Success in attracting a woman boils down
to the MAGICAL emotions you are creating
within YOURSELF that you then instinctively
make HER feel as well, as a consequence.
The mistake that most guys make is that
they want to know how to make HER feel,
which puts all the focus OUTSIDE of
themselves instead of where it should be,
which is WITHIN ourselves.
When you focus OUTSIDE of yourself,
you're missing the boat in many ways:
For one thing, you're sending the wrong
message to your brain, that the value is
all OUTSIDE yourself. That will then
lower your confidence and charisma.
It's about conquering the INNER self
first, and not allowing yourself to
give into all the negative forces
that seek to DESTROY all that makes
your soul BURN with VITALITY and
In the words of Corey Hart, you
must "never surrender" even in
the darkest of times.
Second, when you focus outside yourself
rather than on the emotions within yourself,
you're ignoring the most powerful source
of your ability to attract a woman, and
that is the infinite positive emotions that
you can exude by focusing on your
So what are the emotions you need to feel
internally, and how do you GET these
These emotions can be almost ANYTHING,
as long as they are INTENSE and POSITIVE.
This, though, has nothing to do with acting
EXTREME. Extreme and over-compensating
type behaviors usually flow from feeling
The positive emotions I am talking about include
that feeling of being sexually alive, or feeling
UNSTOPPABLE, or feeling INSANE confidence,
if you felt insane levels of power within you, or
even if you are in a state of total emotional
liberation or intrigue, these emotions TAKE
OVER and change your brain's mode from
THINKING mode into INSTINCT mode.
This INSTINCT mode is known as "flow".
In this "flow" state, everything comes together
in your brain instinctively, you know what to
do, you know what to say. Now, to help you
along, there are training devices such as
having ideas on what to say, and that's
great, and I provide those as well as this
deeper info in my materials. COMBINING
those tools with THIS stuff is the ultimate
So for example, let's just say a woman you
are calling for a date says that she has friends
coming in this week so she can't meet you-
Well, if you are SURE you are the MAN, if
you FEEL it in your bones then you know she
IS missing out, so you tell her "your friends
want you to meet a real man like me" with a
smile, knowing full well that she will LIKE
this attitude in a man who is SERIOUS about
his own value.
This is similar to a guy who knows he is the
best candidate for a job not being deterred
because he heard that the place was not
hiring, or he heard that the place was really
AGAINST the idea of hiring outsiders, etc.
In other words, he KNOWS he is the best
value, so he goes in there knowing he is
GIVING more than taking. And when he
does, this impresses the employer
far MORE, it shows that in fact he IS
the one they have been looking for.
There's never a thought of wanting a
FAVOR from anyone here, and the same
thing applies with the difference in
your attitude between a guy who is
trying desperately or a guy who is
trying to give the WOMAN a chance,
not hoping that she will give HIM a
A woman LIKES this, it's attractive.
When she sees a man is truly
meaning that he is the real deal,
all without a shred of desperation,
it sets him apart from the rest.
See the difference?
It makes all the difference in the world.
This difference is what allows you to easily
"control the frame" because it truly is your
psychological frame, or perspective, of the
situation. Whoever believes in their frame
more, WINS, end of story.
So let me get to THINGS YOU CAN DO
When you see a woman you like
Don't just think of her as a person.
Think of her as a WOMAN.
REVEL in her beauty.
FORGET the politically correct hogwash.
The reality is that there is NOTHING to be
ashamed of for feeling sexual emotions, and
in fact FEELING THIS is GOOD for you
and for your success with a woman.
This is especially true if you're a "nice guy".
Nature is helping you here, if you just allow
It to help you.
When you are feeling sexual, your demeanor
improves, it becomes more masculine, your
voice tonality reflects your sexual state, and
it helps HER also go into a more sexual state
of mind.
It puts you in the right frame of mind to help
you become more resourceful to do all the
right things at the right moment know without
even TRYING.
Whatever STATE OF MIND you are in will
affect what you are doing. If you are in a
business state of mind, you will be good for
discussing Wall Street with some business
person. If you are in a sexual state, you
will be good for chatting up a woman you
are sexually interested in.
Now, of COURSE I think that there is MORE to
every woman than her sexuality.
What I'm saying though there is that when
you are trying to approach a woman you
are SEXUALLY interested in, for the sake
of DATING her and getting to be her MAN,
then you better be in the sexual state when
approaching her.
It's ironic that the very thing that can help us,
(this sexual state of mind, which she is helping
you be in simply by her PRESENCE there) is
the thing that we HOLD BACK on as men, so
We have been brainwashed to think
that this is somehow more attractive, to act
as if a woman was not a woman. It doesn't
make anybody happy, including women.
This doesn't mean that the TOPICS you
discuss with her should be sexual. No,
rather it means that your BODY LANGUAGE
will improve in the right way because of
your sexual state of mind.
The key to being in a great state when you
meet a woman is to try to KEEP YOUR
STATE pretty damn good all year round.
And the way to DO this is to start to MONITOR
and CHANGE the language you use to THINK
even to YOURSELF.
