Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Charisma Is MADE, Not Born

Although there are many ways to meet women,
including building up your social circle, or
through going online, my personal favorite is
the good ol' fashioned PRIMAL style:


Does it always work?
Of course not, that's why MOST GUYS never DO it.

It's also why the guys who not only DO it,
but do it WELL, tend to get pretty awesome
results, ESPECIALLY if they do it a LOT.

To be blunt, it makes a pretty big statement
to a woman when you show her through this
kind of ACTION that you are DIFFERENT
from most men.

And hey, I'm NOT knocking the other ways
of meeting women, and in fact I've DONE
those ways as well, and they're totally
cool and fine!

But the thing is, the skills you get from
having to master REAL LIFE APPROACHES
end up making ALL THE OTHER WAYS seem

But the reverse is not true.
Being confident while behind a screen
on the internet does not mean you will
be feeling as confident actually making
a real life approach to a woman who is
a total stranger.

Being witty when in the company of your
FRIENDS who happen to have invited a couple
women they know to a party is not the same
as being able to be witty and empowered and
on the ball when you suddenly must do it
on CUE when you see a woman on the train
in middle of a bunch of total strangers.

See what I mean?

And if a guy DOES meet a great woman using ANY method,
well then that is AWESOME SUCCESS, because as long as
you get what you want it IS success.

I'm just saying that I PERSONALLY find the
idea of making approaches to women to be
quite the DRAMATIC experience, and also
I have seen how the skills involved in
making a successful approach in real life
HELP you in meeting and attracting women
in every OTHER method such as online or
through your social circle, etc.

Some people like video games, some people
like to play poker. I think approaching
women is awesome.

And, it's not only the END result that
I like, it's the RUSH, it somehow feels
like one of the few POSITIVE things that
we can still do as men and women that harkens
back to the GOOD ELEMENT of our ANCIENT

There's something very INSTINCTIVE in
humans that AWAKENS when you take this

When you approach a woman who is a total
stranger, you are entering into the
'FORBIDDEN ZONE' in a cool way, that
society STILL seems unable to "modernize"
and I LOVE THIS, it's one of the only
ways to get in touch with who we are
as humans in the most EVOLUTIONARY
yet POSITIVE sense.

No twitter, no tv, no computer,
no technology to cover up or
to diminish the RAW EXPERIENCE.

This is about MAN and WOMAN coming TOGETHER.

It's what we were all BORN to do!!!!

And the fact that most people DON'T do this,
is what makes it even cooler, not just for YOU,
but for the WOMAN as well.

You're giving the woman that rare chance
for HER to experience this adventure that
brings out her most instinctive drive.

Now, doing it right involves a few skills,
it doesn't have to take forever, but it
does take a few skills, and the truth is
in a few weeks most men could get the
basics and do TEN TIMES BETTER with
women than they could before- IF they
actually kept up the practice.

But most guys don't get to the point of
developing the SKILL because they don't
even APPROACH in the first place.

Which brings me to Albert Ellis:

"Legendary psychologist Albert Ellis pioneered the
"shame-attacking exercise" in 1933 at age 19, when
he decided to approach every woman who sat down
alone on a bench at the New York Botanical Garden.

"Thirty walked away immediately," he told the
New York Times. "I talked with the other 100, for
the first time in my life, no matter how anxious I was.
Nobody vomited and ran away. Nobody called the cops."

And Ellis learned he wouldn't die from rejection.
Of the first 130 women he went up to, he got only
one date, he said, but "with the second 100, I got
good and made a few dates"--and, eventually, got
to be "one of the best picker-uppers of women in
the United States."
- Psychology Today Magazine, by Erika Casriel

Now, this is a guy who had ZERO information on
pick-up, and strictly worked on GUTS alone.

When I started out, I had no one to really
learn from, so I had to do the same thing,
learning it all the HARD way. If I could go
back in time, I could help his results MASSIVELY
by letting him know GUARANTEED ways to get
into the conversation without getting shut down
so that he buys himself the required two or three
minutes to actually SPARK attraction.

