Saturday, February 23, 2013

How You Can Be A "TEN" To A Woman

When it comes to attraction, as men, we
can BUILD attraction.  And yet, rather
than build attraction, most men DO

In the film "She's Out of My League",
this guy meets this knockout, and the
one thing he has about himself is that
he doesn't try to impress the woman by
being someone ELSE. 

So he authentically is not seeking approval.
He may be a bit insecure around the woman,
but he doesn't act like a jackass who needs
to show off to get attention.

Also, he has a bit of a sense of humor
regarding his own insecurities, which is
not as good as NOT having the insecurities,
but at least helps limit the damage of those

HOWEVER, the DISASTROUS thing he does,

So, based on this belief, he interprets EVERYTHING
as a reason why this girl will not want to be with him.

He then ACTS on his warped interpretation of
everything she does. 

So, while the girl is initially getting more
attracted to him, there is a point where his
FEARS start to screw things up with her when
he starts to take actions based on his fears,
and one of the biggest examples is when she
finds out that he SERIOUSLY HOPES she has
some MAJOR FLAW, so that this way he can feel
she will more likely want to stay with him.

This whole thing reminds me a bit of the
certain styles of so-called "advice" that focus
on harming a woman's self-esteem with
'cleverly' disguised insults and back-handed
compliments in order to get her to feel
unworthy and insecure.

The idea behind that so called "advice" is that
it will supposedly make her feel like HE is a
great catch.

It is supposed to make her appreciate him
more since supposedly she will feel she
herself is no great catch anymore. 

First of all, I find that type of behavior plain
old WRONG from an ethical point of view.

Having an intention to make an innocent
person suffer is plain old WRONG.
In ADDITION to this, is the fact that any
woman with a bit of self-esteem will
DETECT this kind of "trick" and it will
RUIN her attraction to the guy as she can
see the guy is so INSECURE that he needed
to do this.  It will also not only ruin her
attraction, but also make her pissed off
as well as no one enjoys being attacked
in the worst way, since after all, our
self-esteem is the most important part
of our sense of "feeling good". 

So, in the film, the guy is hoping that
some defect her ex mentioned to him will
be true.

Think about that for a second- why on
earth would a man who is attracted to
a woman who is treating him RIGHT, and
who is a KNOCKOUT, why would he WISH
that she actually had to have some
kind of DEFECT to her?

The insecurity says, "Well, if she has a flaw, then
maybe she will accept my flaws."

The NEEDINESS says that "I can't feel good without
her, so I must find some way to KEEP her regardless
of what's good for her or not, in fact let's start WISHING
she had some problems, some DEFECT in fact!!
YEAH, that would be perfect!"
And this is not just a movie thing, it's very common
to REAL LIFE.  When feeling insecure and needy,
it's quite HUMAN to almost wish there was SOME
flaw to the "perfectness" of the other person, the
woman who we think is "OUT OF OUR LEAGUE".

Now, think about it from the woman's point of view:
How can she love a man who SERIOUSLY WISHES SHE

Just because HE is afraid that he is not good enough for her.

The point of all this, is that INSECURITY AND NEEDINESS
can turn a guy who is slowly growing on a woman into being
a guy who went from being a 5 or 6 into being an 8, 9, or 10,
and then this INSECURITY AND NEEDINESS constantly

Each time you RESIST the urge to give into insecurities,
your GAIN a point on the attraction scale.

But in this movie, he does the opposite, and each time he
allows himself to give IN to his insecurities, he LOSES another
point on the attraction scale to the woman.

And THAT is how he ends up as a "5", when he was
at one point more of a 9 on his way to being a TEN.

That is, until near the end of the movie, when he realizes
how SCREWED UP his own thinking has been and
how he IS indeed a "10"!

And here's the OTHER major news:  EVEN THE GUYS

And the movie actually reflects this reality, as the very
guy he is jealous of, who used to date the knockout
as well!!!!  He just puts on a show in front of the rest
of the world that he is really secure, but when it came
to being with the knockout, he screwed things up
just as bad, all because he thought the woman
would ultimately dump him.

This happens in real life all the time!!!

It doesn't matter if you're an A LIST ACTOR WHO
BILLIONAIRE, the bottom line is that EVERYONE
has insecurities, and if you let those insecurities
and neediness affect your ACTIONS, it will harm
the attraction a woman feels for you.

Yet the crucial thing to remember is that if you
RESIST the urge to give in to those insecurities,
you keep on RISING on the bar of attraction.

Now, speaking of MASTERING ATTRACTION and beating
insecurity and neediness, as well as learning
the most effective ways of attracting women,
you're going to LOVE my "Attraction Accelerators"
instant download program which goes into FULL
EXPLICIT DETAIL on these topics!

Here are just  SOME of the powerful and
immediately-applicable REAL WORLD strategies
and insights you will learn. Remember,
ALL of what you are going to learn in this
edition is going to be IMMEDIATELY
useful when you see a woman you’d like
to approach and attract anywhere:

*You’ll learn the mistakes men make when
“scoping” out a room to check out the women
there, and you’ll learn the RIGHT way to do this.

Doing this WRONG ends up causing you to lose
the woman BEFORE you even say a word to her.

*How to avoid the number 1 mistake that makes
you PROCRASTINATE from taking action- if you
don’t stop this mistake, chances are you will
keep procrastinating when it comes to approaching
women forever, because of the addictive nature
of this type of procrastination.

*The RIGHT way to go about walking toward a woman
you see in a club or food court, and the WRONG WAY
THAT YOU MUST AVOID. (Most guys take the wrong
“route” and it comes across as very insecure and

*The proper DISTANCE you should actually be when
chatting to a woman you find attractive. It’s a lot
closer than most guys think!

