Monday, May 21, 2012

Mastering Positive Pick-Up: FREE Seminar

The term 'picking up women' was not always
loaded with so much negativity.  It's all
happened in recent years thanks to unscrupulous

In the 1970's the term "picking up women"
was a fairly innocent concept. Men just
wanted to meet women, and tried various
things to succeed.  

I'm sure there were just as many manipulative,
sleazy people around then as there are today,
however the ART of the pick-up was not nearly
as discussed as it is today.

It was not nearly as COMMERCIALIZED as it
has become today. 

With hyper-marketing, often comes the destruction
of everything honest.  In the effort to get
people's attention, the claims keep getting
bigger, and the deceits and frauds keep
getting bigger as well.  It gets to the point
that you can't even trust what you read,
what you see on videos, you can't trust
almost ANYTHING till you have tried it yourself.   

It might simply be that there was no NEED
in the 70's to make such a big deal about
pick-up, as men in general had a lot more
power and also there weren't nearly as many
singles as there are today.

Plus, men weren't as brainwashed to think
it's a sin to approach women, and women
weren't as brainwashed by extreme feminism.

We are NOW living in a time when there are more
singles than EVER, at just about EVERY age.

So the pick-up arts have become very sophisticated,
out of pure NEED.  But they have also become
LOST in an ocean of lies and distortions.

Plus, it's HARD to know what's effective and
what's not in a world of TOO MUCH information.

Personally, I LOVE the concept of making
the skills and arts of attracting and
approaching women who are total strangers
a POSITIVE thing, where a woman is not
brought DOWN by it, but rather UP into
an experience that is AWESOME.

I also think that there is a real ART
as well as SKILL to picking-up women,
however the irony is that to make
it all easy to market, some people
have reduced the whole skill and
art into something that is NOT
a skill and certainly NOT an art.

I want to RESTORE pick-up to what it

Let's call it: *POSITIVE PICK-UP*

So here's what I'm doing:

I'm making a completely FREE mini-seminar on
the PURE skills and arts of how to approach
a woman ANYWHERE and how to have the absolute
best chance on earth of attracting her and
making her CRAZY about you.

As you know about me, over the years, I
have NOT resorted to extremes and lies and
gimmicks just to get marketing attention.

I also changed the direction of the entire
pick up artist community and took it away
from pick up lines and from over-simplification
and away from chauvinism and into a world
where pick up is a SCIENCE, not a fad.

The things I teach don't need to be HIDDEN
from women, because there is nothing sleazy
or slimy or manipulative involved.

The things I teach also do not require

They DO require learning, however. 
The same way you learn to drive a car,
to play an instrument, learn a language,
or anything else.
This seminar will have absolutely ZERO
"airy-fairy" talk.  It will involve
ZERO PSEUDO-science' and only involve
REAL science, real ultra-effective and
practical STRATEGIES that you can
IMMEDIATELY put into use in the REAL WORLD
when you see women ANYWHERE.

I can assure you that what you are going to
learn is the next best thing to taking a
LIVE BOOTCAMP with me.  If I could take
a group of twenty guys with me for one
bootcamp, I would but obviously this is
impossible. So the NEXT BEST THING is
to learn in SEMINAR format from someone
who DOES this for REAL, and who does it
a LOT, and who has trained ALL KINDS OF
MEN from all walks of life.

You are going to benefit from the live
demonstrations, from the interactive
component, and from the real-time
interactive exercises, and from
brand-new content, all geared toward
ONE goal- making a woman who you
see out in public somewhere, a woman
who is a total stranger, MASSIVELY

Also, EVERYTHING that you will learn is
going to be geared for detecting, approaching,
and attracting the kind of women who have
the entire package going for them, inside
and out. 

I personally HATE it when people waste my time.
So I assure you, that EVERYTHING you learn in
this seminar is going to be PRACTICAL.

No mental masturbation, no airy-fairy talk.

Nothing that isn't backed up with TONS


The date is SUNDAY JUNE 17th, Toronto,
from 12pm to 4pm.

Due to the time constraints, I am going
to focus on the most CRUCIAL elements for
success in approaching women out of the blue. 

The exact location of this is yet to be determined,
as it depends on the enrollment and how much space
will be required.

This is going to be one HECK of a day,
JAM-PACKED with absolutely crucial insights.

And did I mention it won't cost you a penny?

There's only one thing I am asking:
That in order to RESERVE a seat, you pay a
TOTALLY REFUNDABLE deposit of 15 bucks,
which is just so that I know you are
coming and so that your seat is not
going to go unused while someone else
who would have loved to come gets
denied because there were no more seats.

Your deposit will be credited back to you
the SAME NIGHT as the seminar, and at
most it might take three business days
from that night for your own card company
to process the credit back to itself.

This is a fantastic opportunity to learn LIVE
so I suggest you reserve your seat by going
clicking HERE NOW.

You can also read this directly from the website at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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