I would teach him various ways to disarm her
and charm her that would at least give him a
fighting chance, ways to take her automatic
responses she gives all guys to shut them
down and slip right by those statements.

For example, if she says that she is in a rush,
then the best thing to say is to actually NOT
ask her for a favour for a second, but to actually
let her know that you're in a rush as well, (so that
she can relax and not feel this is going to take
forever). If she says anything that is defensive,
the best way to diffuse it is to use warm
humor (i.e. if she says that she doesn't talk to
guys because guys are jerks, you should say
something like "I agree! That's why I'm talking
to you and not them" with a smile.) because you
need to change her emotional state not even
TRY to engage her actual argument or her

If she's smiling, she's no longer going to WANT
to shut you down.

The fact of the matter is that there are MANY
factors involved in a successful pick-up, and
KNOWING these in advance will HELP you
get more consistent results.

And one factor IS getting over your anxiety, yet at the
same time, it's important to realize that a BIT of anxiety
and fear is actually a GOOD thing!

It can work in your favor. Ask any martial artist
or any performer of anything and they will tell
you that fear, when controlled, can actually
ENHANCE your performance. It can help
you stay alert and be on the ball. For example,
if you are interacting with a woman and
you start showing off without realizing it
and she starts to roll her eyes, it's GOOD
that you feel a bit of discomfort at this, as
PICK-UP PROPERLY and change gears
to showing that you are not full of yourself,
for example, by making a joke that is

i.e. You're accidentally showing off about your
prestigious education and you then see her roll
her eyes, so you then say something like
"And of course, I then got my PhD in useless facts,
as we all know we learned more about real life
outside school."

This actually shows that you are far cooler and also
far more understanding and that you have more
empathy as well, all in one swift move.

Again, normally you wouldn't have to engage in
self-deprecating behavior, but in such as situation
it would be the right thing to do and would actually
make you seem cooler.

Now, if you have suffered major abuse yourself (and
I know what that is like, so I am absolutely NOT
makng light of this) then the anxiety of a social
interaction may be overwhelming, in which case you
should first work on building UP your desensitivity
to your fears so that you can take the anxiety of
a social interaction.

If we never felt ANY discomfort in a social interaction,
then we'd think we were PERFECT and never adjust
our behavior to help make the other person feel the
good vibes, and our social life would then SUCK.

Also, don't try to be PERFECT.
Don't try to build Rome in one day, or you will
feel that much FARTHER from progress and
you will feel even MORE anxiety.

Instead, keep taking STEPS, gradually
taking bigger and bigger steps, and
taking on more and more 'daring'
approaches with women.

I put 'daring' in quotes because you
will eventually see that this is FUN.

But just take it STEP by STEP for now.

When you are first learning these skills, you should
each day push your envelope a little farther. Start by
chatting up the clerks at stores, then work to starting
conversations anywhere with anyone, then work to
short conversations with women you're interested
in, then longer conversations, then to first dates,
then to getting physical, etc, etc.


And if you don't believe me that great CHARISMA
is MADE and not BORN, let me give you some
examples from that same article:

"Conan O'Brien has said he knew that performing
live comedy was what he had to do because there
was nothing in the world that terrified him more.
But when he first debuted as host of NBC's Late Night
in 1993, ratings were abysmal and reviews were even
worse. Washington Post TV critic Tom Shales wrote
that O'Brien was "a living collage of annoying nervous
habits" and implored him to "get the heck off TV."
But he stuck it out, and years later, the critics ate
their words. Shales himself wrote that O'Brien became
"one of the greatest examples of a self-makeover in
television history"

Cool, isn't it.
By the way, Conan is happily married,
(a pretty cool feat in today's society) but
if he wasn't, I assure you, his confidence,
his humor, his wit, his rapport skills,
his social intelligence, would KICK ASS!