*I’m going to answer all questions related to:
"I hear that you're supposed to let the woman
speak about herself! If I just listen to her, how
will she know anything cool about me?"

*You’ll also learn how to START the conversation
in a way that is compelling, unique, and a proper "FIT"
for your own personality- this way, you will have
no competition because no one can match your
unique "personality DNA", and you will also
feel comfortable since you will not be
doing an artificial "act".

*You’ll ALSO learn the most effective things to be
doing in any social or party situation you find
yourself in where you can meet women.

In a party/lounge/club atmosphere, there is a certain
“sequence of steps” that will really help you get much
farther than doing the typical “Hi, let’s stand and
talk for as long as possible and hopefully this will
lead to getting your phone number or something more”.

I’ll show you a way of handling these environments
at creating attraction and also at making her see
you as someone she would like to know beyond just
this party or club, etc.

*You’ll also learn how to make the environment of
a party, lounge, or social situation work in your favor.
So the fact there are lots of people there walking around,
the fact that she may be going for a drink and walking
away, the fact she may be looking for her friends,
ALL THESE THINGS can actually be turned around
and work in your FAVOR- I’LL SHOW YOU HOW!!!

*When it’s CRITICAL that you tell a woman that you
LIKE her, really FAST! This has absolutely nothing
to do with “kissing up”, and in fact not telling her
you like her will be seen by her as you being
massively insecure or even worse, clueless about

*How to say what’s on your mind (rather than
Just talking about “safe” topics that are boring)
in a way that gets women filling in the rest of
the conversation for you!

This way, you not only lead the conversation,
which gets the woman to become more feminine
in your presence and follow you, but it also
sets up the best sexual dynamic between the
two of you.

It ALSO allows you to do less work, because
since you started the conversation, that in
itself shows you have plenty to say, but it
also allows you to chill out and lean back
and now just listen to what she has to say—
Which of course gives you tons more things
to talk about and gives you the ability to
also give her a genuine compliment which
she will value!

I’ll show you exactly how this all works!

*You’ll learn the RIGHT amount of body contact
to have with a woman you just met, and how
to do it.

*Ever wonder if a woman is into you or not?
Do you let this stop you from taking action?
Here’s what to do in all those situations!

*How to build ACTION MOMENTUM in your
overall PLAN for getting the woman of your
dreams, so that you are taking ACTION
every day on this and not getting swept
up in all the obstacles to you achieving this

*How to use a proven principle from psychology
no matter what you do otherwise!

This principle is PROVEN, again and again, to WORK.
A top university in the United States has proven
this principle to be very effective, and I’m going
to show you how to apply it on yourself with women.

*You’ll also learn to bring yourself to a higher level
of “skill” when it comes to everything you do with
women, from first seeing her, to chatting, to getting
her laughing, to getting under the sheets, to even
getting into a relationship and keeping things going-
by adopting a subtle yet crucial distinction for yourself:

Most people say they will “try” to succeed.
That’s not good enough.

However, we also know that lying to ourselves
isn’t good either.

There is something else, a different mindset, that
is based on TRUTH, that is more empowering,
and I’ll share that with you as well.

*If a woman contacts you with voice mail, email,
or text, I’ll show the best way to RESPOND to these
particular modes of communication in a way that
puts you in the driver’s seat, so to speak.

*As the very ORIGINAL guy who knew that the
pick up artist vibes end up creeping out quality
women, I’ll show you one of the most powerful
things you can do to a woman to get her to say

I’ll show you the GENUINE way to truly “qualify”
a woman in a way that is a HUNDRED times
more effective than the trivial, “Oh you like
chewing gum? So do I! That’s awesome! ”

Qualifying a woman in a MEANINGFUL way is the
final stage before getting physical with her, and
99% of men out there are STILL doing this wrong.

This is why most of the guys who follow pick up
artist advice end up confused, because they got
the woman’s attention, but then she flaked out
later on. There’s a reason she flaked out, and
it’s called lack of meaningful qualifying.

*You’ll also learn how to get the very women
that seem “difficult” at first, and you’ll realize
how most guys are LOSING out on these
supposedly difficult women by abandoning ship
for easier pastures, but the thing is, these
women who seem “difficult” initially are often
the BEST KINDS OF WOMEN because they know
they have high worth and self esteem, and they
don’t sleep around much.

Now, there is a fine line between difficult and
being a spoiled b****. I’ll show you how to
get those “difficult” women.

*I’ll also show you how to PROPERLY give women
the DOMINANCE polarity they crave so badly.

Attractive women especially crave this, as every
man they meet kisses up to them so badly, these
women have never felt what it’s like to be with
a man who can truly be DOMINANT at the right

*You’ll also learn the art of “VIBING” with a woman,
which is probably the single most important overall
skill with women, and can be the easiest, yet our
brainwashing makes us FORGET this again and
again. I’ll show you the things that help for
making “vibing” with women come easily to you.

If you’d like to get this special program
that is jam packed with GOLDEN insights,
strategies, and tips to get you the kind of women
you want, then you need to go here NOW:

To find out about ALL my programs that contain
PRECIOUS insights you won't find anywhere else,
including on how to OBLITERATE the fear of
approaching any woman, all the way to how to
MASTER the art of comedy, and much, MUCH more,
go here:

I WISH when I was starting out, that someone had made
such a TREASURE of resources available TOGETHER at
such a fantastic price.

For now, for tomorrow, and for always, be THE MAN.

Michael Marks

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