allow me to prove it to you
in person through Bootcamp or my
upcoming Seminar.

ALSO, I want to say that the best way to pass
tests is to be of such stellar sexy character
that you don't even have to THINK about
what to do, you simply just do what comes
naturally, but this takes a certain amount of
DEVELOPMENT before you can be at this level.

Now, although learning to be playful, funny,
dominant, and learning how to dress right is
crucial as well, and actually is often a part of
getting through the tests, the fact is that this
area is where most guys stumble. Again, many
times it's not that the woman is consciously
testing, but that she is simply on a more secure
frame of reality (at least in this particular element
of her life called dating) than most guys are,
and when the guy encounters her reality, he
can't handle it, he sees it all through jaded
insecure perspectives that result in very
negative, insecure, and unattractive behaviors.

A lot of guys can get a little momentum,
perhaps even a number, (if it's real), but
when you successfully deal with the hardcore
"tests", or "women's realities" well then
what happens is that it's also almost as if
a girl can tell that other girls have "endorsed you",
since your ability to pass a test is proof itself of
your value. In other words, your secure behavior
is a sign that you already could easily have all
the women you could ever ask for, or perhaps
even better, the BEST quality woman that any
man can ask for.

That's how you actually end up in bed with her.

If you can't pass the "test" with her, she figures
you probably haven't passed the "test" with
any other girl either, and that you're probably
a bad choice.

This is especially with women who are
stereotypically "hot".

Most women will test, but for SURE a
hottie will. She's subconsciously learned
to create these tests as a way to control
the incessant flow of guys, OR what she
is doing is simply behaving in a way that
you would also behave if you were as secure,
but since most guys do not have the same
validation being given to them, they see
the worst possible interpretation of things
when they are interacting with women.

If you are dealing with a woman who
is hot, on a cold pickup, she will test
you. It's as simple as that. Whether
it's a nice soft test or hard-core
test, intentional or not, she WILL
do things that will TEST your sense
of security. Sometimes right off the
bat, sometimes later in the game.

And often, you can't blame her for what
she is doing, as long as she is not being
nasty or disrespectful. (There's never an
excuse for that, that's just a b***ch.)

This is the most CHALLENGING time
to control your own emotions. It's as
if NASA is putting the prototype of
into the big daddy of all wind tunnels and
the wind tunnel is now going to BLAST it

That machinery is your MIND, your EMOTIONS.
Those blasts are her TESTS.

Any insecurity you have may be HIT,
and it may be HIT HARD. It might

Can you TAKE IT????

And not only can you TAKE IT, but

Can you have fun with it?


Or do you feel "ahh forget this" and
WUSS out?

Can you STILL be playful?

And if she DOES go too far, can you
call her on her sh** in a way that clearly
shows she is socially retarded and that
you are still cool as a cucumber and
in fact still feeling good and playful
and that you could easily switch
to another girl not out of bitterness
but because your belief in your own
value is still intact?

Yes, it's very important stuff, this.

And if you COME OUT of the wind
tunnel, or her tests, and you are intact,
her attraction will skyrocket and you can
then just lead her easily, since she ALREADY
has been FUELED now, she just needs
you to guide the rest of the show, she
now has become a very willing participant.

Thanks, and there's a ton of other great stuff
in your letter, I'll let it speak for itself.


Hey man,

I have read quite a few of your articles.
They are realizations about women and
people that I began to develop in the past
year. My question for you: It seems like
the process that you promote is borderline
manipulative. This attitude of "superiority"
and being comfortable with your "self" is
completely antithetic to everything
about our terrestrial society.

In other words, if you always have to
think and be aware of everything, then
is it possible to truly meet your true love.

Or is it this attitude that allows for true
love to materialize?

Please address my question on manipulation.


Pompano Beach

***MY REPLY***

Hey man,

I always love a letter that has the word
terrestrial in it.

Okay, here's the deal, there IS a huge
amount of MANIPULATION involved
in this! There's a huge amount of
CONTROL involved in getting the
girls who are super fine-ass hot things.

Can you hear my evil laughter?

The only thing is, this CONTROL
stuff, is about learning to CONTROL

NOT about controlling the chick!!!!!

It's the opposite of "evil".

