What you're about to read is
pure GOLD, so make sure you're
ready to fully digest this one.
The one thing everyone wants more of
is this thing known as “feeling good”.
No one gets enough of this thing,
and anyone that can GIVE IT
rules the world.
It boils down to the release of
endorphins into the bloodstream.
It’s the reason the ENTERTAINMENT
industry is a billion dollar industry.
And obviously, things like COCAINE.
It's all about FEELING AWESOME.
People will do anything to feel
awesome, unfortunately some people
even resort to drugs that will
Ask someone if they remember five
things they learned in college and
they’ll usually STRUGGLE and FAIL
to give you an INSTANT answer, but
ask them who Homer Simpson or
Bart Simpson is, and you'll get an
INSTANT answer.
Same thing if you ask the last word
to the name of the band called
The Rolling ______ .
Think of your favorite movie or song
or singer, and I bet you can list the lyrics,
or what the story is about down to the details,
etc, etc. All because it's FUN for you.
Now, when it comes to attracting a woman,
most guys tend to approach women and
they try to IMPRESS her by listing cool
things about themselves, or by sounding
important, etc.
None of this really fires off the FEELING
GOOD chemicals in her system, none of this
fires off ENDORPHINS.
And this is especially true when a woman
is particularly attractive and has seen it
all before.
The worst sin is feeling needy, that actual
FEELING of insecurity and neediness is
a huge problem in itself, because it
makes it impossible for you to give
off the right vibes.
Neediness and insecurity are the
the fun vibes from surrounding
human beings. They REPEL women.
So if you are feeling needy, the first thing
I must tell you is to SMACK YOURSELF
SILLY and not BEHAVE that way at least
when you are approaching and chatting up
a woman.
If you are feeling needy, at least don’t
ACT upon that neediness.
This is the difference between a compliment
you give to a woman that comes from your
confidence and the kind of compliment
you give to a woman that comes from
feeling like “oh my god I better give her
a compliment and let her know my entire
emotions are at risk on whether she likes
me or not”.
So, for example, a compliment given
from CONFIDENCE might take the
following form:
Let’s say you’re at a supermarket, and
there’s a striking woman checking out
the cookies section. So you roll up
to her, and you give her this serious
look, instead of this big toothy smile
that would look like you’re a puddle
of wuss, that is totally needy for her.
So you give her this look, fake serious,
(which will make the humor have more
impact coming up, and this is important
because you don’t want to let on that
a joke is coming or you ruin the whole
thing) and you say:
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Say it almost accusingly, as if she’s in
TROUBLE for something.
Don’t go psycho, just say it with a bit
of a “you’re in trouble” kind of vibe
to your voice.
Then, she’ll say something like
“What do you mean?” and she’ll be
all serious.
Then you can say, “Well, you shouldn’t
be here. There are no attractive women
in this area. Not for at least 40 miles,
you shouldn’t be here, it’s not allowed.”
Now, remember, you say this all with
a mock serious face, which has way
more impact, because it takes her a
sec for her to get it, she won’t see
it coming.
Now, when she smiles, don’t start
smiling and laughing, that will ruin it.
"Yeah, it’s dangerous in fact, you
shouldn’t even be here. Seriously.”
Now, at this point, and it’s just a
beginning, you’re at least showing:
This is a huge thing, by the way,
because by having the serious
expression and tonality, you
can get away with giving a
HUGE compliment that basically
is saying she is very attractive,
without at all seeming like you’re
week in the knees for her and
all needy.
But it’s not over yet, there’s more.
That's just OPENING her up.
You must COOK this INTERACTION till it’s
really heated UP.
So for example, at this point, you
could say “Hi, I’m Joe (or whatever your name is)
and extend your hand, and she will likely
do the same and tell you her name.
Give a firm handshake and solid
eye contact as you do this.
Then, time for some more fun:
For example, now that you’re both
in front of the cookies, you can say:
"You can tell a lot about a person
from what kind of junk food they
like. In your case, you love chocolate
cookies, and chocolate is sinful,
so you’re the kind of person that
really is going to enjoy life and
the kind of people that are definitely
going to party in hell, that’s my
type for sure.”
There are subtle undertones to all this.
The idea of being naughty and having
fun and being sinful, is giving her
permission to relax, and yet it’s
all being done in such an INNOCENT
way here, after all, we’re talking
Something like this is guaranteed to
get her responding, and agreeing, and
you want to be building a YES ladder
as soon as possible, the more things
she is truly saying YES to the better.
Now, I give this example on purpose
because you don’t have to be a party
animal to do this, you don’t have to
hang out at nightclubs, you don’t
have to even go outside your normal
environment, EVERYONE needs
to go basic shopping.
You can turn up the dial even more,
so for example, as you and her are
chatting, and reaching the checkout
aisle, you can tell the clerk that
this woman has been STALKING you
the entire time, and thank God that
now finally someone is here to see it,
to save you from the harassment
of this woman.
She’s going to smile at this, plus she’s
going to love the fact you are so not
needy for her, so confident, that you
are FOR SURE not going to be like
all the other guys she has met that
were so needy for her, that had no
MASCULINITY left, they gave
all their ‘mojo’ away to her,
while YOU have it in SPADES.
Now, remember, this is all coming from
a place of CONFIDENCE, not maliciousness,
and not insecurity, there is a fine yet supremely
important difference between these things.
There are endless things you can
playfully tease her on as well, even
at the checkout counter. For example,
let’s say you need bags and she has
her own environmentally friendly bag.
So you can pretend you are the evil
corporate guy and she is the hippie
saving the world, and that you’re
far too evil for a girl like her, (which
is again the opposite of most guys
trying to convince her of why they
are the right guy for her, out of neediness).
Then, let’s say she ends up needing one
extra bag so she needs an actual plastic
bag and has to buy one, (which is pretty
common because often we don’t perfectly
estimate how much stuff we’re going
to have), so then you can playfully
comment that you are already having
an evil influence on her, turning her
to your evil ways.
So, during this interaction she has had with
you, she has seen that you are gutsy, you
are funny, you are not afraid to give a
compliment, you are spontaneous, you
are social, and that you understand
the magical thing called “sexual tension”
and how to create it.
Most men have no clue what this even
is, and why women want it so badly.
And you will have done this all in
a very BRIEF amount of time, which
is all the more cool.
At THIS point, you can do whatever
you want, you can chat with her some
more, you can take her number, the
point is that you have TRIGGERED
HER EMOTIONS and shown that
you are a man in the right way.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
This material runs DEEP. It's about
the most PRIMAL elements of how women
respond to men that GIVE OFF THE
The things I described above are
MANIFESTATIONS of the traits of
MEN WHO SURVIVE, and therefore
ignite ATTRACTION in her on
a primal, sexual, level.
If you’d like to get the complete
get my WARRIOR WITHIN program at:
And if haven’t yet downloaded my
original book, “The Dating Wizard”,
then do that immediately at:
This book is the very FIRST
thing every guy needs to get
when it comes to women. It sets
down the foundation on which
all my more advanced programs
build upon.
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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