So, for example, stop thinking of women as
"obstacles" or as "targets" who need to be
This language creates a very REAL internal
feeling that women are somehow inherently
This is simply NOT true, although I'm
sure it often seems that way.
The reality is that just about every HUMAN BEING
is simply using whatever strategy they think works
best to SURVIVE. And some people have some
pretty destructive strategies, for others and them-
selves, and some people have fantastic ones that
help themselves and everyone else as well.
So learn to CATCH yourself using language that
creates a thought pattern of women being the
Also, catch yourself using language that BEATS UP
on yourself- it's AMAZING how many times we
will say things like "what an IDIOT I am" or
"how could I screw up like this???" or even
things like "mann, get OUT of this place,
these women are for SURE thinking I'm
a loser" etc, etc, etc.
The reality is that this language is WRONG,
it's NOT the truth, but we keep on using it
again and again. And it only REINFORCES
limiting results, it only holds you BACK.
Listen, when you go to a movie that is
INSPIRING, someone ELSE has put the
effort forth to try to help YOU for just
a few bucks in the price of the ticket.
But why won't WE be an even BETTER
Why can't you ALLOW YOURSELF to
take a COMPLIMENT from yourself?
Why can't you allow yourself to speak
to yourself in a language that may
CHALLENGE you, but only challenge
you to be your BEST, rather than just
BEAT yourself up all the time?
CHANGE the language you use with
In fact, use language with yourself that
creates FANTASTIC VISUALS as well.
So, for example, think to yourself not
just "I'm going to approach that woman"
but "I'm going to approach that woman
with the quiet calm and power of a
nuclear submarine" or "I'm going to
throw this fear of approaching women
into a special "MENTAL INCINERATOR"
and destroy that fear FOREVER- now
I honestly hope the WHOLE WORLD
is watching me on TV, because there
is no way I can 'screw up' as long as
I have been a MAN and taken serious
ACTION to chat to her."
You have to make a CHOICE about your life
with women and your state of mind in general
as well.
No matter what your CHALLENGE is, it
is going to be two totally DIFFERENT
emotional experiences, and two totally
DIFFERENT realities as well in terms
of RESULTS, depending on ONE thing:
Are you taking actions toward the SOLUTION?
Or are you continuing to just wallow in the
It doesn't MATTER how far gone you think
you are, it doesn't matter how horrible you
feel, the reality is that as SOON as you
you will feel MASSIVE CHANGE and you
will very soon start to see that your results
with women and your internal state is
The problem is that when we are in the wrong
state, it is almost PARALYZING. The
emotions of frustration and depression and
anger and fear are just like THICK SLUDGE
that gums up your entire works and makes
you feel like doing NOTHING towards
truly taking positive action to helping
And THAT IS the greatest tragedy of all,
when in reality there is so much potential
so close but it SEEMS like it's so far away.
The moment you take ACTION, even if
it's just one BABY step, you send an indirect,
but CRUCIAL message to your brain that
you are in CONTROL and this in itself
BOOSTS your self-esteem and it begins
to LIBERATE all the awesome emotions
within you that not only feel so good but
also attract women.
And of course that makes you take
FURTHER actions of the right kind
that get you further results, etc, etc.
One of the biggest mistakes you can do for
your "inner game" in general is to REPRESS
all the negative emotions we feel.
As men, we have been wrongly conditioned
to think the best thing to do is always to
SHUT DOWN our emotions.
Now, this doesn't mean to act like a cry-baby
or a clown.
What it does mean is that when you feel
tremendous negative emotions, including
fear of approaching a woman, calling a
woman, escalating physically, or you feel
that you don't have the VALUE it takes
for this woman or for any particular woman,
then the best thing you can do is FEEEEL
the emotions in the following way:
A: Don't judge the emotions. Just feel them.
If you are feeling cold, or hot, or if your
chest muscles feel tight, just FEEL the
feelings. Don't label them as fear or
anger or pain or good or bad or anything.
Just FEEL the emotional sensations for
what they actually ARE and nothing else.
If you do this, if you just let the feelings
HAPPEN, you will notice something
wonderful- these negative emotions will
They can't pass through you if you REPRESS
them. But if you just allow yourself to
RELAX, ironically enough, as you FEEL
these emotions without judging them,
they will then pass THROUGH you, allowing
you to be liberated again and allowing you
to unleash the infinite power of your inner
state to attract the women of your choice.
And if you are reading this right now and
would like to experience what life can be
like when you have CHOICE with women,
then I suggest you sign up for a bootcamp
with me as soon as possible. In bootcamp,
I will work with exclusively with you, and
train you in the REAL WORLD, including
approaching women in coffee shops, bookstores,
trendy lounges, and cafes.
It's simple: You will walk away from this training
with the skills to approach women anywhere and
get numbers, emails, and dates.
It's at:
And if you haven't taken advantage of my other
materials on how to meet, approach, and date the
best quality women on Earth, then do that now.
The place to start is my book, Get A Great Girl.
It's at:
And to learn how the most successful men on earth
WIN with women, business and life, go to:
Till next time,
Michael Marks
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