When you can conquer your OWN
emotions, you can get just about
any awesome chick you want.

and being DOMINANT, well you can't do
this if you are TAKING.

And the reality is that this "controlling the frame"
is really more of a concept that you must use
as a beginner to intermediate. At the advanced
level, honestly, you actually FEEL that there
IS NO BATTLE, because the truth is, there
ISN'T. But for most guys, it's impossible
to truly jump to this level on instinct, because
undoing YEARS AND YEARS of brainwashing
and insecurities cannot be undone in one second.

So, at first, it DOES seem like a battle of
controlling the frame, and it IS a battle,
a battle that you must confront in yourself,
because at first you keep on seeing and feeling
yourself as UNWORTHY, as UNABLE, as
in an inferior position of power.

You think chicks are stupid?
You can only be SUPERIOR if you are
GIVING her superior feelings, if SHE is
in a FUN and NOT malicious way .

Giving from the standpoint of VIBES.

And, and this is the BIG "and", when
you learn to CONTROL your own
emotions instead of being controlled
by FEAR, by SOCIETY, by women's
tests, and by anything ELSE, you
well. You are only THEN truly

It's...completely antithetical to being
manipulative! In fact, you no longer
have to even do much to control yourself
after a while, because it becomes quite
natural to be feeling the right states
after you finally get used to tossing away
all your dependencies on society's approval,
women's approval, etc.

You learn to not NEED those approvals,
which makes you far more able to GIVE OFF
awesome emotions to women and actually
anyone. So you don't NEED TO TAKE i.e.
you don't need them to give you anything.

Nope, YOU'RE the big giver, because
you are giving off great vibe without
needing some kind of contract from
them saying "I will give you good vibes
only if you in return give me your female
approval first. In fact, I NEED you to
give your approval first, in order for me
to feel like a man, to feel dignity, because
right now I feel like I am NOT a man,
not worthy, not desirable."

When you experience this for real, you see
that you are MAKING a woman's DAY
when you grow and develop these skills.
And you make her nights, too ;)

YES, this IS about superiority.
are making yourself BETTER in a way that
COUNTS to a woman. You are the SUPERIOR
value, plain and simple.

Does anyone actually think a woman wants

It takes WORK to be giving off superior
vibes. It takes growing as a person. Dare
I say it, it takes SKILLS.

It's far EASIER to be the inferior, approval
seeking, thumb-sucking, needy baby that
it sometimes seems our society wants men
to be.

And it's not about "faking it" because the
bottom line is making woman FEEL it.
If a woman is FEELING it from you, it's

Ultimately, this stuff is not even about the
CHICK, it's about who you BECOME.

And regarding this true love stuff, the truth
is that all this true love business is coming
at attraction totally from the wrong angle:

When most guys say "true love" they usually
mean something along the lines of a woman
who is going to be their mom or something.

We get these crazy ideas of what a girl is
supposed to be, this true love concept seems
to imply that she is going to be truly madly
deeply genuinely blah blah blah blah just
because we exist, just because we "need"
it. But that "needing" is actually the barrier
to "getting" it. We don't "need" it in
that desperate negative way.

A chick is not your mom.
Just like you are not her dad.
Her daddy, maybe, but not her dad. ;)

And the irony of course is that when
you DO become the kind of guy that
has developed these skills, these internal
dimensions of himself, you DO tend
to get these "true love" behaviors from
a girl. This true love stuff though is really
her TRULY LOVING the warmth and
power she is feeling emanating from

That's what it really is.

So when you are "attractive" in the sense
of all the things that learn from my materials
and programs, you then get the "loving
behavior" from chicks.

Do you know that when you go for a chick
who you feel is NOT attractive to you, that
THAT is the real manipulation? Yes, it
is, because what you are saying is that you
feel you don't have the value, so instead
you are going to try to get a freebie from
a chick who has no choice since she is
low value and inferior to you or at most
equal. (That's the message you are indirectly
giving her through all the subtleties in
your communication.)

"Hey chick, I'm not desirable, but then again
neither are you, so maybe you'll hang out
with me".

That doesn't sound nice and genuine and
giving to me.

You can't give when you have nothing
to give. Or when you feel that you have
nothing to give.