Here's some more:

"Comedic superstar Will Ferrell, who once
considered himself painfully shy, forced
himself to do crazy things in public. "In
college, I would push an overhead projector
across campus with my pants just low enough
to show my butt," Ferrell told People. "Then
my friend would incite the crowd to be like,
'Look at that idiot!' That's how I got over
being shy."

When I first started practicing, one of the
places I forced myself to go to were nightclubs.
I HATED it at first, and couldn't understand
how ANYONE could meet anyone in a place where
the music was so loud that you could barely
HEAR a word a woman said to you, plus it
was so dark, you could barely SEE anyone.

But, all these things are just ILLUSIONS,
they are NOT barriers at all, and learning
this helped me realize that ALL the "social
taboo of making approaches" was ALSO an

Once I started teaching, some people even thought
that I must have ALWAYS been this "nightclub" guy.
That was a real compliment, because nothing could
be further from the truth.

At one time, the idea of going to MARS seemed more
comfortable than going to a club.

Now, I STILL don't think that nightclubs are the
best place for meeting a long term girlfriend,
HOWEVER, it was still useful to see how the
ILLUSIONS of "challenges" of meeting women
in a nightclub were a total JOKE.

Please believe me, that most women DO enjoy
being approached, even if they DON'T show it.

The thing is, it really helps a lot if you
do it RIGHT.

This stuff CAN be learned and MASTERED to the
point that it becomes effortless and natural.

Again, getting back to the NIGHTCLUBS lesson for me:
Not only was I not interested in that type of environment,
but I had no clue how the heck you can have a conversation
with all that noise and all those distractions and how
you can go from that to having not only a conversation
but to getting a real interaction and taking it to
a physical level all very fast. There was a time
you couldn't pay me a million dollars to be in
that environment.

So, if I could get over that, I knew that normal
environments would feel VERY comfortable me.

That motivated me to get good at this stuff,
and the reality is that it does NOT take that long,
but it DOES take MASSIVE DESIRE to succeed.

So DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND that "picking up women"
is beyond your ability, or beyond your personality.

Don't think that your anxiety is a BLOCK, because
even THAT can be controlled.

YOU can be the guy that OTHERS will say, "He's
a NATURAL at this" because from their perspective,
you will have improved THAT MUCH that others will
think this must have ALWAYS been something you
were great at.

And if YOU want to learn the DEEPEST levels of how
to be successful at 'pick-up' and how to attract the kind
of woman you are really interested in, then I suggest
you take advantage of my programs.

Years ago, I was training guys to not rely
routines, even as a bestselling author had
written a book that swore by the value of
memorized routines for picking up a woman.

This same author now agrees with what I said
YEARS ago that routines are actually not
necessary and that is very possible and in
fact PREFERABLE to not rely on them.

I've never resorted to manipulation or
abuse of women and I have always been
repelled by that idea, as well as repelled
by the idea of guys selling their self-esteem
just to get any "action" from a woman, because
they refused to learn how to actually spark

I don't think I'm God, and I don't think I
have ALL the answers. However, I DO believe
that we must understand the deepest levels of
psychology and apply it to creating HARMONY
between men and women for a better world for
all of us. And we must learn from REAL
practice, as knowledge and theory without
practice is not enough.

This is about so much more than "getting action"
- it's about creating attraction on all levels
in the most powerful and meaningful way possible,
for the most lasting results with the kind of
woman you truly want in your life.

Somewhere, right this very moment, the
woman of your dreams is out there,
WISHING that you knew all this stuff
so that you could take effective action
and MEET her and enjoy life together!

So I suggest you take advantage of my
IN-DEPTH understanding on Earth of how
to SKYROCKET your results with women.

Make that reality happen NOW.

It's at:


This entire package for SKYROCKETING your
success with women can be delivered to your
door within DAYS.

And if you haven't yet downloaded my book,
'Get A Great Girl', do it IMMEDIATELY at:


Till next time,

Michael Marks

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