Teasing, for example, is not about making
her feel BAD, it's about making her feel
GOOD that she is with a guy who GETS
it. Who is confident enough in his value
and her value, who also knows how to
make things fun, to create the right amount
of sexual tension that can later be released
and thus more appreciated.

i.e. If I see a woman cleaning her car
frantically from the snow on it, and I
tease her that she missed a spot and
give her a hard time about it, she
GETS it that I am not there to TAKE
from her, not there to NEED from her,
but rather just there for the VIBE.

I'm giving off good vibes, and the very
FACT that I approached her says that
I'm giving, otherwise why the heck did
I approach her??????? Because I really
felt she missed a spot???????????????
Because I'm trying to make her feel

I'm not saying to base your choice of women
on society's magazines, I'm saying rather
to go for women you LIKE.

I've always gone for women I actually
LIKE, and I feel great about giving them
some "quality time" with me. It's a
two way giving street, and it's awesome
for all involved.

When you feel low value and go for women
you don't like, they feel the low value as
well, and that makes them feel worse, and
they've probably had that from a million
other guys with the same negative vibe,
it's no wonder so many chicks who are
not attractive on the outside are so miserable
on the inside as well.

In fact, I'm willing to bet that part of what
makes them not APPEAR as hot is the fact
they ACT so low self-esteem and miserable,
which translates into the way they behave, dress,
etc. And of course, low self-esteem people
feel the need to ruin OTHER'S self-esteem
as well, so often these chicks that you
thought you were "settling" for are actually
going to DESTROY your self-esteem
if you stay with them.

Don't get me wrong, not every girl who
is physically hot is high self esteem, not
at all. I'm just saying not to go for a girl
you feel is not attractive, because you
are then in very subtle but powerful way
communicating all the wrong things
about yourself, and communicating all
the worst messages to her, it's an insult
to both of you really.

This brings me to HUGE point:
Do you know what the highest sign of
SUPERIOR status is?

It's not needing ANY status.

Remember, the only point to any of this
"value" stuff is the value it gives

Everything I talk about is from the perspective
of FEELING that emotion called attraction
and other awesome emotions.

When YOU feel no need for having to have
STATUS, etc, then you create a world where
a woman can ALSO drop the need for status.

You see, the biggest thing that holds us all
back from feeling amazing and from feeling
as sexual as possible is brainwashing thoughts
of being not good enough in some way for
society. Almost everyone suffers from this,
including even the most beautiful of women.

But, people are social creatures.
They are affected by their human environment.
This is why people who are in a good mood
want to go to a party, and stay there, and
stay away from negative people, because they
know that the mere PRESENCE of party-pooopers
will AFFECT their own emotions as well, and
ruin things.

For some reason, girls who are hot know all
this intuitively. When you go into a group
of girls, and start the chat and the vibe,
the worst thing you can do is TRY too
hard, especially any kind of SHOWING

It's not just that you seem like an a-hole,
but it also ruins the vibe of FEELING
GREAT, because you are saying that

And that RUINS the vibe, because the truth
is NO ONE enjoys that concept, not even
Bill Gates, not even the biggest movie star,
not even the hottest supermodel. It's a
sucky idea. The idea of being a slave to
someone else's concept of value.

When people finally feel good for a moment,
and are free of that, the LAST thing they
who goes in and BREAKS the vibe by
being an INSECURE person.

So you see, insecurity can be a very SELFISH

Listen, the greatest sexual chemistry you
can feel happens when you feel you are
FREE of all that validation stuff, when
you FEEL as if you ALREADY ARE
validated internally. So that you don't
CARE about validation. You feel good,
and that's it, you don't need a "reason
of validation" for it.

CHICKS "get" this, especially the hot ones.

This is why so often the guys who are great
with women are not obsessed only with
LOOKS. Sure, we love women who are
hot, but we tend to also love women who
may not fall exactly into the category of
magazine hot, because we are way more
FREEE from the need for validation, so
our choices are based on how we feel,
and that's it. We trust ourselves, we
don't need society's approval to find
out if a girl is attractive to us or not.

And girls sense this, they LOVE it,
because we are our own men, we
are not slaves to the grind. And, it's
more....VALIDATING even to the
HOT ones, to see that they got our
interest because they know that being
hot is not enough for us, it's just a
good start.

When a woman feels free of the need for
herself to be validated, this actually frees
her to unleash her sexuality.

But you can't expect a woman to not need
all this validation stuff unless YOU YOURSELF
don't need it either. If YOU clearly don't
need it, you make HER feel comfortable
about not needing it either, thereby putting
her in a DELIRIOUSLY awesome state that allows

And if you STILL feel like a slave to the
validation grind, then at least take the
following frame until you get beyond
this stuff- the following frame was
something I took on early on, about ten
years ago, before I got this all
sorted out completely, but it was still
a big jump in the right direction:


I remember the FIRST TIME I told a
chick this, years ago, when I first
started to internalize a lot of the
TRUTH about this whole reality.

Whoah, she got a bit pissed at first, but
the thing is, I started to really believe it
by that point, so I didn't apologize for it.

She was like "No, the WOMAN makes the man".

And I was like, "Ummm, that's what everyone
SAYS, but my experience shows that's simply
not true." (Which was true, as I had learned
the hard way that a woman does not make
the man, and if you believe that she does,
you are weakening yourself.)

In retrospect, I realize that without trying to
play any game, I had flipped the frame, reversed
it totally, and stripped her of her power to
manipulate me with her "status".

And because I really believed it, I was congruent,
I felt that it was the MAN who made the woman,
so my self-esteem didn't depend on her, in fact
I felt that I was giving HER the bigger benefit,
but it was cool by me, I ENJOYED giving,
and I liked her anyway.

I only started to screw up later, when I started
to fall for the b.s. version of romance that
society preaches. Hey, I believe in romance,
but it ain't Valentine's Day style. It's more
like 9 1/2 weeks but without the psycho stuff.

Hey, it's AT LEAST as true as the
"woman makes the man" axiom.

In fact, I would say that in our society
today, more than ever, the RIGHT man
DEFINITELY makes the woman.

Use that for starters if you need to.

And on that note, I must say, if you
AS POSSIBLE instead of wasting the next
20 years HOPING to figure it all out by
random chance and luck, then GET THE

1. Want to EXPERIENCE success ASAP?
Then sign up for my REAL WORLD BOOTCAMP.

You are going to EXPERIENCE what all this
means. You are going to WITNESS results.

You are going to LEARN how to be great with
women and you are going to actually DO THIS.

To find out more and contact me about
signing up, go to:


2. For my most advanced home-study program
on attracting the kind of women who are the
"total package", go here now:


3. And definitely, if you haven't yet read yet
read my first work, The Dating Wizard:
Secrets to Success with Women, then download
it IMMEDIATELY. It's packed with great strategies
that you can start using right away to meet and
attract the women of your choice.

It's at:


Till next time,

Michael Marks


László said...


I'm generally pretty good at understanding your stuff but I cannot wrap my head around this "man makes the woman" phrase. (Maybe it's because I'm a foreign English speaker.)

I guess it may mean that the man chooses the woman, but I'm not sure.

Could you elaborate on that, please?

Thanks in advance,

Michael Marks said...

Thanks for the question. The idea that "the man makes the woman", is a reversal of the wrong attitude that most men take toward women.

Most men seek validation from women, and when they get this validation, they feel "NOW I am the MAN!" So basically, in their mind, the WOMAN is what defines them.

However, if you take a much more empowered perspective, and you really DO feel that your value is sky-high, then you can't help but feel that YOU are giving the WOMAN value, and if anything, YOU are helping to define HER.

Obviously, the healthiest perspective is one where both attitudes are balanced, but in a world where so many men are willing to give up their dignity for the approval of women (which doesn't even work to get a woman attracted), sometimes a man needs to take some extreme measures just to get back to the healthy balance.

Which is why I say "the man makes the woman", because unfortunately most men behave as if the woman makes the man.

The behaviors that flow from a mans' belief that "the man makes the woman" tend to be much more attractive to women as well. He no longer feels the need for her approval, and yet he is not nasty or mean or cruel, since he in fact feels he has so much value, he can be good to her not because he needs her, but because in fact he does NOT need her, and her reactions won't affect him in a negative way, whether she likes him or not.

And the irony of THAT, is that this tends to produce a lot more attraction in women than any other attitude.

László said...

Thanks a lot for throughly explaining this Michael, you've just made it crystal clear.